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  • So how the greater spirits do it though

  • I know that this is a fantasy and all, but... HOW in the nine hells a Korean company managed to become the world largest agri-food company?

    • T
      999+ points1 year ago
      magic! i mean seriously, they used magic.
      • 999+ points1 year ago
        Wouldn't the other countries use magic as well though?Also on the same note, the use of magic to help agriculture would be probably be researched by agriculture focused countries, like Brazil, and/or countries with large extension of land, like Russia, something that Korea is not very know for.
        • T
          999+ points1 year ago
          this is of course assuming historical trends and practices apply here. since this is written from the PoV of a korean writer, its biased accordingly. Not saying that's a bad thing, it just as a cultural bias that most stories take when they aren't adhering to common history.
          • C
            999+ points1 year ago
            if we assume that this is a world with fantasy type shit to the point crops are rated, we can also assume that while the rest of the world was profiteering via dungeons, a group could have been gaining power through non-combatants. Afterall, where would the filthy rich hunters spend their money, an organization that sells high end foods, equipment, and lifestyle. If they snagged all the best non-combatants they'd gain money at an alarming rate, then hire criminals to strongarm them to join and stay
      • L
        Lumen Dragonixgustavofoxy1I know that this is a fantasy and all, but... HOW in the nine hells a Korean company managed to beco...
        641 points8 months ago
        With some good ol’ racism, patriotism and country supremacy.
      • [
        • T
          using spirit farmers is probably the worst possibly means they can use. Not only do spirits know who the MC is, they have an affinity to him, they can't harm him. So this already failed before it even started.
        • hahaha 'The Worlds Largest Agri-Food Company' that's really funny... How much land does Korea have again? 38,691 sq miles and maybe a quarter at most could be used for farming. How the hell would a company called Korea-Go be the WORLDS largest agri-food company. FYI the land surface of earth is 57,510,000 sq miles.
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          Mighty Keyboard Warrior What a weird tag-team! They look ready to fuck shit up!

          Chapter 58 - 29-sai Hitorimi Chuuken Boukensha no Nichijou · 1 minute ago

          BernieBear Yeah, they swapped! That magic item the mc used in the first timeline wasn't fully understood, even by him, so for awhile neither of them was sure that was what really happened.

          It just seemed to follow logically to both of them that since they woke up as the person they were just fighting, it was the most likely possibility.

          They haven't seen each other, but they both found out through research that their old self exists and has changed their name to their accurate one. So they've both known for awhile.

          Chapter 58 - The Indomitable Martial King · 4 minutes ago

          [-_-] You are dropping 2 times tri athelete to inter school competition

          Chapter 83 - Helmut: The Forsaken Child · 7 minutes ago


          Chapter 47 - A Rough Lady is Being Deceived · 11 minutes ago

          Lucky13 I know the end for her is near.....I know it and still its fucking destroying me

          Chapter 139 - Pick Me Up! · 17 minutes ago

          Lucky13 look, the mf ain't even bleeding, truly a chad of among chads right there

          Chapter 139 - Pick Me Up! · 18 minutes ago

          satbo Jealousy monsters will be on the prowl

          Chapter 103 - Long Live the Drama King · 18 minutes ago

          User-Cosmiconaut katashiro´s thoughts are one of the funniest things

          Chapter 124 - Dead Mount Death Play · 18 minutes ago

          Banana might also means that the priest doesnt have enough to pay in order to kill the dragon dude

          Chapter 97 - Surviving the Game as a Barbarian · 23 minutes ago

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