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yilo ShadowLR - 1710731778
probably be cursed with his powers untill he makes up for his mistake.
yilo Joho - 1710731652
going past the fact that he deserved it or not. he wants revenge, which is exactly what he said in ch1-2. he knows he is in the wrong, i dont think he denied that once. besides he was just a child. a child who had more responsibility than he should have had to have. in a lapse of judgement for 1 seconds for trusting an adult he pretty much doomed the world. but if we wanna be fair to the child. that white wings fucker probably would have destroyed that whole village and tortured them all to get his hands on the information and scale. so if you ask me it was only a matter of time.
yilo User-9528955152 - 1710730952
i was thinking colombus landing in america's and stealing gold and silver aswell.
yilo potato - 1710730509
okay that made me laugh. also wtf is that kids problem, he keeps hating on berserk comments like who in their right mind wouldnt compare this to berserk...
yilo Oburci - 1710729175
i took minute out of my time to laugh at his name, couldnt take him seriously anymore and decided to forget he is called ballsack jiz, otherwise i cant enjoy his death.
yilo User-7721957842 - 1710728359
as someone who is not a berserk reader, i mean i'd prefer berserk fanboys over a moron who said "this reminds me of natsu dragneel"...
yilo User-just a man - 1710725985
agreed, its a good manhwa and its fun to read aswell. the tournament and its final were epic.
yilo Onion Ninja - 1710725859
i think you missed the whole fking point he was trying to teach/show when he did this.

the martial artists in these type of stories are only 1 directional, they only think about looking cool, never about doing something unorthodox in order to win. or how to handle someone who does use unorthodox techniques.

what mc is doing is called turtle position in BJJ, watch any bjj blackbelt tourney and you will see this perfomed alot. the reason for this is, you can use both your arms and your legs to defend against your opponents and easily lock them into submissions. like i am not bragging when i say this, i have faced alot of opponents who used this against me and they were always sooooooooo fking tough to defeat. i have lost many times because i couldnt get through their guard and got submitted.

anyways long story short, something doesnt always have to look fantastic in order to be effective. mc is teaching the monk a lesson on not looking down on your opponents just because they do something like "donkey roll" which is looked down upon in the martial arts stories.

about his nickname being cringe, i agree but we rarely choose our own nicknames right? i am sure back when you went to middle/high school you had a nickname too that you didnt choose. i think the authors choices for nicknames in the story arent bad at all. they are just given by randoms because they saw you do 1 action for 1 time in your life and it just sticks.
yilo - 1710724712

quick story: so there is this MMA guy in china his name Xu Xiaodong, he is an ameteur mma fighter who goes around challenging fake martial artists to fight, they can use their fake martial arts that they cheat and lie to their customers to/with/about against him. he beats the shit out of those fake martial artists and the CCP doesnt like that so they lowered his social credit score so much living is pretty much a hassle for him. anyways what i wanna say is look him up on youtube very awasome guy. this story is pretty much an omage to that guy.
mc is a former MMA champion who had like 400 fights won and 18 losses before he retires after his last win because his body cant keep up with his will after 30 years of fighting. so he dies and reincarnates into murim.

[art: 6/10] although it isnt bad it isnt fantastic either. you can tell the characters apart but there is never a moment where you stop reading the story to just look at the art except from that one fight in the tournament but that is because of different reasons *cough* moving on...

[ characters: 7/10 ] they are pretty good, no one really stands out too much, they go through their own arcs, they feel alive but they dont really have extreme impact on the story. i dont have any characters that i particulairly dislike/hate so i aint complaining.

[story: 6/10] this is a what if MMA met Murim story, although i am kind of disappointed by the lack of mixed martial arts such as BJJ/sambo, muay Thai, grapling being showcased. but i am satisfied enough with boxing/kickboxing,submissions, teakwando and wrestling being shown. although he has yet to fully shown jon jones or khabib or george st-pierre levels of fighting. it is acceptable.

[overall rating: 6.5/10] although not fantastic, its not bad either. its much better than some dipshit author who reincarnates into his story as the side character of the demon cult and suddenly he makes 100000000000 iq plays. miss me with that shit.

should you as a person read this story?

absolutely yes, its good, especially when you have run out of stuff to read this feels so good. but dont expect a 10/10 story. just go in with an open mind.
lmfao, rko outta nowhere would be the funniest move to pull against any murim master, like imagine you just trying to use mount hua 12 plum blossom sword art, suddenly this guy teleports infront of you and slams you to the ground with all his weight and you are like:
yilo - 1710723576
yilo Shadowmyst - 1710723141
yilo - 1710721505
you didnt disappoint me inhyo. well done.
yilo - 1710721133
strip her more. go inhyooooooo.
*cough* i mean, get back up ice flower phoenix or w/e you can beat here surely *cough*

dont disappoint me inhyo
yilo Zagyu - 1710720616
oh god not that perverted fucker. get away from me demon.
yilo Gakuku - 1710719962
probably one of those old monsters that went through metamorphosis to regain their youth.
yilo - 1710711712
yilo - 1710710972
yilo Donny_Dont - 1710703841
hahaha lmfao, i said in ch1 or 2, this manhwa is in honour of that guy. bwahahah
yilo Jesse-D - 1710702325
dempsey roll is fking deadly. mc just needed to hit an overhand and that old fker would have been stunned giving mc an oppertunity to go for the family jewels.