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I have issues. First is the old Jegal. What did he actually do other than standing there and, apparently, dying off screen? Second is the Kwon Dong guy. He's supposedly the strongest, even when he's in kid form. But then he pulled that innate ki burn thing which (going from every other time i've seen it used) makes you X times stronger than normal, but you die after... and nothing? Didn't even land a clean punch on the bad guy? I get he's the last boss, so he's going to be strong, but if he's stronger than even the strongest good guy at 150% power, why hasn't he just solo'd everyone? Why this entire story? Something's off here. And I don't mean the jank tl.
The entire story from this point is so messy that it's irredeemable. This is the mcs second life and he is supposed to make stuff better but I would say he has just made everything worse. Mc never prevented the war with the random bad guy that magically is stronger than all the good guys who trained their entire lives. Mc has saved no old masters and has saved none of their forces as they lose every battle and are outnumbered. Also as you say this fight with the old/young man makes 0 sense as if he was so strong that he was feared around the world he should dumpster this cave dwelling bad guy. I actually have begun to hate this story and I used to enjoy it.
Here what I can say: first, he's the last boss but he isn't invincible so the power of quantity can over power him.Second, let just said he can solo everyone but the problem is he's a conqueror, so if he just solo anyone doesn't mean the people will follow him.Third, there are also the dynasty's army, if he just suddenly make a move too big, the army will have to move and he can't do anything. ( here is the problem with the army and murim thing in this story, I don't know why the army haven't move yet or no one request help from the emperor since they already confirm that the dark heaven is the left over of genocide/maybe the murim doesn't want to depend on the emperor or indebted, ig but still weird af) Also, it's weird, did they ever win in beginning of the story when the mc grown old and died!?
Yeah. It doesn't elaborate on *how*, but by the time MC had grown old and passed on / reincarnated, it's stated that the war was won. I've had problems with that, before, too. Like they won the war, but nobody knew who he or anyone else was? I think they glossed over it by saying he just came out of nowhere and remained a mystery until the end, but it still bugs me. And it is what it is.
User-1953152843Donny_DontI have issues. First is the old Jegal. What did he actually do other than standing there and, appare...
Jegal acted as the center core of the 8 doors formation that was obstructing the enemy army from entering the alliance, similar to the young military advisor. He asked that only the core remain. It will probably take less time to break through but they can at least still stall. Idk where you got the idea he was the strongest, but the true strength of the DH leader was never stated, and is only known through memory. It's almost like good story telling let's characters have misconceptions. I guess low IQ on your part is why you don't understand. The story, for your part, doesn't do a good job showing the progression of the MC in terms of power. The author is trying to tell us however, as you have continuously ignored due to that low IQ problem, that the MC is considered the strongest. They keep stating "only the sword god can fight him" when talking about the DH faction leader. Months or years have passed along in this story since the MC killed the Demonic Cult leader.
Harbinger of DarknessDonny_DontI have issues. First is the old Jegal. What did he actually do other than standing there and, appare...
Kwon Dong wasn't the strongest of the heavenly emperors. As mentioned before, the Blood Lord was the strongest of them all.
And in the previous timeline, it took more than one heavenly emperor plus many other heroes to take on the final boss. If one strong guy at 150% is somehow good enough to replace multiple heroes needed to win, then why bother with a war?
DanoDonny_DontI have issues. First is the old Jegal. What did he actually do other than standing there and, appare...
Bad guys are stronger atm. Strongest good guy stopped training + overconfident + no weapon. Just cause your strong doesn’t mean you have the stamina to kill the whole world by yourself.
It's crazy how some random government official could apparently just steal a negligible amount from the emperor's vault and apparently become immediately the strongest martial artist ever. In fact, their side's strategist is some random low level scholar. MC wasted so much time training and finding super miracle ancient elixirs when he could have apparently just done some paperwork and no doubt far exceeded his current strength.
AnonymooseThe comments here bring me immense pain... is reading comprehension really that hard? Like, I know mine is high, and i vaguely remember how it was before my eyes were fixed, but is this that difficult?
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