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Dungeon Mimic
875 points
27 Comment(s)
26 Upvote(s)
Dungeon Mimic - 1707303131
Honestly, this would be a lot better without the ML. If the MC just did her own thing and the romance happened around her, there would be way more potential.
Dungeon Mimic - 1707189310
Kind of a disappointment, honestly. Was hoping they'd do some timeskips and he'd do the body reconstruction stuff, and have Seol actually learn something. Instead she's just randomly given absurd power for nothing, and the story loses all depth.
Dungeon Mimic - 1707187043
If there's any one thing you can trust to find in a murim manhwa, it's that the orthodox sects are irredeemably evil, the demonic and unorthodox sects are just cool guys trying to do cool guy things, and bandits aren't too bad.
Dungeon Mimic Bubonikz - 1707056044
I think we'll be waiting for a while longer. iirc, he's still a highschooler, and I got the impression they're holding off until it's more appropriate. Kind of an excuse to not rush it and let it build a while.
Dungeon Mimic - 1706049707
That bodyguard dude is really annoying. His whole purpose seems to be to complain about the girl, and not much else. Assuming his only purpose is to keep the girl relevant, it would be nice if he were given some character beyond "she's weak; the ceo is the best."
Dungeon Mimic - 1700275810
Oh dang...! This chapter has got me somewhere between speechless, hyped, and dazed. This manga is great.
Dungeon Mimic - 1699642015
I'm so disappointed this is a "the church is evil" story. Everything else seems so good, and then you have the low-hanging fruit of conflict. Having a beastkin slave-girl is also another stupid trope, but at least she isn't immediately head-over-heels for MC right from the get-go.