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1087 points
147 Comment(s)
202 Upvote(s)
KrisCAO - 1701476733
She turned that 10 year old into a goddamn chandelier 😅
KrisCAO - 1701312334 do terrible things keep happening to good people 😭?
Well they took liberties with his description and since that was a subject often used to immaculate Helmut, the illustrator this time just accentuated his "pretty" face more than the last illustrator 😅
KrisCAO - 1701310382
Shame alea isn't a guy since her attire would be funnily intriguing around the mc who has no idea what clothes fit societal norms and stereotypes 😅 kinda surprised alea hasn't asked the mc why he isn't asking questions... then again after tutoring Helmut that much, she must have figured out that he doesn't know jack about society 😆
KrisCAO - 1701293322
Boo lame reverse trap trope 😒

KrisCAO Oburci - 1701059407
That things got a name (kinda) and a mind of his own. That'd be Hella rude to wake a guy up and snatch his body 😅
Stick og Lloyd in a plushie instead.
KrisCAO ThySoftMouse - 1700920028
I'm not entirely sure what his reward could be... whatever evil demon took his soul and tied it to the game probably won't just undo his contract on a whim.
He might have to log in every day for the rest of his life if he wants to stay alive. Revenge in a video game is bitter sweet, like yeah you got your one up on the douche bag but at the end of the day it's just a game.
People who take games too seriously might feel like this is justified but at least there's monetary gain here in these games... so he could be rich but still have to game forever to stay on life support.
The douchebag literally loses nothing even if he is defeated in game because the game is just a side hobby for him. He's a goddamn wealthy heir, super model and actor for christ sake. 😅
For the mc, this whole game is his life, for the "douchebag antagonist" this is his Tuesday night for like two hours tops. 😆
The fact that this is a game makes all of the achievements of the mc arbitrary, but also diminishes the action and stakes. Again, only the mc is at risk in every endeavor, and because he's the main character, that means every obstacle he faces will be over come no matter what because if he dies in the game he will die in real life.
Tldr; once you turn back on your brain, the story is actually objectively bad 😅
KrisCAO - 1700919482
Old man nooo!! 😨
0 nothing has changed 😆
KrisCAO - 1700698530
So business as usual? 😅
KrisCAO Lucairian - 1700662198
What's wrong? I guess turning into a generic schooling arc wasn't something you wanted to happen but it's here, might as well skim through it until it moves onto the next arc.
KrisCAO Galacy - 1700658970
His wife was also very stoic. It might be presumptuous to assume their familial ties but as the head he was probably brilliant, but as a father and a husband... I dunno. If your own wife and kid don't mourne your death then maybe life and work balance was off the mark by a ton.
Or, this world is different... and people react differently to the death of loved ones, especially war heroes... or, they grieve in private and hold a brave face in the public eye to honor the fallen family member?
They'll probably go through the proper procedures before execution. He's got to answer for his crimes first, he just added a bunch to them so his sentencing will probably change from exile to hanging after his outburst at the end. If he has a family I hope they knew nothing of his treachery... that way we can feel bad after they get exiled or even executed along with him... old world laws be like that. Sins of the head follow the family.
KrisCAO - 1700477002
This guy is a piece of shit but every reader should remember that it's a game world. Our mc got isekai'd into the game world for next to no real reason. Revenge is definitely a given but at the end of the day, the only one whose life is at risk for anything is the mc with the new rules he's under. The being who killed him, rewound time and tied his new life into the game is a rat bastard. 😅
KrisCAO - 1700239727
Here's hoping shorty gets to go see his family alive and well 😅
KrisCAO - 1699741078
Maybe~ they're kidnapping orphan children and bringing them to work camp to make them into future members of whatever this organization is? They sell them to nobles to make money and when the kids grow(if they survive kooky nobels) they become members of the organization and keep the cycle going? 🤔 maybe~?
KrisCAO - 1699739249
The hook has been ruined but it's still a good story, it was refreshing and it tugged at your empathy a bit but her being blind wasn't completely enforced with her magic sight anyway so it doesn't feel entirely lame that having something like a miracle by obtaining sight happening. 
It does feel like it happened too soon though... but 16 chapters in, what do I know 😅
KrisCAO - 1699361726
I love zombi 😂