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nah this idiotic MC is probably gonna fumble this shit again. The backstory gonna come out and then he is going to forgive and everyone gonna sing kumbaya. This MC from the beginning of the manhwa until now have 0 progression in intelligence and it shows.
VBAThis is probably one of my favorite chapters. Being hit on by a guy she liked must've been really exciting for Niina, yet she was able to forego it for Gucchi's happiness, and I respect that so much. Messy relationships are fun to read, but I think this peaceful resolution was very interesting, too.
MangaguySo a guy goes to murder your woman and you just leave him there to be a later problem instead of just murdering him? Hes tried mercy for 400 chapters and every bad guy just brings more bad guys so when will he start pulling weeds?
the Last AlchemistEven with multiple translators there's several ways to look up a character's name and how it's spelled correctly in their language. So, sorry that's not an excuse.
Thatch NetherfoldBut then it begs the question, why would they give the King something that only grows amongst the dead in the first place? We'll find out next chapter I guess.
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