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2081 Comment(s)
2058 Upvote(s)
yilo User-6460459145 - 1705904098 been there done that.
yilo Bread - 1705864829
yeah we used to live in a very small bubble like 10 years ago, were everyones comments was viewed and respected but as our bubble began to expand, we not only got newer people into the community we also got more issues to deal with. this is one of those issues. simply downvoting something you dont agree with gets immidiatly assossiated with hating, saying you dont agree with a comment gets you attacked for voicing your opinion. its rather sad and unhealthy. but i do wonder if or when we can have healthy discussions about things we dont like without getting attacked.
yilo Coro - 1705864422
you do understand that it is healthy to have a conversation in the comment section about what you are reading and anything else related to it right? there is a reason why the comment section is a thing. there is complaining and there is stating a simple fact. if he were to complain like me he would probably write a 50 pages long essay on why they are losing intrest. this person simply says what they feel like and everyone seems to lose their shit. meanwhile there are people discussing loli's and pron and no one bets an eye.
yilo - 1705800149
i had forgotten how good this series used to be. i havent read this in so long time to reread it i guess.
yilo Bread - 1705799461
it is unfortunately like that. but we gotta live with it. the best you can do is not be a hypocrite which is extremely hard to achieve for some. but i do understand where some people come from. back in the early/mid 2010s there were fk ton of 4chan trolls who would go around and talk shit about manga's telling people that they would drop something and advicing others to drop it aswell. then slowly a handful trolls actually started avelanges and created a toxic swamp, so to counter them and the toxicity the anime or rather the manga community adapted the talk negative= troll= downvote, mentality which is fair. but in that mind set we lost something very important which is the genuine people who are doing cries for help from others who share the same hobby to convince them to drop it or to continue hanging in there.

i now realise that i am getting old af... that makes me a little sad. :/
yilo Coro - 1705799014
actually wrong, who else in the world can you tell that you start to lose intrest in something than us. we are the only people who share the same/similair hobby as it gets. we would be the only people who go through the same thing. we should also be the only ones who can give solid advice weither that be useful advice or not is up for him to decide. getting downvoted for speaking your honest mind is stupid. but it honestly does not matter i am happy he at least shared his toughts so that maybe at least 1 person could tell him to hang in there or something else. it would suck more to lose someone who likes this hobby due to loss of intrest.
yilo Joker - 1705781845
the feds are still acceptable as they are just doing jobs. twitter on the other hand... not just zionists but racists and unhinged mf'ers spewing sewage from their finger tips and say hot take. oof just give me brain damage straight from a sledge hammer.
yilo zajcu - 1705769978
there is, its shit when compared to the others.
yilo Noroi - 1705769243
or elves evolved/devolved from her race. like humans from apes?
yilo Karl - 1705767701
probably the latter. but if it is the former i would question how far the magic in this world can go and what else it can also do.
yilo Holy Ei - 1705767626
you forgot wet, wet is important too.
yilo ZeniX - 1705767594
a treesome though? neftis the 300 year old loli and her 16year old daughter... surely not.
yilo - 1705767084
after using those potions, gear and stats and skills they couldnt even draw a single drop of blood from mc. what a fking waste.
yilo Mgovinaster - 1705766476
it happens to alot of us, best thing you can do if you still care about this story. just stop reading it for a while i mean like 6months-1year time. let the chapters stack and then come back with a fresh perspective and read the new chapters. you might start loving it again. that is what i do with stories that i start to lose hope or intrest in, it has always worked and helped me loads. i hope it will help you too.
yilo Foodari - 1705766085
it takes one to know one. if i can help a fellow soul avoid my hurdels i will gladly do so.
D your pet(s) would miss you and no one would feed them.
i am glad i could be a reason to scare you into living a fruitfull live of banging.
yilo - 1705737229
btw did they cut the dialogue between vice princepal and mc or was it just skipped over in LN aswell?
no its not winning. it hasnt won untill you draw your final breath. even then it still hasnt won. i will summon you back with my necromancy and have you fight it till your body breaks down.