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273 points
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Ghetoknight Brik - 1719509400
better end in a draw

really would hate to see elfie lose after everything man
I want him to be with thunder guy

but I really fuckin hate the idea of our all so hyped elfie losing to this mf, especially after how pissy he was
not gay but got m'heart aflutter fr
Ghetoknight - 1719502537
watched a fcking manga recap and I'm pretty sure I shed a tear for this (generic isekai trash in alot of people's eyes) (the added background music probably helped)

it's not exemplary in anything but it hits the right notes properly on all fronts, unique, intriguing, cohesive, depth (in character, story, world etc etc), it runs alongside it's magic "system" well enough to normalcy, it's plot is something seen before but done finely, the characters aren't the greatest but they are certainly inspiring to some degree (their interactions too)

im not sure if it's gonna feel the same here, and I'm pretty sure it's getting animated

regardless of all of that very fire manga, would recommend to someone who's bored
also danmachi author
Ghetoknight Halleyalex - 1719502301
honestly understandable, sry for ur loss ( lol)

I'd feel completely cheated if something like this happened to me so if everyone could just tag it perfectly and honestly that'd be great
ideally it can definitely be the best solution to these kinds of occasions, thinking of a more objective format to ranking spoilers is also fun

but yeah moral of the story is never trust a MK commenter, some of these guys couldnt even make an account for disqus they are not to be messed with (in an unimpressive sense)
Ghetoknight - 1719502079
There are very few mangas that can both pull off the generic format and retain proper writing

Ghetoknight Halleyalex - 1719453895
I wanna say don't feel threatened or nothin by the long text, all im saying is that (at least if I were the tagger), I can't see a valid reason to tag every spoiler tag, it's a false sense of security type sh on one hand, overly cautious on the other, and a decent amount of effort

there are definitely obvious things that should be tagged, don't get me wrong
if bro told you "oh by the way mc dies at the end" out of the blue with no prior context or that he ends up failing his objectie at the end of this arc, I can't say he'd be in the wrong but it would be a pretty fking nice addition to tag it

and alot of people have that discretion
if it's a major plot twist, they'll go "huge plot twist"

but something like this is at the very least too vague to be hinted at effectively, upon other reasons
Also it's possible after reading allat they forget what the spoiler was, the ideal w/w
jk I just like writing long

especially when I think the opposing argument makes absolutely no sense (you need 4x the length of their response to explain every angle in which the argument fails at)
Ghetoknight Darius - 1719452998
I was gonna say "but they were all gonna be killed anyways" but it was probably to dehumanize them in terms, since it's a gorey look otherwise, right (?)
Ghetoknight Halleyalex - 1719452846
Oh I meant to clarify but didn't mb mb

In alot of previous chapters the same spoiler was posted, I think- because I remember seeing that particular spoiler way back at the very least, which reassured me a ton

And no, there isn't a way to prevent this. "Major" is spoiler. All now so I do not consider this a major spoiler, and thus, it is VERY likely he did not consider it either, or someone like you may not consider it either.


Consequently, that deprives the usefulness of saying "x is a major spoiler, read at your own risk"

So no, it is unpreventable.

Ontop of that, as I said before, it is not someone's job to cater to your needs, in a text. Like I said before, them using a spoiler tag in all honestly is a privelage they are giving you. They're saying "yeah I could post this unwarranted, but I'm putting extra thought into the guys who care about this", and likewise it's VERY unreasonable to expect them to go an extra mile, 2 or 3.

It would be beneficial to every person? Not really. As you saw alot of the people actually enjoyed the spoiler and clarity, something they would have otherwise avoided if they felt the risk outweighed the benefit of hovering over it. Yet another reason why it shouldn't be hinted at in detail beforehand, and why asking him to do so just makes no sense.


The risk of a spoiler tag is ALWAYS going to be the same. You can't tell over text if someone is joking, or if they're serious, or if they interpret it differently, or if they're lying, etc etc etc. It is only for self reassurance that someone would add details to their spoiler tag; in the first place it would be abnormal for an individual to fear that greatly the carelessness of a random, stranger individual who in your eyes (in all honesty) could be so incredibly hopeless the mere effort of adding a spoiler tag is wasted on him (this is not a jab at you, but an example of the ludicrousy of your situation/ideal given that type of individual)

It's not really controversial as much as it is....a bad look, I guess? This is the equivalent approach of trying to mandate those weird ass tone indicator things. Kind of excessive, very easily arguably irrelevant, and the idea that your text needs to be palatable by all audiences- for content creators and people who rely on that internet popularity for something, sure, but otherwise...? In any normal scenario?

These things are just not needed given any other situation exempt yours, and not actually in a situation sense but in a "this specific person applies this specific criteria with this specific levels of integrity and these specific assumptions when approaching a spoiler tagged comment, then also interprets said spoiler to this level/extent/ in such a way that it's done harm to their reading experience, which I may or may not care for"

Ghetoknight Halleyalex - 1719451855

I refuse to believe you're asking the effective equivalent of "why not just never use spoiler tags" or "why not just never talk about anything that could be associated with media spoilers" lol

yeah no that's now that works, it is unreasonable to ask everyone to stop using spoilers just as much as it'd be unreasonable to ask them to go in thesis level detail about the nature and relevance of the spoiler just for the sake of some curious cat's innocence, or because someone couldn't hold their suspense

both of these are just impossible, unfair and honestly from alot of angles kinda selfish (no offense ofc) for a number of reasons

to "why not just do that" it's "why the hell should I?"

Ghetoknight Halleyalex - 1719439196
Okay, but what I'M sayin is that "I thought it was safe because this was the latest chapter" makes no sense BECAUSE of his and others previous comments, and REGARDLESS has no bearing on the likelihood of weight or prevalence of a spoiler.

To assume it would be okay practically "just because" is the epitome of naive, it's like leaving on an old stove and thinking it'd be okay because "well it might not work"

A random spoiler tag for arbitrary reasons is a real thing, but as I explained finally, that still falls under naivete especially considering previous comments.

I'm not calling u out for clicking it or nthn, it really could have happened to anybody, but there also isn't a need to self justify because it's a completely reasonable outcome. Every time you click on a spoiler you're always running that risk, so honestly no matter what there's nothing either you or him could have done to change that outcome

-inherently it'd be unreasonable for him to assume your mindset and refrain from commenting (despite using the spoiler tags as intended), and likewise it would be impossible to ask you to avoid every single comment that utilises a spoiler tag in the slightest because of the risks it entails

I can see why someone would be upset but the dead end of it is that you tried for a gamble and lost. It wasnt really for no reason, you can't say whether or not it's major yet and the very nature of being "safe from spoilers", your underlying argument, is based off ingenuousness in not the most palatable sense


And mind you it's not like your logic isn't exactly sound, with little discussion in the comments it can be argued that there'd be no incentive to spoil, so it's a valid criteria when assessing tags, but yeah

Ghetoknight - 1719438554
feel bad for merchant bro

UNcle ro-

anyways what even is msg, I heard it was like crack cocaine and it makes chips addictive
Ghetoknight Halleyalex - 1719320720
that's just naievete' bro, in the first place it isn't anyone's obligation to even put a spoiler tag, just a welcome custom

you can't be blamin them for not going the extra mile and putting stats under it, unfortunately

not to mention im like 55% sure this isnt the first time he placed the spoiler, and ontop of that (there is no ontop of that)