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Why would he want a good relationship with anyone, let alone a god, that would purposefully starve an entire kingdom's worth of people for food he probably don't need to eat anyway?
Fuck the Evil God. Fuck him in his urethra with a wire pipe cleaner.
Communist Bugs BunnyTo Inuyuma I have to say: https://i.postimg.cc/JzC2GvFh/i.jpgBro gets hard from not only women, but from drawings and aquatic animals too 馃拃
Communist Bugs Bunny In short, yes but only like 2 years ago. It doesn't work anymore now that Disqus is gone. Pretty sure there's no way to contact any admins anymore... So, back when this site used Disqus as the chat system, you could just name a bot with their tag ask for any request, and if an Admin happened to stumble upon it, they'd answer you and choose whether to accept it or not.
In my old acc, before Disqus was removed, whoever ran @bot_0lk2ja1n, was a real comrade.
That interactiveness is what got me to use MangaKatana instead of any other site to begin with too.
Dice_24KWait really? Mr. Main Character has to learn how to jab, throw a cross and a hook separately -> and combine them. Yakuza guy over here straight up gets a full Russian Martial art style in one feel swoop.
It's been cringeworthy, inconsistent, and silly but not "just a comedy." I guess it's just a "comedy" after all.
haveYOUreadDANDADAN??"People tend to wanna harm those who've harmed others" well.. no.. not quite. ppl just want darwin's law to play out, nothing more, nothing less. and i reckon it wouldn't even matter if a bunch of knights saw him defeat the demon (which will probably happen, cuz this is a cookie cutter manhwa where the humans are scummiest of scum but still they won't die) because they're narcissists (as we've already seen in the earlier chapters). i'm just venting on what a disappointment this manhwa is when ppl were commenting it's good, lul.
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