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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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571 Upvote(s)
Thats not right... Its uncommon to win like that and in America its useless bc 1st place is split
Cookie Muncher - 1707906581
plot twist he got the reincarnation rune again 😂🤣😂🤣😂
yeah the stone itself and the desire is what converts. MC just happened to be there during the other 3 bc he pulled it from inventory and was used immediately
at this point it'd probably be better to just not say anything to him
Cookie Muncher - 1707898744
been thinking how does this revenge and story tie to each other then remembered the reason the noble MC savior served stepped down was suspicious and the counts son was attacked by magic. Get the feeling that the organization and the saviors death are connected
Cookie Muncher FBI - 1707897006
as a personal opinion I hate sausage... Being poor doesn't stop my dislikes. People eat moldy bread because that's what's there. Not bc it's heaven for someone with no food
assassination is well within the purview of nobility
Cookie Muncher - 1707893010
Every general before battle
No one is allowed to die in this battle understood?!
Cookie Muncher Oacxk - 1707891858
Not trying to pick on you. You need to put yourself in the situation before dumb opinions form. This is like saying it's never acceptable to kill someone... Even if it's you who is about to be killed with no chance of living otherwise

imagine a situation where you have to break in to someone's house in the slums. Very few people will investigate the cause of murder after a night of massacre. There are around 100 people looking to kill you as a frail woman who uses your body to live. The only one who can protect you is dead weight without a real weapon. 1 yell from this man can cause those people to come searching to kill you. Now, what would you do? Kill and steal, walk back out to your death, maybe seduce him, he was already hostile for breaking in, so buy it on credit?
world and character building are finished closer to chpt 30 where everything actually starts. The cast has come together, you understand the world dynamics, the plot has been revealed to an extent, the character has made a little progression, MC's personality shows, writers style can be seen
Cookie Muncher Holy Ei - 1707889423
things to be informed about when picking up someone to bring through your secret door. Name, age, physical description, personality, codeword
In slums there is usually gangs. Leaders typically have a keen sense when they are being targeted. So the madam, being targeted scrounges money together to pay someone to fight or to pay someone off.
The MC who is smart at fighting, got hit by black lightening, receiving a talent to do with sticks (wooden swords are also made of branches). MC now is caught. In a crossroads between two leaders
Cookie Muncher si1foo - 1707885545
some guys become girls 😂🤣😂🤣
Cookie Muncher Szilar - 1707884488
for him to create the elixir he'd have to have knowledge about it which might be why he wanted to go to auction
Personally surprised an arrow meant to be a trap (designed to go through skin, muscle, bone, leather armor) didn't just kill her. It's only an eye which, at best, is slightly weaker than skin with the brain right behind it
Cookie Muncher Noissar - 1707883780
everything has a "use" for 2 eyes very few demands 2 eyes. Although in fighting, being blind in 1 eye can be disadvantageous, its not like you can't change posture slightly to cover the front. Or add an ally to cover for blind side. Everyone has a constant 180° blind anyways what's an extra 15-20°. Once combat senses are hone depth just becomes a feeling rather than perception. Like when you park your car in front of a curb. You can't see it but know where it is
When he was discussing who to give the 3 to, originally orc said he already had the perfect body even though it was incapable of supporting his crest which was for controlling water
The orc finally committed to being like his predecessor, took it, dove into the water, (chpt 20.1 11-13/15) used his new body (scaly upper body) to manipulate the waves to move faster to the rock golem resembling leviathan and created the vortex.
At the end of the demonstration the MC made a comment about orc's old body being "perfect" to which he replied enthusiastically this splendidly handsome shining body has awakened into a new perfect form of beauty (chpt 20.2 - 13/19) while flexing
Cookie Muncher - 1707818390
starting to question if that mermaid in an M