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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2538 Comment(s)
908 Upvote(s)
i mean you did say same plot so you weren't wrong, it just has different world building
This plotline just doesn't make sense. Cause and effect laws would have attached the 2 worlds since they were once connected. The regression should affect everything that had a connection to the world. Thus mc should have appeared every time unless a foreign force deliberately severed the connection.
solo leveling was about a guy who was assigned f rank due to power rating in a world where their power can't grow, and mc is the only one who can.
Seol station druid is about a guy who raised his stats from exercising in addition to gaining them via dimensional energy. Then, lost only the stats gained from dimensional energy leaving him with a strong base
The greatest difference between these 2 stories is the hunters ability to develop and that there are friendly factions in connected worlds.

Overall, it's definitely a different story, but what hunter story doesn't have the same plot to go and kill monsters that come from a different place?
Cookie Muncher - 1713541114
They based it on current known records of the test, which every hunter has to go through. Even if you assume they hide every irregular, there would always be a 1st irregular that set the record
It's specific bc it was wanted to be written in a way that was unlike other stories. Mc isn't the "hero" but a filler sidekick with a main job, assassins don't get explored much, he actually joins an organization... Even the world system is unique. Usually either you train to get a skill, apply something to yourself to get a skill, or pick a skill when you level up. Its never random assignment on level-up. Everything was thought to make the background unique so I can read a path that has never gone down b4
we don't know the rules of this imaginary world... He got teleported 2x already, so we can at least say it's fundamentally different to our world. He also spent 500 yrs there. Something else who's more advanced could have made it. Obviously there are tribes who've been there longer than when he got there
if you are interested in spoilers,
he does end up marrying someone after chapter 200 and having twins (boy and girl) after he becomes a supreme supreme true god
And the flow of cultivation is this:
normal, warrior, elite warrior, master, grandmaster, king/heavenly pride, cosmic god, galaxy god, greater galaxy god, lord, heavenly god/supreme god/divine general, earth immortal, true god
Cookie Muncher - 1713495870
just finished 1100 chapters of this. one you hit the secret god organization chapter don't bother anymore bc its just the same thing over and over.
Cookie Muncher - 1712496329
looks like he got his dowry present?
trade is about the worth to the customer. That flower to him is worth an unprecedented amount more than the flower that just allows you to boost cultivation level, when he's maxed at transcendence. Its like how information is cheap until its compiled in a certain way then becomes worth enough to kill for
tbh she got him a ticket + cooperating herself and even has a plan to restrict a tough enemies ability
she's totally trying to get rid of the sister vibe from him
the absurdity of cheat level is probably 2 levels higher...
Solo lvl - levels up with killing, gets skills through kills
Talent copycat - levels up by cultivating, gets skills by touching organisms with skills
Even if you argue that no one else can level up in solo lvl, people with more than 1 talent don't appear and its hard to increase cultivation rank
Getting rid of all the competition before its a problem nice
Cookie Muncher - 1712481747
just feed him s tier skills why don't you
Cookie Muncher Arpanis - 1712479433
what happened to that cooldown though??? N/A to monsters or a time skip happened
Cookie Muncher - 1712429916
Definition of plot armor - when grandma is introduced as a prophet to give a necklace to mc she never met to warp away the guy that would surely kill him if left alone