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You need conductive metal, if it isn't as conductive as copper that causes problems.

As far as building a computer, depends on what you mean by "computer". But there is alot of technology built on technology built on technology in a modern day computer that no single person could ever hope to recreate on their own. Extremely advanced technology is needed just to etch that microscopic design on the silicon, only select fabricators can make those high end chips, most of those in Twain..

But electricity IS a much much lower bar.
You would need to get some copper and coil it as a wire in a turbine (the exact details of construction I am unsure) and you'd need some way to spin the coils to generate the electricity. Windmill, watermill, steam generated from heat burning various materials.

You also need to be able to control the amount of electricity generated and delivered at a particular point. It becomes a problem if your voltage is too high or low, not drawing enough electricity for what is produced can be a problem just as drawing too much, both for the grid itself and for items connected to it. Simpler electrics like incandescent lightbulbs have a higher tolerance for not getting enough or too much electricity than more complicated machinery though power adapters help with this to some degree.

So simply producing the electricity itself is relatively not too complicated from what I understand, but the other stuff adds additional complications.
TruePurpleMK Kazzie - 1722214734
Could be a scanner error, the picture drawn and then scanned in but there was a problem with the scan that was somehow missed?
Again I don't dispute that, just that PC's argument rested on system having singular intent as a known fact.
PC argument is that MC is actually doing as the "system wants", a unwitting "system pawn".

But the bases of that argument is that "the system" has singular intent. Something you have conceded to us not knowing to be the case. In fact nothing at all, suggests "the system" to have singular intent. That could be the case, just nothing acts as a clue for that to be the case.
TruePurpleMK - 1722203920
Necromancer should free the werewolf leader. Enemy of your enemy and all. It wouldn't hurt Necromancers effort if there was another free agent against them moving around.
This all spun out from Pound Cakes post which strongly implied and built a argument around the system having intent and having a singular intent. Since there is no bases for that assumption, all the rest of what Pound Cake built off that bases is invalid as conjecture to get to the truth of this comic.
We don't even know that these are "programs". Could be nonprogram beings behind this. The need to hide would remain the same.
TruePurpleMK - 1722198618
So much filler. I could do without the pervy "jokes".

So MC just says "this is how much money I have, please don't cheat me" to some random vendor and hopes for the best.
Not just the English. And in this version white people taking over Africa through pure strength with no technological advantage.
Well clearly drawn as white people. Certainly not black.
See what I said to Pound Cake. Probably beings that hacked into the system rather than "servants of the system". Notice how they had to keep things on the down-low and be sneaky with their communication with MC, something you would not figure would be necessary if it were the system itself behind them.
You assume the "system" has intent. Rather maybe a collection of rules from the various powers that be. Think of a MMO game server where as the absolute powers etc are moderators, admins etc. except not quite as absolute power as those and restricted from interfering too much
TruePurpleMK - 1722182263
Poor child couldn't become a sex consort of a 28 year old man for power at the age of 15, had to marry slightly lower in station, so sad! I can see why xhe would abused and completely neglect xir own child latter and also be racist and prejudiced as all fuck to the point of it claiming xir stupid life
I actually skipped chapters in partially reading this one. I think I'll take this off follow
TruePurpleMK - 1722181347
So the entire continent of Africa, a massive place with a extreme majority black people, is completely overrun by super strong white people that we had no idea of before?
TruePurpleMK - 1722160394
A reminder of what "schema" is please. Body enforcement?
TruePurpleMK - 1722158996
I wonder if this frame being black and white was a accident, artist ran out of time before publicizing, or suppose to be a mood setter or something?

Curiously the unlisted screaming in a prison cell holding bars is half uncolored, which sort of suggests something else.
TruePurpleMK - 1722123085
I suppose it's potentially a real problem to have this armor bound to you that MC waited till facing death to put it on.

Also too close to retreat in time like the others did?