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This woman is a professional victim. She does nothing about what is happening to her and expects someone else to come to her aid. I know this stuff goes on in crowded buses and trains but you can at least move are draw attention to the people that are doing it, not just take it as if it normal. She was raped and basically took it and did not get a backbone until someone saved her ass. Then she was upset because her coworker saw her naked when she passed out, WTF, he helped you after you passed out in the tub.
Its Japan though probably early 90's to 2000's time frame where the conservative values were near to their peak meaning making a scene means making a fool out of yourself, disturbing other passengers makes it hard to scream groper which is why it was so prolific in Japan TLDR: making a scene = dishonour to your family kind of thing making it harder to scream rape in that time period.
Never heard of any cases of these in my country at least .. I think it's rather uncommon in Indonesia
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Name WithheldWell, I read 2 but I wasn't in the mood for a juvenile rom-com that wasn't funny. Maybe I was being harsh, but try it for yourself; just know that it's clearly not aimed at adults, even if seinen supposedly means 18+.
UsamaYup, 100% agreed. Loved that series. Maybe the art won't be to the liking of some people, but personally, I found it well-matched with the story. Not to mention, the story had such a good potential, and it was developing at a good pace too. Anyway, a shame indeed!
Dale HammersHas the artist never in their lives seen an arrow? The arrow that it showed would never be able to be accurate. My god this is easy stuff to get right.
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