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273 points
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447 Upvote(s)
did MK add a point removal to profile page because of you?
Ghetoknight Void22 - 1709095478
bro is banned fr life or smthn
Ghetoknight Gluttony - 1709095437

things are not to be questioned

even if the implied assumption was that his relations was the original issue with revealing his secret
Ghetoknight D borah - 1709095390
what a mf who don't even got 200 points yet know about overuse? (I am point-cist)
I'd love for that too, it just doesn't feel like that kind of direction has even been considered by the author.

Rather, I think there's in part some favoritism towards peach guy, mc and his cast, and less and less attention is being given to side characters comparatively.
Them getting less attention isn't inherently bad, but it leaves things like mc's horrific disdain shallowly felt, and their impact on teh story (despite arguably being some of the most important characters) feels much weaker.

If mc is going on the route of premediated rehabilitation, surely the rehabilitated aren't treated as simply objectives or endgoals, but as relevant factors to the new story mc is building, is what you'd think.
But the way the author gets at it's like he's hitting checklists for things to do in his new life, staying consistent to the past life schtick but by consequence not really writing anything of substance. It's like if it's an episodic plot point they wanna get done with.
Ghetoknight Chun 0w0 - 1708418268
Idk whag WC is, toilet?
Appeal is subjextive, but I share the sentiment
I rather lighter foods regardless od health benefits
Ghetoknight KRAUGEL - 1708418184
You are overlooking the fact that they are designed to be killing machines.Even if his reaction is comparatively normal, it is contrived so as to clearly make that comparison, which is my issue
If the story was writfen where you could say "megumi finally broke down, oh i guess yuji is just a beef" that would be fine
But it obviously dorces audiences to immediatelt draw the cobtras between megumi and yuji, hence why it is by nature slightly forced, I feel.
To mentally break down as he sees all his loved ones dying makes sense, but there are just quite a few literary inconsistencies littered throughout his story, in relation to that reaction.
Not saying gege has to be perfect a writer, but that + thr framing to further push that contrast, + my already huge annoyance as we see he has in universe destroyed megumi (I like the dopamine rush of jumpjutsu k?) sufficiently ticks me off man TT
Ghetoknight KRAUGEL - 1708417868
One could infer that yes, but narratively it has long been implied he is accepting of himself
Not only did this steamroll early when he trusted he and his shikigami to care for the special grade on skill alone, instead of relying on mahoraga
But loops back around at the end of shibuya right before kidnapping
I dont think megumi once considered mahoraga for toji (idk)
He fought toji knowing full well he could be taken out at any time before trying mahoraga(doesnt know toji might be imnune)
He has full faith in himself at that point, so much so he acknowledges his limit and ironically releases mahorafa not as a death wish, not because he doesnt beleive in himself or is mentally weak, but because "fuck it"
So yeah, we are past that stage of megumi...
Ghetoknight MONGER - 1708320014
Basically it's out of character for megumi. So out of character that this can't be for dramatic effect, but rather he MUST have an actual reason for begging or else narratively things don't add up.
Megumi is experienced, and basically we know from the story he shouldn't be so "ignorant". The only way to justify this is by saying "the megumi you know was just a face he put up" which is contrived.

contrived reasoning:
(obvious but contrived because, even if you hide stuff from your audience, it's a reach to say it was all planned for megumi to be a "act strong really weak minded tho" character, nor do I had things from your audience so heavily. It would be funny that his motive to give up so quickly with mahoraga was because of that weak will but again, we have seen him develop away from that so yeah)
I watch anime be real with me has the plot gone anywhere?

last I left off we had just met seraphina's sister's posse, like 100 chapters ago
I drop when I realised somehow in some universe the characters are simply chill with each other, in the chapters I miss do they ever bring back up and actually address both jhon and everyone else's issues

because iirc it was like a "we weren't as bad as you so it's okay kind of thing" and even if they are right to an extent I don't like that justification for them, nor the fact that they can simply accept Jhon is a tyrant

the mf was still a jerk where I left off despite having "developed" with a backstory and everything.

Anyways do they ever re-address their (realistic POV) rocky relationship, and what exactly happened (I need some brainrot to read) so far
Ghetoknight Chun 0w0 - 1708319564
fevers associated with other symptoms may include the loss of appetite, so looking appealing is much more beneficial than simply being healthy

same goes for any weakness, since you'd naturally be less inclined to eat

finally, assuming you are having troubles eating, I think it is obvious you want something fatty and filling (although idk if american burgers are laced with sumn) because you are overall going to be eating less anyways
It's not the best but it has some rationale behind it
Ghetoknight dienstagHD - 1708319447
How? He's doing something illegal that could get the entire school shut down. That affects livelihoods. Zeke rightfully has the responsibility to prevent that stuff from spreading, john could get him to back off but rushing to violence isn't the answer.

I am not a consistent reader, but just because the context is in a vaccum does not mean I can't see how horrible Jhon is being here.
No character is a reader, no character is omnipotent.

You idiots never consider things from their perspectives truly, only a shorthand view of their experiences or, in this case, simply don't consider the narrative contexts at all.

Jhon is unjustified here for beating him up, and ever since like the joker arc john has been largely unjustified in his actions.

Same goes for the student council hypocrites. Both are horrible and I half dropped this the moment jhon and them made amends, because it was clear no real further writing was going to go into the fixing of relationships.

Both sides have been horrible as people, and it is simply ignored for the sake of convenience. The way they align as groups is contrived, and the story lost all its original ingenuity. It definitely went somewhere but I'd say in the wrong direction.

The writing at face value in any given moment is okay, but considering the story as a whole,UnOrdinary, Jhon, Seraphina and basically evberyone of the main cast (sera kinda probably already redeemeda ctually) is depolorable.

Typing now because I just have to bring back the sheer hatred I have for this story, fr gonna have beef with the author (I do not like her interpretatino of her own story, 100% reasonable reason)

Ghetoknight Han Yoojin - 1708288306
oh I thought we were just calling him cute
Ghetoknight Nagaoal12 - 1708224932
so isekaid, bad mouth, saves maid girl (hero party), invents crops and medicine for rich girl (hero party), and tournament brawls with hero (obviously hero party) to secure their own progression, meets cody

I read starting from chapter 40 instead of latest, so from what I understand the forces are being dispatched earlier due to something, which will lead to a something event that causes the hero party to be sent aswell. Normally either no one in that army survives, or only the hero survives, btu since it's so early in history as opposed to in the game, everyone might die.

he, who was recruited by the order/cody I think, is coercing higher ups' resources and getting sent to that battleground, with the intent on delaying the tragedy

romance, drama, politics etc etc and he got chased by cody, but beat cody up, and we're seeing him intercept the conflict by disguising as some abnormal neutral third party, to temporarily alleviate battle tension (by virtue of confusing everyone), so that key players can be rescued (his forces)
Ghetoknight KRAUGEL - 1708222896
it's very contrived though

it's stupid to say yuji's friends, who's been their every step of the way, are so so utterly completely oblivious to his hardships that they have the audacity to try that shit infront of yuji

megumi especially, this is so out of character it is insane
infact, I think all gege did with that was intentionally try to artificially hype yuji up like "yeah you know sukuna tortured yuji like that but here's a sudden comparison so you know he's really cool and I totally didn't just forget about him for hundred or so chapters till now!"

like megumi is compassionate, but he's ready to lay his and other people's lives on the line, and at this point should be accustomed to sorcerer death
he's been faced with his own peril many times aswell, and it's not like he was being literally tortured

not to mention, the mere fact megumi could face yuji after what he had to experience means to some extent he had to acknowledge the horrors yuji goes through, I'm not saying he has to be ab le to handle them but it's absolutely inconceivable that he had nor esistance to it

He killed his sister and his sensei by his own hand, it is sad yes but he has had more than enough time to sulk I believe

just a tad bit ticked off that somehow in his sorrow when given the opportunity to end everything he decides to continue
it's not even a "I don't wanna go back", if he wants to die objectively literally he has to be ridden from sukuna's grasp first

such a fact is so obvious, especially to someone desperately trying to get out of that situation, and ESPECIALLY for a battle-iq archetype like megumi, that his actions and words here make 0 sense

the only way to justify this is by bringing in some external; factor to contribute to his misery/logic/wishes, and also show yuji equally confused because inuniverse this is very not normal for megumi, more than abnormal this basically isn't him

Ghetoknight - 1708072878
so all those people come straight from 60 years in the past?