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  • Votes? Elections? Pfft- Haven't heard about none of that back at our motherland Russia !

  • B
    999+ points2 months ago
    F*ck don't blue ball us like that, I really want to see Ren to lose. Seriously I can't stand her, she can't continue leading the Magic Defense Squad like this, especially if it's going to screw them over.

    She really needs to be put in her place.
    • TreinBrik
      999+ points2 months ago
      Need to spank her really hard
      • G
        Goten AskilBrikF*ck don't blue ball us like that, I really want to see Ren to lose. Seriously I can't stand her, sh...
        999+ points2 months ago
        I'm on the fence, actually. On one side I want her to lose, but on the other I want her deal with the gods to explode in her face and prove to everyone she failed hard. If she loses, there will still be people saying 'she could have been in the right and beaten them.'
        • Communist Bugs BunnyBrikF*ck don't blue ball us like that, I really want to see Ren to lose. Seriously I can't stand her, sh...
          999+ points2 months ago
          Gotta take her on a walk with a dog collar.
        • So Konomi, who trained with FMC for so long, changed her vote just because the now-chief showed an ability ? Without she even knowing if its true that "its an ability she never showed to anyone before" ? Girl is young but already dumb and disloyal lol. But hey, 4 more votes to go, nothing can go wrong right ?... Right ?!
        • Of course it ends on the vote of the wildcard.

          Himari has really changed since the start because that "lint" stunt was all her, she's like a wife there.
          • Is it just me, or does the martial arts girl/commanders reason for voting Ren instead seem BEYOND retarded?
            • N
              999+ points2 months ago
              It's either the ability was just that strong or the high schooler is just that naive to be used like that.
            • Living the dream and waking up with it.
              • Konomis reasoning for picking ren is slow af. Her priorities and loyalties are extremely questionable considering it took one training session and a move shown to her to fuck over her senpai. Plus it’s completely obvious the “trust” shown to her is superficial and completely for the vote lol. Who gaf if she showed you one of her powers when she’s suspiciously hiding them in the first place, that should be more than enough reason to not take her “trust” serious. Just tanked her entire character for me icl.
                • L
                  Lorenzo DitrolioDb7inthemaking
                  999+ points2 months ago
                  Well let’s consider something, bell is the youngest cheif, so a higher up showing you something they keep hidden is saying they trust you, plus ren is manipulating her with that information, and of course ren would keep most of her abilities hidden, if there was a mole by any chance, she would need to be careful
                  • 53
                    User-3675354653Db7inthemakingKonomis reasoning for picking ren is slow af. Her priorities and loyalties are extremely questionabl...
                    311 points2 months ago
                    As the youngest chief, she probably didn’t feel she was equal to or as trusted compared to the others, and was susceptible to this sort of thing, so Ren capitalized on that fact.
                • Should the point of voting in ballots is to be in secret. Wouldn't it be easier "raise your hand of you vote for..." but i guess that wouldn't be as dramatic.
                  • G
                    999+ points2 months ago
                    This way at least the other votes are not known at the moment you cast your own, it should prevent people just deciding to side with the majority
                  • It's true. Tenka does have massive talent.

                    • i vote for kyouka
                      • almost 2 weeks just for one chapter of voting
                        • 53
                          This Arc is taking so friggin long. And because Kyouka is in the lead, Ren is almost certainly going to have to get the next 2 votes in order to keep things interesting.

                          Only twist here is I can see Bell switching sides at the last minute. Realizing who actually managed to connect with her and bring out her potential.
                          • yesternight? that's the first time I've heard(read) that
                              • B
                                What's the point of putting a vote in a box if you are just gonna say who each person voted for?
                                Also I don't even know what this vote is for and what is gonna happen if one or the other wins. What is even going on.
                                • G
                                  999+ points2 months ago
                                  Maybe try reading the manga to know what's happening? The entire arc for about 10 chapters has been about the consequences of the vote
                                  • Bob (Rex Bones)BreadWhat's the point of putting a vote in a box if you are just gonna say who each person voted for? Al...
                                    999+ points2 months ago
                                    The vote in a box is so they pick one at that point in time, without considering prior votes
                                  • B
                                    Damn they left us with cliff-hanger like that Noooooo
                                    • S
                                      This arc is giving me anxiety
                                        • N
                                          Stretching this out isn't helpful.
                                          • 999+ points2 months ago
                                            Putting the election aside. Our MC is not a virgin anymore, right? Especially with those rewards he took from Kyouka, Mira and just now with Himari.
                                          • This is just what I like to read in manga: vote tallying oversight! Feel the excitement!
                                            • Fck this is taking forever! Almost 6 months with this crap!
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                                              Latest Comments
                                              Thomas_JCG I still feel like they wasted a lot of opportunities here.

                                              When I saw that gap in the barricade, I thought for sure they would set a trap where they expected the assassins to jump in. But they didn't.
                                              The guards were spread out too thin, if they had blocked the access to the house, they could have concentrated into one spot.
                                              There was not a single trap inside the house.

                                              They basically allowed the enemies to breach their defenses and then bet on Almark being able to kill them all off. Sure they had the illusions in place, but the brunt of the defense was still entirely Almark.

                                              Chapter 17 - Almark · 5 minutes ago

                                              Solcastic Even after hundred of years, things haven't change. We got Li/Lee family member thinking why didn't his liege hold back

                                              Chapter 66 - Myst, Might, Mayhem · 5 minutes ago

                                              - well this made me more depressed cause we lost our dog this weekend from cancer...

                                              Chapter 218 - Vinland Saga · 9 minutes ago

                                              Diogopf yeah that's probably the case but it would be if it was nagumo and shishiba was helping Aoi (unrealistic i know but it would be cool)

                                              Chapter 206 - Sakamoto Days · 10 minutes ago

                                              Zeppeli I just Dandadan’d my pants

                                              Chapter 187 - Dandadan · 12 minutes ago

                                              Diogopf I kinda like Hyuk (the race against the ghost crew and when he was "helping" jay chase the guys in the car made me like his charater even tho he was obviously an a**hole) but i hope he gets hit HARD and goes face first into the ground

                                              Chapter 540 - Wind Breaker · 12 minutes ago

                                              Meringue She may not have won the Olympic, but I bet she can clear all of GANTZ solo with her "moves". LOL

                                              Chapter 76 - Gantz:E · 15 minutes ago

                                              Hoshizora Yuuki Shouldn't they have udders instead of boobs?

                                              Chapter 42 - Solo Farming in the Tower · 15 minutes ago

                                              Meow ayo thats too cruel for new parent to witness

                                              Chapter 22 - On the Way to Meet Mom · 16 minutes ago

                                              Brother what a chapter

                                              Chapter 88 - Another Typical Fantasy Romance · 16 minutes ago

                                              Tim I was just thinking the hands arm appears to be getting longer and wondered how he was going to keep it hidden when it became a full arm or more.
                                              Now we see how that is being handled. Wonder if mother will have more to say now.

                                              Chapter 13 - The Priest of Corruption · 17 minutes ago


                                              Chapter 39 - Genius Archer’s Streaming · 19 minutes ago

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