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Vivaldin - 1718941668
They're going straight for the shrine ?

Isn't it midnight ??? Girls, aren't you tired ?
Vivaldin - 1718941302
Oh my gosh.

They're both doofuses.
Vivaldin - 1718940922
Once again, that was certainly a rushed chapter of all time.

Elf-cyborg girl appears out of nowhere, kill our main girl, doesn't elaborate and leave, that's... A weird way to continue the story, I don't really know how she gonna survive that, there's only so much anaesthetic rage can give you.

Also I'd really like to know why the sister is half naked if she's supposed to be a.. Nun from our world ??? That makes her choice of clothing even worse !
Vivaldin - 1718834681
Wow, that was...

That so so confusing, I'm not even sure what happened or if it's even canon 'cause it looked like one of those version of reality erased by the Save Point Cube.
Vivaldin - 1718250680
I like the funny monster costume more.
Vivaldin - 1718250503
Dude what are they doing, cutting hair with an ancient cursed sword ?

That's the Anata Ni Miseta, blade of Lord Honyaku Suru, rumoured to be cursed by evil spirits after betraying and assassinating his Daimyo !

It's like ASKING for accidentally cutting his head.

Also, they can clone people's BODIES ?! For three hours, okay, but THEY CAN DO THAT ?

And another question comes to mind; do you think the fake body start melting after 3 hours and then disappears over the course of like.. 20 minutes to another hour, or does it completely melt in an instant after 3 hours ?
Vivaldin - 1718165367
No man, you do NOT want to make her pregnant at that age !

If you do, you'll have to take care of your studies AND a freakin' child at the same time, that'd be hell.

And that's not all, you'll have to take part of a few seasons of ''Teen Moms'' reality shows, now that's just torture.
Vivaldin - 1718063303
Girl see the grotesque tormented souls of the damned and be like ''wow ! You've got great decorative lights !''
Vivaldin - 1717992274
Who is worse ?

The scientists who build a weapon of mass destruction but shaped it into a child that they then decided to take care of ?

or the scientist who did the same thing, but added two bombs in the android's chest area ?
Vivaldin - 1717991691
When you think about it, his whole polycule life might look interesting and fun from our point of view of their almost daily lives, but at the same time, it's also this: trying to get everyone a Christmas gift without bankrupting himself.

I mean, it's like trying to buy something, which could cost a lot of money, but now buy it THREE times. No wonder he's having troubles finding the money, he'll always have to finance the equivalent of three couples by himself (though I'm sure the three of them have jobs and they will gladly help him pay anything, but not when it's supposed to be a surprise for them !).

Just think about how much money it'll cost him trying to finance the education of their children, if they have some, children of EACH of the three girls.

In other words, capitalism bad and it prevent living a happy polycule life.
Vivaldin - 1717991029
So she was alone all the time. Hmm.

So did he; lonely people together strong.
Vivaldin - 1717990435
Wait, evil spirits are dangerous and important, so is our little witch gf, but..

I feel we should talk more about that girl that still takes baths with her dad.

Something wrong is going on here.
Vivaldin - 1717957946
I'm sorry, but she's right.

She is left with no choice.
Vivaldin - 1717957886
Did bro hallucinate all that ? Did she kiss him with weed or something ?

Wait, did she even kiss him ? WHAT'S GOING ON ?!
Vivaldin - 1717957495
I sense Yuri
Vivaldin - 1717706090
What did bro tried to do with his fingers, man, doesn't he know they're in class ?

And everyone got what they wanted, even blond boy got encircled by women.

He'll be fine (probably).
Vivaldin - 1717644946
Things are hating up.
Vivaldin - 1717473230
I will find the Greater Will that turns every mangos into harem rom-coms, and beat its cosmic horror's ass back into the deepest pits of depravity.

I will not falter in this task. Wish me luck, for now I must go on a great journey.
Vivaldin - 1717472747
>A Tomboy arrives in the middle of the story, out of nowhere.

>She looks like a boy, and so the main dude confuses her for a man at first.

>She's obsessed with a blonde main girl and calls her ''my lady''.

>She even was called by others as ''her henchman''.

This isn't a smol tanned tomboy, this is Seishirou Tsugumi from Nisekoi !

No, no, don't bring me back ! Don't become another Niseko-like rom-com harem, I beg you, PLEASE ! Not this refreshing mango, anything but this mango !
Vivaldin - 1717472229
Took us a month to finally learn the Glasses-wearing Intruder was just an obsessed fan from the past.

The Yuri has been protected, I now rest easy.