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Dungeon Mimic
875 points
27 Comment(s)
26 Upvote(s)
Dungeon Mimic - 1725778974
Kind of impressive how quickly things took a turn for the worse. What kind of plot even is this? The whole thing with the eldest child is just ridiculous.
Dungeon Mimic - 1724120404
Started strong, then just plummeted through the ground. "Holy church is evil" plot, followed by meaningless predestined nonsense that's just going to be horribly handled if it ever even reaches that point, on top of the edgy "I'm actually a demon, I'm so edgy, two years of struggles have turned me entirely evil" garbage... I dunno, the plot is almost assuredly going to be poorly written and follow all the cliches.
Dungeon Mimic Aab - 1720725920
It isn't translated very far, and the one place I found that is translating it hasn't updated in several months. They got as far as like chapter 30 of the manga.

If you google the Japanese name (転生大聖女の異世界のんびり紀行) you can find a website called kakuyomu that at least looks like an official source. Could google translate it and read like 5-10 chapters worth of content further.
Dungeon Mimic - 1720655808
This one is kind of cringe. Reading chapter 1 is kind of hard, because it just tries so hard to establish way too many things with way too much exaggeration. There's a kind of 'rule' to writing, more a strong suggestion but it's treated as a rule, which says "show, don't tell." This does far more telling than showing, and it's a medium designed to show.

Sometimes less is more, and it's like the author saw a recipe that needs a tablespoon of lemon juice, and because they like lemon juice they poured in the whole bottle. It's too much.

It's honestly a shame it has such a poor handle on all the most important aspects of being a story. The art is pretty good with a style I quite like, and the world building seems okay after skimming several chapters. It just treats conflict and character as a joke, while telling us that it's important.
Really just a slap in the face, isn't it? Honestly feels like it's trying to mock readers' intelligence. Like jingling keys to entertain a baby.
I mean... I would put in a fair bit of effort to stop my home country from being razed to the ground too.
Dungeon Mimic CdaddyB - 1719201123
Yeah, you're describing abuse. Actively working to isolate someone, and manipulating those close to them is abuse. It can be one of the key indicators of a relationship being abusive, because abusers do it to keep their victims from recognizing the reality of the relationship or escaping their abuser.
Dungeon Mimic TauCeti - 1719021281
If I recall, I think there are rules they need to follow that prevent them from directly interfering. Like they did a bit near the start, but there were reminders of like "this much is probably okay, but we're pushing the limit of what we're allowed to do without being contracted."
Yandere is just a term that means "abuser." They aren't sweet, they're poison disguised by artificial sugar. Sickening.
Dungeon Mimic Trecta - 1718447492
Might be true though. As long as you don't take it to mean "no evidence more accurate." Witness testimony is unreliable, but people think it's credible.
Dungeon Mimic - 1716974782
It's crazy how some random government official could apparently just steal a negligible amount from the emperor's vault and apparently become immediately the strongest martial artist ever. In fact, their side's strategist is some random low level scholar. MC wasted so much time training and finding super miracle ancient elixirs when he could have apparently just done some paperwork and no doubt far exceeded his current strength.
Bad things like using poison, and traps? Or do you mean like the black knight's side starting wars, kidnapping random people to drain their blood, strengthening bandits and pirates, helping the blood cult make zombies to invade... the list goes on. The black knight's side didn't like an emperor, even if for good reason, so they've decided to slaughter as many people as the emperor or more as... I don't know, payback against people who were uninvolved?
Not just that, but forcing his ideal on only one very specific group. He can't stand evil, but only within a mile of a very specific building. Everything else? Totally fine by him.
Dungeon Mimic - 1716966031
What's the point of justice if injustice is ignored? Dude's childish appearance is fits his mind well.
Pretty sure they're two spellings of the same name. I think Zhuge is based on the Chinese, while Jegal is the Korean version. The same handful of names are common between murim stories, so sometimes you end up finding a mix of the Korean and Chinese forms depending on the translator.
I'm with you, but I also think I understand. The other stuff has been new to him. The movie previously didn't exist, and he didn't know any of the other stuff he's worked on. This one is one he not only knew about, but is very familiar with and likes. It's the first thing outside his own life that he's really seeing and understanding his effect on.
Dungeon Mimic JOAT - 1716176353
"What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it."

None of that is remotely true, you empty-headed buffoon. The characters in this story, and perhaps even the author, were idiotic to use Pearl Harbor as the idea of a successful venture, but even they are more accurate in their understanding of history than you are. What you said is so insane, I cannot begin to believe you actually believe it. It is at the level of satire of a conspiracy theorist, like The Onion vastly exaggerating a conspiracy theorist's beliefs so it's so out there everyone knows it's meant to be a joke. There's so much wrong with it, it doesn't make sense to even begin disputing any of it because where do you even begin? Vile.
Dungeon Mimic AfroOnly - 1716164016
They're his sister's friends. He played with some of them previously, and didn't dislike them. Sometimes when you're playing a game, playing with and cooperating alongside friends is fun.
Dungeon Mimic Thyself - 1715863250
Though the terminology used isn't wholly accurate, he's not just a knight. He is effectively a baron, or similar low noble. By governing a territory, bearing the responsibility of taxes, as well as the responsibility of levying forces for his liege, he is a vassal by any use of the word I've seen. "Von," specifically, is also a sign of being granted nobility. I wouldn't expect this to be used accurately in the majority of isekai manga, but it's something.

Out of the deal, he was recognized as the governor of a significant stretch of land; he made peace without additional battles he'd likely lose; and he was forgiven for murdering one of the noble's men (even if it wasn't really one of his men, it matters). That's a really good deal. Being taken as the noble's right-hand man is also a significant position of power, despite the difficulties it will bring.
Dungeon Mimic - 1708606538
This manga had a lot of potential... that it spit on, kicked, smeared, and lit on fire. Every interaction with the villains feels like a scripted-loss boss fight in a game. Even when there's absolutely no reason for things to go their way, they succeed perfectly. It's infuriating to read because every additional step of the story that builds off that is now empty and makes me feel cheated.

What's the point of a story where antagonists continue to exist only because convenient dominoes just happen to fall into place? What's the point of having the protagonists at all involved when their involvement is brushed aside and changed nothing about more than half the events they're involved in? It's just poorly written in exactly the places it needs the best writing.