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Ghetoknight Tsukinee - 1720028068
And you surely understand that this moral justification is that of irrationality, right?

If I was nice to a black guy and he robbed me, does that mean I should be a bitch to all black people? And that I should assume they will be criminals?

If the only jewish people I've ever come across were (idk any of the jew stereotypes) rich, pompous brats, should I automatically treat every jewish guy as one who's trying to look down on me? This justification is literally senseless, you can't first claim a scale to your kindness, then apply that kindness to a group in relation to people, irrelevant to the actual people you clearly have disdain for.

Being angry at mfs who are loud and annoying is fine, being angry at anyone who associates with groups that include the loud and annoying is...well...
discriminatory, lmfao

I'm not gonna comment on your situation, even if I'm almost positive there has been nothing done against you in a literal sense, but I can let you know that having a preset bias against people if they're related to a group is fine, presumptions exist for a reason. And disliking particular persons who annoy you is also fine, but trying to hide behind a moral high ground, claiming righteousness by antagonizing the entire group irrelevant to their actual participants is outrageously stupid. If you're already going in witht he mindset to judge them negatively then that's straight up ignorance, instead let them annoy you one more time and THEN characterize that person (in this case, TP) into "the annoying group".

That has NOTHING to do with politeness, mind you, but has everything to do with maturity and reasonable thinking of an adult.

Also, they are a mechanic (masculine associated job) in spite of being a woman
that could tell someone she's more hardy than others, or she's very hard working, adn then as you interact with her anything that needs clarification...gets clarified

also, be real, how else would you identify an illegitimate comment if not first looking at the commenters' behaviours, reactions, patterns of speech and response, and credibility/reasonableness of the argument?
I mean you should have seen the first comment. I was like "xe?" "hm?"

only to see TP has been bombarded with dislikes, and a reply from everyone specifically emphasizing NOT on TP's comment, but on the fact that he used xe

this is the equivalent of if I said loli as an offhand in a multi page essay about japanese history, which in all honesty had no relation to degenerate content or manga

they're ignoring the focal point of a comment to attack him on a usage of words, and they're hiding behind their arguments, as if to mask their intentions
it's especially stupid because I could post some random ass gibberish and I would never in athousand years get that much hate, if they wanna argue they could but that was not the way to go about it at ALL

with literally any comparable comparison it's easily acknowledged as pathetic, I wanna support their arguments and go against purple but the first step is always to address your own wrongs
I understand thinking they always sound like absolute assess but at least give them a chance to be an ass first bro, we aren't dictators...

"None of that makes sense to me"

that's fine, but then treat it as if it's alien to you, instead of treating it as if it's some invasive species of lingo

if I don't understand spanish, I'm not gonna get angry at spanish people in a spanish discord server for speaking spanish

same if I joined fcking HSR but I didn't know the game terms

likewise, you're on the internet, where likeminds are meant to meet, and yet somehow you're trying to force someone else from using unfamiliar language? MK is riddled with unfamiliar language, not everyone is a weeabou, or a functioning member of society, or plays halo, or a furry, or on some transgenderpilled sh, or a yuri lover, or a degenerate, or english/spanish/french/chinese/russihan/japanese, or into manwha/manga/manhua, or a teenager, or a child, or an adult or the elderly, or a caretaker, or a mother, or a maid, or a mechanic, can you tell me you'd be so insistent on forcing them out of here like you did TP?
--- --- ---
the sheer amount of different groups each with their own distinct informal langauge assuming a large enough group, is uncountable
it is LITERALLY uncountable, you CANNOT name every single group possible on the internet

and likewise it means it gives us no right to gatekeep sites or message boards from groups, you can't just assign your own group, or groups you've seen to a message board? there's a trillion other people

it's fine ignoring TP, but the only rational response to his prompt would have been to leave him be, because it's completely reasonable to assume someone that shares his exact thoughts comes by the comment and forms a bond with him

just like how me, or lolilover (idk his name), or I watch anime (I just want to diss him) probably fish for degenrates in the comemnt section with outlandish sayings, gifs, or images, it's reasonable for TP to fish for likeminded individuals assuming he is serious about what he says

just like how romance addicts will probably go to romance manga to look for romance lovers, it's reasonable that someone logs on the internet for this very purpose
at the very least this isn't an occasion that's intruding into your life, it's not like real life examples where the propaganda is forced into your throat, so why is it such an issue?

You misunderstood my prompt. Gender interwines with gender roles, and a part of those gender roles, expectations or experiences are based off sex. It's then easy to relate sex to gender, and likewise the socialisation of many groups to those shared experiences.
You undermine the relevance of shared experiences then, when you undermine the relevance of gender, because it's very unrealistic to assume with every relationship they must know your entire backstory, many assumptions have to be made in order for healthy interactions to take place.
For comparison, a child can talk to another child about things children normally do, and in that way age is relevant in social interaction. A white collar office worker can talk to another cubicle owner about how work hours go about, without needing to know exactly how he lived his life, that's a point of relation. Gender is an abstract collective, distantly related by biological features, that massively distinct how men and women are raised, and in that way they are able to socialise much easier, or quickly (which is essential to human growth).
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I respect you enough that if I see a BS argument I think you're trolling, and although I'm no expert I'm completely up for it if you seriously want to argue, there's not alot of places I can pump essays about gender roles anyways
No. It would not. When you say "I'm a woman, but" or "I'm a female, but" you generalize alot of the female expectations and assumptions about character, and then add or remove ontop of that.

The usage of words like female and male are for commonality, the idea that a large group, easy identifiable by biological traits aswell, are able to share experiences makes messages and feelings easier to convey.

In my scenario you can assume things about them, and then inquire about anything typically associated and in conflict with those assumptions, that's a fast and reasonable way to get to know someone. If we assume everyone had their own, custom, subjective gender to refer to themselves, it would be practically impossible to truly relate to alot of their life experiences without them outright telling you, and that would make socialisation harder.

Hence, gender is not irrelevant. Did you even read what I said? The fact of the matter is that the mass majority of people have moments in which they are able to understand each other, all of which are heavily dependant on their gender. That's something that is in complete opposition to a hypothetical that takes away the importance or relevance of gender.
Calling someone a troll just to disagree with them is a lie, that is true. Trolls are, however, deceptive, and I am [inspite of the ridiculousness of your comments sometimes] considering you a troll because you're well articulated enough that I can expect a half reasonable response.

You're telling me a guy who worked on a wall of text and responded instantly to my first callout, was too irrational to read someone else's completely normal block of text? The only one that I considered was well thought out, or from a person of decent mind? Unless you've been blessed by the gods to choose your battles, you'll always be a troll in my eyes. Very little people can be so vehemently wrong and so vehemently right, or proper in their arguments, which such consistency, across a period of many years....
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Ghetoknight Geck - 1719961399
What defines that? You are on the internet, not "on the manga/manwha/manhua" community, that's not a real thing. That's like saying you're in the books community, and that all people who read books should specifically only use your library's "slang"

Why don't you understand the flaws in your argument. How do you have such an excellent retort yet you abuse it and ruin it, PLEASE, bro, PLEASE
Ghetoknight Geck - 1719961323
Slang is already gated enough that you can't confirm it's specifities.

Once again, if this is the case, why not just refer to her as she? The natural assumption would be to treat it as if it weren't slang, especially since you understand from your POV it's just an abnormal replacement for she, and then let whoever is part of the woke community online to respond with xe aswell.

This is like if I started talking degen shit to MILF_lover and then you tried kicking me out because the comment section is meant to be a holy and safe space, surely just don't respond, or respond as if I said nothing?

The issue here is that TP didn't force his slang on you. The appropriate response would be to not acknowledge the slang, and ignore it. If I said waifu on a school GC, I don't particularly expect anyone to kick me out just as much as I don't expect anyone to "respond in kind"

but if someone DID repsond in kind, acknowledging the slang, isn't that the best and a rational outcome? if you want to estrange him from conversations for the slang (perfectly normal if you're unable to communicate, even though you are able to...) then that's fine, but it's on the fcking internet

how the hell are you trying to gatekeep and localise slang on the internet? would you kick out two commenters because they started weaving spanish in their words? can you ascertain you would have responded with as much hostility if some kid was hear using made up swear words? your words don't reflect your actions bro, there was a reasonable way to address it if you wanted to get your opinion across but instead you took some sort of moral highground, as if you were the leader of ALL communites across the entire internet, and that specifically TP was a threat to you

I UNDERSTAND not enjoying minority propaganda shoved into your throat, but the response is not to antagonize the group, TP isn't even a vocal minority, you malded this hard over a TROLL

idec about the likes, I absolutely despise how prevalent these things are, especially after moving to canada, and even I can tell that was a disgustingly horrible look for you, PLEASE seek help, organise your thoughts in the very least to rationalise your disagreement, and learn to get rid of that hostility. Literally immature kid writing sh without knowing anything about it vs troll who caught his catch, hook, line and sinker (I'm sure that's how you use the phrase)
Ghetoknight Nexus - 1719960831
Naw, true purple is infitessimally smarter than you all

bro selectively chooses arguments to not read, people to piss off, and all his comments are well articulated

it's hard to be such a perfect troll on the internet, because mfs like you will freak for normal sh, and then he keeps you trapped with bs arguments
if he actually wasn't willing to converse he wouldn't have until now, and bro likes arguing

realistically you all saw bait, fell for it, "revealed your true nature", and TP made sure to keep the group hating on him isolated to just you two, sprinkling tad btis of unreasonableness until it was over.

I am 90% sure it's completely possible to have a reasonable argument with TP on the usage cases, and respective demeanor appropriate in reacting to the utilisation of custom pronouns, but I'm also sure TP blew it intentionally as a troll, and you all weren't gonna be able to have that from the start.
Ghetoknight Geck - 1719960632
then why didn't we react like it was unfamiliar slang?
why did we so vehemently oppose it?

if an american came to europ eand said they were playing soccer, this would be like forcing them to say football

or on another side, this is like justifying a european calling soccer football in america, getting attacked by americans (because football refers to amer/football there)

are you seeing how you're meant to react vs how you actually reacted? it's stereotypically discriminatory in every way, you tried passing off a reasonable argument but you did so in the WORST manner possible,
Ghetoknight Geck - 1719960500
The issue with YOU saying this is by all means YOU should have treated it as slang, yet you all went WILD

how am I in a comment section that is CHOCK FULL OF IDIOTS
There has been very few media that has so fervently proved to me their stupidity, and I pray to god my apologies, because this is one of them
I'm actually embarassed to even type here, Seraph was the only reasonable person and right as he came you started being unreasonable, that kind of audience manipulation HAS to be intentional, true purple ur not serious, gekk ur even less serious, and Seraph; im sorry fr ur loss bro
now, HERE'S where true purple starts trolling, yet he gets significantly less downvotes? are you all MAD

this guy just said that using a masculine pronoun as an ambiguous one is idiotic and sexist, when in reality using pronouns familiar to yourself (also the main argument against those custom pronouns) is per natural course

he then states that, due to gender's abstract nature, in a realistic scenario in which you CAN identify everyone, it's more acceptable to bend said abstract nature, despite words like "male and female" comfortably describing and discerning a variety of attributes of a person's character the majority of the time in a simple manner

abolition of this as the norm would further ambiguity, it's much simpler to say "I'm a girl, but I worked around a mechanic store" than to describe every single trait about yourself assuming something like feminine and masculine traits shouldn't exist

the purpose of a generalization is for simplicity, and although moving out of that is fine, removing it entirely enforces confusion between interactions and relationships, which would only further isolate everyone

currently minority groups seek solace with each other, but if the entire world was full of people most intensely particulate about every single matter in their lives, there would be no true relation with one another, and that WOULD be an issue; he addresses the "made up-ness" of female or male without actually acknowledging its relevance, and hides behind controversial acclamaitions like the idiocy or sexism of opposing arguments

a nonesensical statement, and a meaningless insult? how is it under a legitimate comment we start hating, but under the troll comment we're chill? the brainrot is real
This is a great argument, it does not justify the escalation and imminent hostility the others displayed upon the use of "xe", since by no reach they should have reacted equally as if purple typed "djoashfioa120312837osdfs#$@#@", so there is clearly some bias and innate hostility here irrelevant to their true thoughts and opinions on the matter, which only proves as a detriment to them.

But otherwise, this is a valid argument realistically against the [real-life] normalization of "custom-pronoun monickers"

That becomes meaningless over the web, but still
Honestly this is more factual than anything else I've read, even acknowledging that true purple is a troll

I would rather not modify my own language for someone's needs, but that applies equally to minority's self representation with effective nicknames (to yall) as it does adopting weeabou language (irl), or some other particular lingo

if anyone can seriously tell me that anything else that's said on the internet is truly better than what by all means should be a typo to your eyes, well...they can't, lol
Yo is MK really this gated...

I can get not enjoying the sh but why are we so completely and utterly baffled by it?? huh????
you can't be serious broski, as much as I don't mind kyuukei lewding over lolis I don't mind someone using certain words in their passage, tf are we yapping about?

you understand that, to scale of true purple's comments, this is a massive overexaggeration in which you're bringing in some pretty heavy topics irrelevant to what he said? right?

it's like if you associating rap music to black people to slavery, then got angry at the comment being political (with the subject of the analogy listening to eminem in the first place)

that's the level of escalation here, surely we have a tad bit of hindsight
Ghetoknight Geck - 1719959544
I share the opinion but you come off as just completely braindead here bro, cmon...

if you want to enjoy your comfort irrelevant of what's practically propaganda for particular minority groups, that's fine
but how did this get through bot? true purple (like alot of the time honestly, I'm starting to see a trend) didn't instigate anything, he didnt ask you to refer to lily as "xe" or some nonesense, and troll like he does you could have just ignored it

why are we getting so unreasonably angry over some nonesense, I hardly think true purple is involved in the "stirring up of nonesense"

how does this defer from, in your eyes, when anyone else says some bullsh or gargle of words on the itnernet? or is there some possibility that you've never seen someone type a random assortment of levels, because as far as I know whilst retaining complete maturity, that is to the level you would have to treat this conversation

in otherwords, that's some unparallelled distaste you got going there for practically nothing
Ghetoknight Geck - 1719959343
Oh I didn't even consider the shounen trope angle, it felt like the elves were powerless against them too, not to mention hardly even noticed the first gargoyle (much less the second, presumably), but I can see it happening
the one that makes her half intangible? yeah, but I'm sure she's out of mana, so narratively they're probably gonna have her injured, and not use her in the next battle, maybe itnroducing a new character for the necessary supplementary strategy
Ghetoknight Tsukinee - 1719959222
okay now that's just overtly disrespectful, if you're angry at the vocal minority, (probably majority at this point) just say so, but this is just unreasonably blunt