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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2092 Comment(s)
571 Upvote(s)
Cookie Muncher - 1707803173
Feel like this loli is a homunculus
Facts: Between princes, factions are normally formed in the process to ascend the throne. Countries such as the MC prioritize the right to rule by competency and might. Peaceful countries often ascend by lineage as right. Thus, the king had no right to interfere in his sons' squabble. The king received an oracle that MC must go to specific isle in ocean. Oracles are often a nudge to guide a person's future, so they lack information unlike prophecies. The king has ruled with wisdom by using resources efficiently whether by means of mercenaries and other tactics.
Cookie Muncher - 1707800663
Seeing the comments here, wanted to put my theory to the novel
The king likely used other territories factions causing wars between countries as a scapegoat and used military might to suppress weakened countries to expand its power and influence. The king likely had little time to deal with factions between sons while managing the campaign causing MC to go through suppression in the fight for the crown. Be it for his own good or not the king received an oracle for MC to be sent to the isle. The king most likely believed in the oracle and pushed to expulsion as a possible kindness to get his son away from the suppression as well as a benefit to increase the kingdoms prosperity as a king wouldn't do something that would leave the kingdom at a loss. The oracle doesn't mention the possibility of MC slaughtering royal family but most likely gives an image of the kingdom good health.
Cookie Muncher - 1707797373
wished they'd do color on important characters and changes to said characters, even if just 1 panel. It's not like B&W pictures conveys complete description
Cookie Muncher - 1707796344
look at him so honestly trying to hide his chub
Cookie Muncher - 1707795406
The common MC doesn't understand wife candidates' sincerity trope
Cookie Muncher - 1707795009
wondering if orc will win without a kill thus showing sincerity in apology
The orcs originally upheld chivalry making them closer to navy than pirates. Elvan being a warrior, has pride making it so that he can't just murder an honorable warrior.

This may be closer to a "judgment duel" where the gods decide the punishment.
Cookie Muncher Szilar - 1707770701
copy is an upgraded plunder... Why would you need it... Copy just needs to be leveled up
Cookie Muncher - 1707769025
if you teleport with your sword out in front will it phase into the monster doing heavy damage
Cookie Muncher - 1707767999
So, what we've learned so far
Before entering unknown dungeons make sure you have extra points in case you need new skills or level up existing ones
Prepare equipment
Have AOE skills in party
MC is dumb for not using teleport during attacks to close the distance fast
Cookie Muncher - 1707767352
starting to wonder if you die in challenge tower, do you really die? Once he gets out, he should really report this possibility
Cookie Muncher Galomir - 1707766519
To be fair he is 6600... The problem feels more like he doesn't have AOE skills. It feels like his playstyle is closer to rogue
Cookie Muncher - 1707764596
brother needs to do that hard carry so his sister's first bought skill can be conceal
i mean there is only so much that can change within its parameters. "can teleport yourself 200m max in 0sec at mp cost of 2/Xm inside dungeons"
Assuming distance will keep increasing infinitely, cost can only become fractions, that leaves either other people or teleport anywhere
Mp cost, Distance, Cast time, Location, People
+ splits knight in half with it so you can argue it was "equipped" making level restriction just makes the sword heavier?
Cookie Muncher DMat - 1707758125
MC only had a cooldown of 1 week from clearing a D-rank dungeon 200 times (unconfirmed if he cleared any before).
This means in 3 months (90 days) to get to 500 she'd need to get 5.6 levels a day in D-rank dungeons. She also couldn't clear the same one everyday. She'd also only be able to clear 1 dungeon a day because of "span". This means she was carried about 1 month ( ~lvl150 ) as MC only got 1 level from E-rank dungeon clears and recommended level for D-rank is 100-500.
Cookie Muncher Zagyu - 1707755900
Have to think about the logistics. It's only abandoning a party member. Cold as it may be someone will always be slower and if you can't handle the monsters, you'll look for any escape. I'm sure there were extra penalties added on when he brought them to the guards for things like attacking a player and witness tampering