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It's like a really weird way to take the story, I never though they'd do that with her, now her whole arc just went from ''daughter of the bad(?) guy'' to ''my wife reincarnated into our child daughter'' type beat.
Ehhhhhh, Usukubo(daughter) just got on their side for like a little while and then she just awakened as Yulimerida and switched back. Kind of a downer that she didn't help anything at all lol.
User-4110761129I'm giving the novel a try since the manhwa seems to leave out things later or so I've heard but man I love his fighting in the manhwa better it's more unique instead of just twin swords and shadows. Hopefully he fights with his fists/gauntlets in the novel
MangaguyYep they ruined the story for me. I just cant stand when other people randomly find the gates and want to tag along, its always annoying. The author also made the sisters stupid and annoying in one chapter so I'll drop this one. At least I got 50 chapters of fun, good luck with this dumpster fire.
mfblackhentaiguyThis is the only series I seen where the mages leave books to rot in a library. Most series got mages who rely on intelligence so most of the time they would be reading books, but here they be like, "go read your books in a corner, fckin nerd"
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