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Name Withheld
1500 points
892 Comment(s)
157 Upvote(s)
Name Withheld - 1699477827
According to mangaupdates (.com), this has 46 chapters and is complete in its native Korea, but hasn't been completely scanlated. Given how it's been over 3 years since the last chapter was uploaded here, I'm going to guess this'll never be fully translated, so I'm not even going to start it.
Name Withheld - 1699474157
2.5/5.Had potential but just really wound me up.
I'm going to start by announcing: F*CK MANGACOW AND THEIR UNDER-AGE GIRL BULLSHIT!That off my chest, I may have been a little bias due to the constant irritation of the "loli" (AKA, "Pedo Pete"... and you can ask Hunter who that is) sh*t, but it didn't cost this title more than 1/2 a point, if any.
It's the typical Korean school bullying-cum-revenge thing, so I'll just sum it up for you in a nut shell:
Author makes out villains to be vicious devils, but OP MC goes easy on them. There's some senseless plotting to drag things out and, rather than going for the head of the snake, he pointlessly fights through the ranks of underlings, but it all ends on a pretty positive note.And that's my take on it.
Another positive I didn't mention is that this is a fast read - several chapters are under 15 pages (I saw a few that were 10 or 11) - so, if you do start this, you may as well finish it. It's also better than most of the sh*t that comes out nowadays, but I'm still the dude who'd give all of those a 0.5 or 1, so don't think my rating is harsh just because crap like Transformers got high scores on Amazon's IMDb bot-farm.
Final note:I must be a glutton for punishment but I've heard the TV series, Dokgo 2 (based on the 2nd series of this title) is superb, so I'm going to check out the source material. Hopefully the author had learned the mistakes he made while writing this and Tong during that.
Name Withheld - 1699472435
The f*ck. 
Why did the author wait so long before MC got all primal and broke bones and sh*t?
I guess the people behind titles like, Weak Hero, were influenced by this but learned from this dude's mistakes.
Name Withheld - 1699471818
If it wasn't supposed to be grounded in realism, it would've been a cool line.
Still, a nice meme:
Name Withheld - 1699471291
Had MC been a bit more ruthless like his friend, this would've been a lot more enjoyable. 
Don't get me wrong, kids: violence is never cool... but some f*ckers need to have Biblical vengeance enacted upon them.
Name Withheld - 1699468634
The old cliché: MC gets beaten to a point that would've killed 10 men all because he won't let someone else be harmed... and then, when he hears his friends saved them, he gets up and batters unbelievable numbers + the OP main villain.

This has been pretty lame but at least it was a fast read.
Name Withheld - 1699468063
I'm a black belt in judo, I just watched you beat the crap out of, like, 20 guys in a few seconds, K.O. most of them, not even pant for the lack of effort... but, yeah, I can take you on.
Delusional or bad writing? 
Name Withheld - 1699465740
Is this like, Yuck, furry?
Name Withheld - 1699457631
Sigh. Obviously fakery to flush out whoever leaked info to Hu in the past. With that in mind, shouldn't the sound effect in the last panel have been translated? 
Name Withheld - 1699456605, now tell me this piece of sh*t doesn't need to have his skull stomped on until he's retarded...
This is what bothers me about these kinds of comics: the authors make the villains pure evil, but then think a little slapping is the justice readers want!
Name Withheld - 1699452640
No, a petty dislocation is a simple pop back in and two weeks' rest. Is that really all this piece of sh*t deserves?
Name Withheld - 1699451872
Why does he have to smack down these fools in order? Why didn't he just jump the ringleader outside of school as soon as he knew who it was, deliver the deserved maiming and extract the names of the other culprits via torture?
This plot is weak and the revenge is borderline gay. Sh*t, I thought this bad-arse, OP MC would be breaking bones at a minimum, instead, we get rainbow flags.
Name Withheld - 1699447594
Name Withheld - 1699447300
Faggots acting tough because they expect a 5 v. 1 beatdown.

The same faggots pretending they're losing:
Name Withheld - 1699423118
Dweeb: he carries a weapon around.MC: cool, I'll just let him take it out during his beatdown... because: like, why not?
Name Withheld - 1699401546
Faggots with knives...
Name Withheld - 1699401321
Nah, man, this MC's a f*cking tranny! He should be murdering this bastard, not slapping him for chuckles.
Name Withheld - 1699401025
Dude, he kicked your brother so much, he coughed up blood... and he's bragging about it.That means he gave your brother fatal internal injuries, and that sh*t amuses him!
MC had best cripple this motherf*cker or this comic is gay.
Name Withheld - 1699398630
The dude was going to break your legs. Remember that when you hurt him.
Name Withheld - 1699397350
Break his arms! The f*cker knew about it raining during the park beating, so he was probably there, and anyone pulling a knife deserves to get f*cked up.