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Name Withheld
1497 points
896 Comment(s)
157 Upvote(s)
Name Withheld Banana - 1711639419
I'm curious as to what this word was, that starts with a D:
More dudes have died so far than women; readers just notice the cleavage and kick up a stink when the latest "waifu" possibility gets bumped off.
Name Withheld Rextle - 1711619237
I accidentally down-voted you when I meant to reply, so sorry about that (I cancelled it once I noticed).

Anyway, I completely agree with you and, as I commented above, I think it's time for me to shelve this for a few months because a few weekly stacks are pointlessly leading to the same frustration every time an episode ends.
Honestly, I'm starting to worry that other readers feel the same and this will get axed long before we even find out what the point of L.A.G. is - let alone, who's behind it!
Name Withheld - 1711618913
Man, I always let these stack... only for them to be over so fast, and worst of all: with nothing resolved!
I get that the whole point of this comic is to go from one room of absolute chaos to the next, but it always ends mid-action. I might just put this on hold for 6 months, come back when it's over to enjoy it in one.
Name Withheld - 1711350126
The aura reminded me of this moment.
Name Withheld - 1711348424
MC's had his butt kicked 3 or 4 times already... but carry on.
Name Withheld - 1711305164
To do that his own brother...

When does Muto smash this bitch's arse hole?
Name Withheld - 1711304639
Kill the children, more like it. Dropped.

I saw the cover so assumed the artwork would improve, but everyone's a chibi and it's annoying.
To make matters unbearable: these are 10 year old little children getting bullied and having the crap kicked out of them by both adults and other kids alike! The Kuro kid, always getting picked on plain made me feel bad - there's no way this BLEAK sh*t can be entertaining for anyone!
I got up to the 8th chapter when it turns out the children will be injected with crap to make their bodies grow and it was too much.
Sh*t, I thought they'd train for 10 years - not still be 10 year olds on the frontlines!

Anyway, if you want to read Child Abuse: The Sci-fi, go for it.
Name Withheld - 1711304303
This isn't very good - what bothers me the most though is the bullying and poor, 10 year old Kuro getting constantly beaten up!
Now it turns out that these kids are going to remain immature, but with adult bodies. I think it's time I dropped this.
Name Withheld - 1711303769
Tf... is this on a break or something?
Name Withheld - 1711303483
Muto needs to slap this bitch into place.
Name Withheld - 1711282775
Not the barbarian epic I was hoping for.
This one was pretty frustrating because it tried to be more than it was but lacked severely. Had it just been about a "barbarian" discovering a new world, it could've had more focus and been better for it, instead, it jumps around, fails to really build up any memorable characters and... ends. Axed.
The biggest problem though was the art.The MC looks like a himbo for the most part - a cross between Disney's Tarzan and some cheesy mullet-haired, pumped-up Romeo (see: Fabio).The artwork also comes across as too gay/BL at times, while using chibis at others and worse: has blurred action sequences all too often, so we have no idea what just happened!Still, it had nice colours, so a lot of kids liked it.
At the end of the day, although this had so much more potential, I can fully understand why it got dropped by the team behind it.But at least they were nice enough to close out the 2nd series (as cliché as it was).
Name Withheld - 1711281875
Wait... so this got axed?

Well, at least the studio was good enough to end the 2nd series.
Name Withheld Kodec - 1711280626
Why do people believe in dinosaurs?

Look at myths from all around the world and you'll see dragons; dinosaurs only exist as models (i.e. fake bones) in museums.
Name Withheld - 1711280065
Oh, so now he has scars.
Name Withheld - 1711231695
Where were all the scars on MC's body? In one battle, he had 4 arrows in his back!
Name Withheld - 1711230738
The author forgot that MC saw snow at the top of the mountains he crossed to get to this land.
It showed during the siege too (but probably didn't settle).