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you ask good questions bread, but sadly this translation group is of poor quality. they use mtl and more often then not they are too litteral in their translations and dont bother changing anything as that will take time and time is money.
It's been so long. I remember I used to like this series. It was like the 'Keep a low profile, sect leader' before 'Keep a low profile, sect leader' came out
Fuck, its Webnovel now. You'd think a "professional" translation group would have ad least a modicum of talent but instead its straight MTL with no proofreading. Fucking China.
Yeap, translation became shit, as expected. I'll just read the proper version on Y*skhaSc*ns and make comments on here. Dao of Bullshittery is unbeaten~ She truly is "unattainable"
I guess not, seeing as most websites also use bad translations. YakshaScans seems to have translated this series from chapter 1-130 and then from 387-462 but because there's around 150+ chapters missing in the middle I will read them here before moving.
Well, I ended up not moving and read up to chapter 323 here and will also read the rest here. The translation isn't really that bad and you get used to it after a while. They changed the names of a few things but other than that it's fine.
MangaguyMaybe if you catch someone off guard and you're using a dagger like an assassin, don't back way out of their range when yours is tiny, as it just gives them back the advantage to have to get within their guard again.
CoolWhipFirst they get rid of the interesting mc and why I started reading in the first place, then they pull this religious magic bull crap, alive for thousands of years nonsense
The HOly CommentBruh. she's still a human specie, imbued with immortality magic https://i.postimg.cc/JhjHNqQf/i.png https://i.postimg.cc/3RBy6xV9/i.png
Moon EnjoyerHis legend grows, and I swear no ones gonna believe he is Nagyuun because he does things Nagyuun could never do even if his baseline isn't close to Najin's.
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