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TruePurpleMK Pezbaby - 1723413292
I disagree, that worked for me. Logical strategic solution using greater battle knowledge makes for a good concise fight.
TruePurpleMK - 1723412741
Damn that's some convoluted confusing time travel plot.
TruePurpleMK - 1723412129
I would think the authors of movie Back to the Future would have something to say about the logic of traveling to the past to kill your younger self to preserve your future self. That is some bizarre time travel plot logic, if true. I mean she believes it but is it really the case?

And no matter what she says envy/jealousy is the main reason.

Also they are by no means "identical beings"
TruePurpleMK - 1723411655
You should know you're messed up in the head when your so jealous of your past self you try to kill your past self.
@1 I. guess we will see. But this was right after the host noble saying it was fine to kill them, which implies death and crippling.
@1.5. Irrelevant if killed or crippled. No amount of "picked a fight" justifies killing or crippling, especially when you are that far above them in power. If no death or crippling, #1.5 is irrelevant to my comment. So in other words, irrelevant either way.

@2. The nobles were already plenty pleased with MC. MC would have been more than fine with the nobles even if MC had gone easy on them. Some nobles might have even been more pleased with MC had MC shown mercy. And you don't justify MC needing to be super good with the nobles anyway

@3. Someone said in comments of a earlier chapter that the idea of evil spirits being hated is their tendency to kill adventurers (PK) and such. AKA brutality and "evil", not mercy is a better marker for who is a "evil spirit" based on the logic of why they go after "evil spirits" in the first place..

@4. MC could have easily won without killing or crippling. Seems shown plenty that was the case regardless of adventuring level.

Also it's weird MC thinks the gigantification thing was possibly too far, as that was the only fight where the opponent was uninjured. Which is one point towards your #1 point.
TruePurpleMK - 1723377896
This was such a awful chapter, MC is turning native evil. Apparently killed the second one and at least crippled the third one. Setting aside MC being a evil asshole for no reason or benefit, (could have easily won without crippling or killing anyone) this chapter was empty and boring with nothing but MC showing off.
TruePurpleMK Agrivoid - 1723236703
Would you please refresh my memory on that?
TruePurpleMK - 1723227967
I was wondering how Nie Li was going to get them to refine for em. I wonder if MC will help them in the end and let them live. Could be a group semi-loyal to MC unknowingly in a new demon faction against the main. Like I said last chapter, I doubt the author will get this complex but it could be possible.
TruePurpleMK - 1723116858
So age acceleration? Or did 000 copy self well before the "game" began?
TruePurpleMK AZAGTOTH - 1723115829
I don't get this reference.
Relative to the humans MC has endless power. I feel I shouldn't have had to specify that without you bringing up the next Dragonballz tier boss.
TruePurpleMK - 1723093871
I wonder if the death mage assignment can be changed.

I think "Righty" should be selected, clearly second most intelligent of the undead.

I wonder if they keep their old abilities, like wyvrms ability to fly. Blasting spells from the sky will be useful in the future when not underground.
TruePurpleMK Dice87 - 1723053653
I won't discuss this with you any more, Diddy.
TruePurpleMK Forsen - 1723002907
Sorry, I don't understand you because I don't know moron.
TruePurpleMK Dice87 - 1722997885
"That sounds like an excuse Diddy would use."

I don't know anything about this "Diddy", but clearly this is a shitty intellectually dishonest thing for you to say.

"Also, it wasn't gossip, they referenced an actual accident and even her own family's treatment and sheltering of her"

You need to look up the word 'gossip' a dictionary. Till you know what it means you can't talk about it. Hint, you are using the word 'gossip' wrong here where I used the word 'gossip' correctly. Also go here

"Plus, her manner of speech wasn't child like enough for you?"

Because her parents said everyone who talks to xir are bad and xhe believed it? Sounds like a cruel mommy taking advantage off the situation. You would prefer she be completely isolated from everyone else xir entire life and then just shrivel up and die once mommy does? I disagree with your position that would be the most humane treatment
TruePurpleMK Dice87 - 1722978882
So some famous person famous for dating young people or something?

As I said before "mind of a child" is not actually established. Why is the idle gossip of aristocracy suddenly gospel for diagnosing a persons mental state? Maybe she has some kind of mental disability but generally a "adult" mind. People with mental disabilities have a right to date, marry, and generally live their life as well and should not be treated like a 10 year old their whole life complete with overbearing parents etc.

That said, in a sexist aristocratic world, I'd prefer to be treated as a aristocratic child if female. The alternative is being treated as property when you get married against your will etc. Of course that depends on how horrible your guardians are.
TruePurpleMK - 1722940039

So the baron is homosexual? And why is the story telling us this?
TruePurpleMK kkk - 1722866079
Homosexuality can increase social cohesion which can lead to stronger societies which helps general human offspring survive-ability. History and the fact that these desires have survived millions of years and in different species not just humans tell us this.

"race" is just arbitrary meaningless human demarcations. Genetic diversity helps evolution. Inbreeding can reduce undesirable recessives if evolution is allowed to act,(like not royals) which mostly just helps with future inbreeding. But otherwise does not provide the species much benefit. But even with no problematic recessive genes it still runs contrary to evolutionary progress since less diversity.

Consider apples. Did you know apple trees can not pollinate with other apple trees of too similar of genes? There is genetic mechanisms that prevent this. This is why natural apple-tree offspring will produce apples different from either parent. For consistent apple varieties farmers must use grafting where they cut branches off one tree and make it heal onto another tree.

Because of this apple trees are extremely genetic diverse and thus very strong against being wiped out by disease or pests and can thrive in many different climates.

As far as there being a issue of offspring between beings of very different ages, I have not heard of that and would need proof. I have heard that while human males can remain fertile well past the age that human females can reproduce, there is a issue of the quality of the sperm going down with less genetically stable sperm or something. But I don't think the age of their partner has anything to do with that.