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yilo Donny_Dont - 1720834167
uhm comparable yeah but kinda worse. you know how game of thrones has 8 seasons, seasons 1-5 are peak, season 6 becomes questionable at times and s7-s8 are fucking awefull especially that ending.
well this manhwa i would split up into pieces, chapters 1-100 pretty good,100-350 absolute garbage, chapters 350-450 pretty good. 450-500 its alright not great not too bad. 500-510 fucking garbage.

so do with that information what you will.
yilo Jasher - 1720833144
no not regret, but rather disappointment with the author. he should have stuck to the slow pace and finished the story properly, i really loved han jihan, his abilities and his creative ways. i liked the authors way of writing in the beginning, it was intresting, fresh and got my brain juices flowing. i was constantly thinking what would i have done differently if i was in jihans shoes? which is actually a very very very good thing. but then as the story progressed we finished first arc and then 2nd arc and 3rd arc came and went. i was getting more and more bored. the story felt lazy, the dialogue between characters felt like absolute waste at the end of the arc's because they brought nothing to the story or developed any of the characters. which is one of the major reasons why i hated the church of masks arc. even though it was important it felt shit to read it.

again i dont hate this story i just dont like the direction the author went with and like i said disappointed.
yilo - 1720832041
bro is an idiot, he should have given the 2 warriors the front stage so that they dont become a reliability later on. if they get injured now you can heal them or if they die it means that they were useless. so getting rid of the problems rather early than late game is smarter. but i guess he was too greedy for points.
yilo Donny_Dont - 1720828718
uhm so about reading this again. dont do it. after i did it i can tell you only 200 chapters out of the 500 total are okay, and aprox 50 chapters are great. the rest is shit...

so a major waste of time and no real sustinance to the world. like the ending is so rushed it makes me upset :(

if you want to know i rated this 6/10 before now its a 4/10 and anything below 5/10 is not worth reading.
yilo yilo - 1720828451
well 7 months after i made that comment, the story has ended.

they fucking rushed the ending T.T what a shame really. but oh well i guess i should be glad that they ended it rather continue to drag it on.

since it has ended i feel people deserve an update.

NEW OVERAL RATING: 4/10 rushed ending -1 point, alot of untied knots and no happy ending -1 point.
yilo Awesome A1 - 1720828151
i wouldnt call it great, but its indeed been a journey.
yilo Renki - 1720828119
time catches up with us quick doesnt it?
yilo INPHINITHY - 1720828024
yeah almost 11 actually. i was there when the first chapters were being translated, it was so unique compared to what was out there i loved reading it very much. as i was heavily invested in mmorpg's at the time and this manhwa felt exactly like an mmorpg, stats, items, quests, monsters and powers. i loved all of this manhwa. but as it started to get on in years it started to become dragged and dulled and it became so bad it was almost unbearable. especially the church of masks...

but yeah at the end it felt like a major waste of time. sad honestly with how good the beginning was.
yilo - 1720827834
thats it? that is how ur gonna end the story??? you arent even gonna reveal how strong they are? you arent gonna reveal who the other dieties on earth are that created gaia system, you arent gonna give us more information about hell's spirit? you arent even gonna give jihan a happy ending with a wife and kids? bruh this is ass.
yilo Jasher - 1720826596
he is about unleash his ultimate gamer form and become racially and sexually motivated against haldewald...
yilo I watch Anime - 1720826124
world unification to fight stronger and crazier beings? hell yeah sign me up boss.
yilo - 1720816823
yilo - 1720813038
i hope that mc will soon make mobile siege weapons like catapults, ballista, the trebuchet, my personal favorite cannons or even the upgraded version of the cannon... HOWITZERS.
yilo CRAZY CRAYON - 1720812887
what do you mean honourless victories? this is not about honour, this is about annahilation and hummilation. honour has no place on the battlefield. as kindness towards your enemies is dooming your allies. you have superior technology and firepower why would you not use it to destroy your enemies, who raped, pillaged, enslaved and killed your bretheren. i say they are far too easy going already. they need to throw more bombs at enemies before they tell them to surrender.

asking them to surrender before they show how easily they can kill them all will give the enemies ideas that they might be able to survive or win this battle. which will only cost you people. this is why nightraids and assassination of commanders is so important in wars.
yilo - 1720812557
i have perfect gif for this:
yilo User-6734959883 - 1720812143
as is the usual case. anything you dont understand is automatic black magic granted to the enemies by devils. as thor once said "magic is just technology we have yet to understand"
yilo User-1241055983 - 1720811320
technically speaking they are, he doesnt have to be submerged in water to be underwater.
yilo - 1720811252
yilo UNAMED666 - 1720810336