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1420 points
1666 Comment(s)
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TruePurpleMK EstreFier - 1698944099
MC does NOT know the "only way to get isekaid was to beat the game" MC literally only knows of their own circumstances. The two other people MC has met who have come into the game MC got no information from. This player specifically seems to NOT know much about the game, even MC wondered on that point. A sample size of 1 is worthless for determining pattern. You know a good way to increase your knowledge? ASK QUESTIONS WHEN A PRIME OPPORTUNITY SHOWS!

How is MC suppose to get back to the real world without knowing anything? It seems like MC isn't even trying to get back to the real world.
TruePurpleMK - 1698941860
Is lower rank or higher rank number stronger?
TruePurpleMK - 1698941759
I don't get why MC did that to the other player. Best way to help him would have been to let them into the party or something, give them a chance to learn how to do things.  At the end after saying it didn't make emotional or logical sense, still somehow makes it seem like this behavior was best for the fellow player.

They might not even have played the game or something and not know of the death tax. Also this was a chance to get more information as well as help. Does MC really never intend to return home?
That sounds right, well specifically the other person who MC is inhabiting the body of killed her in the alternative timeline. Which sounds very convoluted. Author really wanted to make sure MC had all the inside information, didn't want to take any chances in MC being less than completely OP I guess.
TruePurpleMK - 1698874294
What part of "Being in charge of investigating your department" makes people think that MC can't say investigate their department? 
TruePurpleMK - 1698843750
Then MC rides off into the sunset...

Wait, that's not a sunset, that's a burning building!
TruePurpleMK - 1698841927
Why is MC called a "assassin" I wonder, and I wonder why they'd try to attack while another party is also attacking.  Especially before pitch battle starts since you might end up attacking the other bandits before you can even deal with the wagon.
TruePurpleMK AlexBen - 1698792813
Well Niijamas beloved spouse came back to him, it is not a bad idea to wait for her to come of age and remarry. If that is where Niijamas heart is, and reincarnated moms heart is,  that is the only "common sense". But it will be tricky to explain a refusal because of that without Morya thinking it's her and being offended that such a yarn was used as a excuse.

Really he should have been building up a explanation even before the confession, didn't Nijama already hear that she liked him. He didn't need to wait till a confession.

On the other hand it is possible Nijama accepts.  That bit with reincarnated mom looking with wonder at the aquarium is a small clue that this could be where this is going. But if that is where this went it would be springing it on reincarnated mom and daughter. So badly handled either way. Well this is the super idiot who ran around searching for reincarnated mom by running up to strangers in a busy park and asking if they have seen his 6 year old or whatever wife. This characters stupidity really annoys me.
That didn't even work in Bleach.
TruePurpleMK - 1698694763
Don't warn your enemy to prepare themselves.
TruePurpleMK Brik - 1698694417
Not sure how aside from killing Ice Dragon. They said that all the dragons are forced to obey the demon god in the end.
TruePurpleMK - 1698584980
Did MC instruct them to "start the next wave"? Oh yes, hit that send next wave button with your mouse, because this is RL, not a game!
TruePurpleMK A guy - 1698427193

Oops I think I had useless split view on or something. Pressing one of those buttons on the left fixed it

TruePurpleMK - 1698407665
Why is there no comment about this messed up chapter? Like missing pages or something? You can see text boxes cut off etc. It also doesn't make sense in many spots, probably because of the missing pages or whatever, that first page especially is hard to understand.

I think a fair amount of it is half the pages are reversed and half aren't?
TruePurpleMK - 1698382741
Come on, it's the only obvious choice and yet they needed to be convinced?
TruePurpleMK - 1698382166
MC  "let's get our enemies to fight each other". *everyone treats MC as a genius for stating the obvious*
TruePurpleMK - 1698381985
Obviously you get your enemies to fight each other. Not sure how MC managed that in this example, like by pissing off both sides and throwing away weapon to be less of a threat than the demons? But how did MC know to do that?
TruePurpleMK - 1698376220
"Natural enemy" I guess it means natural predator. Which is BS, moongooses feed on snakes but sometimes the snake eats mongoose for example.

Idiot looking like a cosplayer as king was annoying.

The stupidity of plan A was really annoying. Don't assign people to individual demon king castles, have the group attack a demon king castle at once.

How did they know who/what would appear from the mega summoning?
TruePurpleMK - 1698358100
Was the butterfly moose and horse summons MC? If those summoners belonged to the woman, shouldn't they have recalled while she was unconscious like MC was talking about?