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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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Cookie Muncher - 1703550249
Ahhh everyone should know shield beats spear
Cookie Muncher - 1703522475
As cronos is west, I feel like the south is valhalla. They are probably going to advance and the informant definitely told him to not to go there as forewarning. Wonder how they will deem this? Forced defense or Betrayal
Specifically chpt 18 panel 14 red box shown above black dome
It was in a previous chapter... Everyone was lined up outside and the gen who wants him to become an NCO and now an officer told the commander that if he sees MC in there to heed his advise... It was a few panels b4 that... Otherwise how would they know only lvl 15 or less could enter without testing? Bc they read the "rules" of the black dome that separates the event from the outside
but there was a notification over the dome that said either survive 6 hour or defeat boss... All arachnids were same meaning none had a higher plane of existence, and they couldn't leave so commander should have known the boss wasn't taken care of. If he wasnt obsessed with being in control he wouldve remember that as it directly relates to how he would have to save everyone
99% of love stories have too much of a "will they like me?" I'll just hide my feelings for the next 150 chpts oh yay got married/no progress. Feel like they need to focus on the coming together, political strife being together, and marital issues. Not saying a love triangle isnt good but a forced together finding love and not admitting gets boring
Cookie Muncher Izu - 1703137754
i have the same feeling... Also feel as if they might be demons hiding among them... Might even be distributing enhancements to demons in areas to wipe the history of the old generation... Speculation at this point
Cookie Muncher Jesse-D - 1703120351
don't you find it weird that the rescue commander didn't know shit about the event being a "boss monster" sometime in the future even though he knew he could enter only bc he was less than lvl 15? First thing they shoulda done was set up contingency for boss solo, boss/mob, multi-wave where boss appears later. Too bad commander is to full of himself
Cookie Muncher Jesse-D - 1703069066
But still has a higher status
Honestly thats incorrect... 3/4 of her achievements come from the past with her business acumen from running the family by correcting her brothers mistakes in the past from 13 until they threw her out. at that time they survived another 2 years with the teachers presumed help ... Though she does have a leg up by knowing future inventions her help with the progression but also keep in mind she has memories of a revolutionized world as this is her 3rd life. The ready made clothes were never mentioned as a past event so its assumed original to timeline, balm was rev world, doc and sculpter were just accelerated, when she was kicked out she found info broker on her own, given she likes sweets she woulda found out quickly, the mine was won by a different future as the bids changed, the checks and forger were from future knowledge completely.