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kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726663270
i know characters that have been written like that before and i unlike you know the reason for doing so, it is to show the contrast and difference between 2 characters, 2 worlds she has been living a sheltered life while this is his second life, the dream he gave up. he now has a chance to live it, she wants a romantic relationship with him while he doesn't want to give up his dream a second time, as i stated it has been done before and this one isn't better than the others.

if you use your brain which is as smooth as butter you would've realized that i read this manhwa in one day and as such i'd remember what stupid comments you've written and of course they would stick with me because i have never seen someone whose so stuck up on something to comment on 30 fucking chapters saying the same thing over and over again
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726661539
comments are meant to INTERACT not talking shit to someone who'll never read or interact with you you went out of your way to reply to people who have moved on half a year before you, they ignored your previous comments and you kept on going

you didn't make what your problem with her clear as you just insulted her, she has done nothing she's trying to help mc in her own way, she offered her body to some mother fucker just for a chance for mc to recover, she saved her father's entire estate by herself so mc doesn't starve

you made a point in your previous comment that i lied and now you're trying to brush off what i said saying "get a life"

you're just a professional hater whose prefrontal cortex is all fucked up you have to talk shit to fictional characters
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726656236
do you have fucking Alzheimer's go to chapter 40 and check your own fucking comment you retard, and maybe you never actually claimed that she should be raped but you agreed on a comment that suggested it, and you were so pressed for some reason that you felt the need to reply and insult to comments from 6 months ago, you never once specified why the character's writing is "shitty", you were just straight up insulting them
kerauno - 1726616943
im hella late but i got to say, yall in the comments are fucking gross im not even joking, if you find yourself genuinely attracted to this or rape in general you should seek help no none will judge you
kerauno - 1726616358
can somebody tell me why its a genderbender, i haven't seen any plot point that needs it, nor it adds anything to the story, tbh i completely forgot that it exists
kerauno Valkyrie - 1726614866
kerauno dragon master - 1726614053
and the art is not even that good and chapters aint long either, author needs to step on it ong ong
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726597852
insulting a character and saying things such as "i hope she gets raped" and "i doubt we'd be lucky enough to get rid of her" and going as far as insulting even the translators (even though they did a subpar job its still understandable) isnt criticizing an author's writing, you were even going around insulting side characters that has nothing to do with the girl you fucking Amoeba
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726595230
you didn't even reply to my previous valid point and youre still taking shit
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726594971
boooo, you suck
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726590274
that all you got to say? cmon keep it moving
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726586996
you were literally calling her out if you were hating on the writing just fucking say so, its not necessarily "shit tier writing" i'd call it bad tier writing, you're the only pissy one here fighting comments made literally 6 and 7 months ago in the previous chapters

and yes i fucking know that but still they were entertainers who made people fucking laugh and that's it
(sorry for the late reply btw)
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726535497
me? pissy on the internet? my nigga you were hating on a fictional character for 50 chapters straight, and its true that a jester has some status but still they were just mere entertainers you fucking buffoon
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726534663
there are literally millions of joker pictures and you chose the ugliest one, and don't let me get started with your fucking username "son of the jester", i guess it checks out you fucking clown
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726517058
not the dude with 2011 joker pfp talking
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726504043
how about you go backflip off a moving train, or maybe even throw yourself in a wood chipper
kerauno SonoftheJester - 1726488806
kill yourself, that any better?
kerauno Kanataaan - 1726426193
kerauno that man - 1726402590
how many fucking tabs you have open