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  • 999+ points1 year ago
    "you have this very tangible and accessible way to go back to being human so why don't you KYS" what???
    • 377 points1 year ago
      Facts my man, now they were used in war and killed plenty of other humans now imagine what will happen when a huge number of them return to humans their mentality wont be fixed its damaged they cant become humans again in.the long run they will destroy the society they want to return to. I would fight if i was the chimera but I agree with the Mc
      • typeouINPHINITHY
        999+ points1 year ago
        They were used. At no point did they have any control over their action. They're not guilty, and they did nothing wrong. The fact that they even want to go back to being human is exactly why they should be allowed to.
        • 999+ points1 year ago
          I don't think so tbh, like he said even tho they were used they still had a chance to simply just kill themselves and keep their humanity
          • typeouKang Han Soo
            999+ points1 year ago
            They didn't. Controlled chimeras explicitly have no control over themselves, they can only be ordered.
            • 999+ points1 year ago
              They went through it did they not , even if they were controlled that doesn't get rid of the fact that they killed inocents
              • typeouKang Han Soo
                999+ points1 year ago
                It does. Non-Compos mentis is a universally agreed rule of society. You are not responsible for acts committed while not in control of your body or sound mind. This is why Yuji and other possessed characters in fiction aren't murderers.
                • M
                  999+ points25 days ago
                  Accurate, but everyone is assuming that the ancient dragon’s legacy actually can do what they want and isn’t just a monomaniacal fixation they’ve settled on as a desperate last hope… one that they’re willing to massacre the dwarves to get to, no less.
                  • typeouMidknight
                    999+ points25 days ago
                    Sure but MC isn't challenging them on that. He's challenging them on like... not wanting to die?
                  • INPHINITHYtypeouIt does. Non-Compos mentis is a universally agreed rule of society. You are not responsible for acts...
                    377 points12 months ago
                    Would you let someone who was controlled and killed your wife or husband be near your child cus he wasnt in control 🤔
                    • typeouINPHINITHY
                      999+ points12 months ago
                      Nobody killed his wife or husband. Your point is moot.
                      • 377 points11 months ago
                        😑😑 proximity to a crime doesn't chamge the fact that it happened it wasnt on him but it happened to some one and theirs was on the extreme and uncontrolled side
                        • typeouINPHINITHY
                          999+ points11 months ago
                          Your argument was emotional. It does matter whether it was his wife or not.
                    • B
                      Bearly AlivetypeouIt does. Non-Compos mentis is a universally agreed rule of society. You are not responsible for acts...
                      123 points1 year ago
                      Are we all just going to forget that they are about to commit genocide?
                      • typeouBearly Alive
                        999+ points1 year ago
                        Because the dwarves are trying to stop them. As far as we know they're consistently trying to avoid battles
                        • 88
                          Like how they swarmed MC? How many did he kill before he came across one that talked?
                          Most of them aren't trying to avoid battles, they aren't even thinking.
                          I would say both of you are wrong.
                          MC doesn't know what exactly that legacy does (should have listened to the dwarves when they were going to explain, but he's been degenerating lately) it COULD cure minds as well as bodies or even reverse causality making it as if nothing ever happened to them. Or it could just give them human appearance and change nothing else.
                          There's no way to tell, thus there's no way to judge.
                          What we DO know though is that none of this is real and if he doesn't guard the legacy for 10 days he can't proceed. Which, as far as we know, would negatively affect actual living humans somewhere down the line.
                          Dude has 3 options at this point.
                          1 Man up and just win as originally planed.
                          2 Try to get them the peace talks with dwarves. Not very likely to work but who knows.
                          3 Backstab the dwarves in a way that ensures that the legacy gets taken shortly after 10 days.
                          But none of that actually matters. Once he's out of the stage there will be no dwarves, no chimeras and no legacy.
                          The only thing that does matter is him moving on to the next stage.
          • 88
            User-5530665188typeou"you have this very tangible and accessible way to go back to being human so why don't you KYS" what...
            834 points1 month ago
            The question was why didn't they, not why don't they. And note how they are not denying that they could have, instead they are justifying why they chose not to, meaning that they DID have at least that much self-control left in them, but chose to save themselves over their victims. Now they are gonna bitch when MC doesn't chose them over his own circumstances and stakes (which are his life and lives and real world humans he's angling to save back home).
            Live by the sword die by the sword.
            Least they could do is have the integrity to acknowledge the gravity of their own actions, but they can't even admit to that much, playing the victims after victimising others.
            For someone talking about reclaiming humanity that's NOT a promising state to be in. Thus MC is technically right, they HAVE already given up their humanity. Now they are just chasing appearances.

            Imagine if "cursed letters" were real. You know the crap that some kids play, the "send the same letter to 10 people who haven't yet received one or you will die" ones.
            The moment you choose to send something like that you're no better than the one who sent it to you.
            And that's what they did and what MC is accusing them of - they put their own hide above multiple others.
            • M
              Mangaguytypeou"you have this very tangible and accessible way to go back to being human so why don't you KYS" what...
              999+ points1 year ago
              Yeah the mc has been full of shit for a while now. His personality has been fairly unlikable from even before the stupid mind control drink and the way the story jumps time makes it even worse. Im dipping from this one good luck travelers.
            • Yeah no. He is in the wrong with his definition of "humanity". He just doesn't care to acknowledge that he is going to kill humans and victims at that.
              • 17
                Sparing them and letting ALL that sweet XP go to waste?

                Hell no.
                • Narrator CliftonHannibalYeah no. He is in the wrong with his definition of "humanity". He just doesn't care to acknowledge t...
                  999+ points1 year ago
                  I'm pretty sure those half living corpses have destroyed plenty of places and even killed a bunch of people too. I would rather kill myself even being a victim than create more victims and end the endless suffering.
                  • typeouNarrator Clifton
                    999+ points1 year ago
                    They did. And they had no control over their actions. No they do and won't need to.
                    • 88
                      So he should just fail the mission over and over and get permanently stuck in tutorial with no way to keep feeding himself (where would he farm point if not on chimeras?) because this time around target NPCs have a sob story.
                      Your argument is emotional.
                • I'm confused about the failed level mechanics at this point,
                  It seems to be a device to push the plot forward that MC doesn't ever consider failing on purpose and returning to the waiting room, in order to clear a level more perfectly, or find a hidden piece.

                  But that's opposed to the charecter settings from early chapters of MC willing to suffer to increase his stats/lvl, etc.

                  A level with millions of mobs to farm XP he could re-do several times and try several ways to clear it, including XP farming or taking the pendant and healing everyone to stop the invasion dead before it begins
                  • 79
                    Going By Mc's logic here, he should have killed himself after the mess he made on the floor with that damn drink. His actions are even worse since he realized the effect the drink was having on him but chose to stay because it was feeling good. When he had the occasion to end it by taking out the bad guy, he hesitated because it would mean leaving that place after completing the mission... so yeah if he really believes what he told the chimera guy, why is he still f*cking alive and still enjoying the massacre of other beings????
                    • nah bro i feel bad for them wtf you saying hojae?…

                      • They’re probably getting manipulated by the dark mages,Like why do they think that they can return to being human?
                        • 56

                          • 999+ points1 year ago
                            Imagine mc take the dragon legacy
                            • Is she gonna use it to become human?
                              • SolcasticSpain without a
                                999+ points1 year ago
                                Nah, if Itty uses it to became like human then she would be just another side fmc
                                • Degenerate_CrusaderSpain without aIs she gonna use it to become human?
                                  999+ points1 year ago
                                  No she'd never do that will get rid of her sexiness

                                • Well yeah that's sad, alexa play young girl A edit
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                                Acedia The grandpa (I think?) smiled cuz he was proud and then he realized he had to Aura farm like rest of family 😂💀

                                Chapter 33 - Absolute Dominion · 2 minutes ago


                                Chapter 229 - Mercenary Enrollment · 2 minutes ago

                                Kristina Royal Hahahahahahahaha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
                                Sisgolion catch them all hahahahahaha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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                                Chapter 15 - Due to Their Appreciation and Expectations, I Can't Exploit My Slaves · 6 minutes ago

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                                Gloom This pig made me binge the whole series

                                Chapter 19 - On the Way to Meet Mom · 13 minutes ago

                                Some Scrub Yay he skipped the dialog and the sword 👏 👏 ggs bubs

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                                Krovet Very wholesome, some could say, TOO wholesome. I smell something coming

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                                Chun 0w0 - plz spoil me kek when you thought things couldn't get any crazier

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                                OneWingedRose You misread my meaning there, I wrote "looking forward to seeing it all animated one day!" with the emphasis on all, it was me being head over heels with the anime in season 2 that finally led me to coming here to read the book! Lol, absolutely love the anime so far, really looking forward to seeing all these later arcs animated too one day!

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