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From kakopage: "Hello, this is Carrot Toon from The Novels Extra. Thank you very much to the readers who loved and waited for the work. The Novels Extra is scheduled to return with Season 2 on April 18th. We would like to thank the readers who have been waiting for a long time once again, and we ask for your anticipation and support for Season 2. thank you -Carrot Toon Dream."
Many great details and thinks that made some fights more enjoyable were changed but from the novel, also the way Nayun sees Hajin is more of guilt at first in the novel of feeling like she was crying for his dead mom when Hajin had all his family killed, idk why they change this stuff that built the characters instead of forcing romance quickly between the 2
N-KamiBefore calling others "stoopid" learn some reading comprehension. NO ONE disagree that she is a soul dragon, IT IS HER LORE, HER CHARACTER. BUT MC was a NORMAL HUMAN. SO WHY DID NACHT ACT LIKE THAT WHEN MC IS THE ONE INSIDE THE BODY? IS IT BECAUSE OF HIM SLOWLY TURNING INTO NACHT HERSELF OR IS HE ROLEPLAYING? THAT WAS WHAT ME AND OTHERS WANT TO KNOW. Goddamn man.. just stop embarassing yourself further..
Son Of ChandraNONE, of the few that could make it up there had any time to even think about all those rusted swords, when they heard of the body search they were ready for death.
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