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Cookie Muncher
1497 points
2070 Comment(s)
568 Upvote(s)
Honestly the cringe level was so high i couldnt keep following his chunbinyou phase... Does it get better?
Spoiler assumption honestly i wouldn't be all that surprised if the child isn't emperors as it "looked" like its brother, time doesn't seem like it adds up, to confirm its obviously impossible its not his kid MC will have a child, trashta will obviously try to pick a fight and MC will throw it in her face she has a child so problem was with emperor... Awkward
Edit: This is only realistic drama filled plotline
Cookie Muncher - 1704855088
When you realize mc is just like trasta but better in every way, and doing it for the right reasons
Cookie Muncher - 1704827455
tbh.. Kafman got me thinking.... Isn't it possible she fed him a love potion?
Cookie Muncher - 1704821402
the problem with the slave requesting to see her kid is that the owner has nothing to lose @the_orlando_gray (god i wish i could just reply) she can't wage her position bc the king wouldn't be too keen on her being impure let alone having another nobles kid. It's also something he can't just squash as it gives a weakness to the throne ie holding the kid hostage as well as its existance to use as a political move. He gains nothing from letting her see, but she gains knowledge (fake or true) of the upbringing for providing assistance to him. If she was truly smart she would have said she won't believe until she sees him and steel her heart for the worst as if he truly didn't harm his "grandson" he wouldn't harm him anyways. It's not like it's beneficial to use torture techniques such as dibilitation as he is being treated like other slave for sure if owner truly kept him. Why make it so a worker can't work?
Cookie Muncher - 1704814427
heh... Love that tl note... Trashta lol
Cookie Muncher - 1704812366
hitting the next button binge reading then go to the previous page and be like wut...... Fuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!! There's got to be morrrrr
Cookie Muncher - 1704803224
Just thinking out loud there is only two reasons why a royal would try to wed a known successor candidate into the royal family. 1: to restrict the family action, 2: to bolster their power. Would it not be beneficial to wed ML to someone whom he clearly likes who is also royalty? Especially since it puts them under control by not being of "pure blood"?
Cookie Muncher - 1704802379
i smell a war being provoked just so ML can be pushed off to command it
Cookie Muncher - 1704794282
starting to think the wish was that he had a loving mother so Judith got possessed by someone who would love him
Cookie Muncher - 1704790123
did she just admit she was a sheep?
Cookie Muncher - 1704788596
Some people might not understand seasonal smells but winter has a very unique smell just like freshly cut grass has its smell. And just like its hard to describe how an incoming rain smells so too is it hard to explain winters smell
Cookie Muncher - 1704617186
surprised there were no comments about jura-tempest federation... He is after all a goblin making a nation with OP skills, just the adult form
Cookie Muncher - 1704555143
Something feels questionable. If mc can put permanence on enchant wouldnt it also work on other buffs. Especially invisibility which would remove the downside of being removed after attacking. Never get targeted again!
im hoping that at some point yooho will teach him the blood sucking technique and then we can start watching some dual art surgery, with complications (now has massive internal ki)
Cookie Muncher Jeff - 1704472151
personally its more agitating to see mc drop them off in a jailcell knowing they'll make bail in 30secs, then do worse things the mc family and friends. And of course because they got caught they learn how to be sneakier about it
mc said he was too tired to move before necromancer was resurrected
Cookie Muncher JesseD - 1704471692
if man was split down center how does he still have ki center to destruct... It'd disperse immediately right, not even death ki with severely ruined body?
it being murim i assumed there'd be fights but this is too much for a medical story imo... You'd think he'd get saved by the factions that he built history with more and provide info to support, being a jaegal (known strategists). Its understandable hes supposed to be strong for his age but i was kinda hoping it wasn't going to be imma search for trouble and still win strong