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  • 496 points1 year ago
    Lol lots of love!
    • 999+ points1 year ago
      Well same would happen when your creation start to look at you as a god
      I always think about clash of clans, how the villagers is the only one talk about me

      "Chief is that you"
      • sw0rdsaintMonarchJr
        999+ points11 months ago
        Upvote. coz prolly someday someone might make a manhwa out of COC just like this one
      • rjsDuchihaIkuzoLol lots of love!
        999+ points1 year ago

      • Training arc time, hopefully it isn't too long or too short
        • FatalityDXKing Kurono
          999+ points1 year ago
          8-10 chapters should be good
          • BungusKing KuronoTraining arc time, hopefully it isn't too long or too short
            999+ points1 year ago
            i would like to know who it is who is depicted in your profile picture and also where your profile picture originated from
            • 999+ points1 year ago
              Qin shi Huan and it's from record of ragnarok, it's a really good manga
            • NataSenpaiBungusi would like to know who it is who is depicted in your profile picture and also where your profile p...
              952 points1 year ago
              Their profile picture is from Hitman Reborn and the main character Tsunayaoshi Sawada (Tsuna for short)is the main character of Reborn! Tsuna is one of a long line descendants from the Vongola mafia family.He was chosen to be the 10th leader of Vongola.
          • Eclet shat her pants just like in the novel
            Here is from the novel ch 96
            I compared Yurnet and Eclet.
            In Niflheimr, their rankings were 2nd and 9th, respectively. Both of them were 6-star heroes.
            At first glance, the gap didn’t seem significant. However, the difference in their combat abilities was beyond imagination.
            To put it more directly, even if all the members of the 12th floor, ranked up to 100, were to attack, they wouldn’t be able to defeat these five.
            ‘It’s all about the difference in the bowl,’ I muttered.
            (T/N: Korean expression which might mean difference in the vessel or essence.)
            “So even though they are both level 6, they cannot be compared,”
            “To put it simply. Master put in a special effort for the five of us. Thanks to that, things like this are possible.”
            Yurnet gestured with her hand.
            • 999+ points1 year ago
              Now it makes me wonder how strong the main raid party that MC uses before encounter with the Dark God in the earlier chapter is. Sadly that party is wiped out.
              • NoirOmega Level Potato
                999+ points1 year ago
                Iirc those were not the main party but rather scouts party to check out floors
                • You're correct! I've reread it again just now. I was confused because we havent seen a 6 star team yet for so long. But mc just casually use them as disposable scout team.
            • More!!!!

            • When you're actually the VIP and you don't want to be treated like the VIP but they want you to be treated like VIP. That's suffocating love. But love is love so...
              • HeartNMind_russpberry
                999+ points1 year ago
                Yeah , 👍🤣👍 absolutely 💯 correct. . . He also came here for both reason , to train and to address Thai issue that he hasn't abandan them as a master . He is doing it well
              • U
                "I wanna go home"
                • lol kinda helicopter kids instead of helicopter parents

                • If I was the mc I’d be ashamed to lead them as well as a mere lvl 20. The Mc has common sense and is a whole W
                  • 999+ points1 year ago
                    Good on MC for wanting to train properly with the rest of the trainees. Eventually he’s gonna have to go back to his city and just enjoying Niflheimer isn’t gonna prepare him properly
                    • this made me happy
                      • N
                        Yurneth is such a fun character
                        • I'm a noob. I guees I'll be treated badly by my units.
                          • X
                            He needs to think about his descendants, leave a few hundred at least.

                            • Now that I look at her, she looks like luminous valentine from Tensura
                              • Bro it wouldn't kill you to meet them you know?
                                • GakukuHako Ryner
                                  999+ points1 year ago
                                  Actually, it would. With the level difference, just a hug would kill MC.
                                  Imagine it...some excited character ran, rammed and hugged MC all the while yelling "MASTER!!!" then, "CRACK!!!"
                                • 999+ points1 year ago
                                  We're really going with the crazy loyal subordinate trope
                                • 999+ points1 year ago
                                  I wasn't expecting this chapter to be funny (for me) and NISSELRED reminds me this...

                                  • 68
                                    ''Onyan joins the lobby''-everyone feels fear
                                    • GalomirZyxectI wasn't expecting this chapter to be funny (for me) and NISSELRED reminds me this...
                                      999+ points1 year ago
                                      sauce pls
                                      • ZyxectGalomir
                                        999+ points1 year ago
                                        Sorry for the late reply since I'm busy with my studies in college...

                                        The character name is Minato Aqua (if you don't know) and the artist is from X (Twitter)

                                      • 68
                                        User-4746258868Galomirsauce pls
                                        3 points1 year ago
                                        you can find it here i guess.
                                    • Feels kinda awkward doesn't it? One day you are playing a game collecting waifus the next day U turn into one yourself.
                                      • ScroogeMcDuckTwEEzyZen
                                        999+ points1 year ago
                                        turn into a waifu???
                                        • TWBLSScroogeMcDuck
                                          382 points1 year ago
                                          I mean, if you take it that way he could have turned into a waifu, if you are really open and think outside the box
                                      • R
                                        Nice chapter
                                          • holy fuck i'm crying. that was amazing. the humor in this is so fucking fire
                                            • Kek-
                                              Mans should've said hi to everyone...! They miss youuuu..!!~
                                              • M

                                                This is the smile my wife gives to me everytime my in laws visit us 😂
                                                Even now she gives me that smile when i show her this, I'm dead 😂
                                                • Ghastly nightshiftMasterchatous
                                                  999+ points4 months ago
                                                  Why tho whats up with your in laws xd
                                                  • M
                                                    MasterchatousGhastly nightshift
                                                    564 points3 months ago
                                                    My in laws love meThat's why my wife gives me that smile to say "don't say to much or I'll kill you:)"
                                                    • Ghastly nightshiftMasterchatous
                                                      999+ points3 months ago
                                                      Im either dumb, stupid or i need to get myself a wife, because i know what your saying but i can’t understand why you can’t say too much xd.
                                                      • Maverick FrancisGhastly nightshift
                                                        999+ points2 months ago
                                                        If your in-laws loves you, you can bitch and moan about how your spouse has been "abusing" you to your in-laws to get them to "chide" your spouse for you. It's usually all jokes.
                                                • yurneth is for sure the albedo here 🤣
                                                  loving the overlord vibes i’m getting

                                                  kinda insane how something that was already really good just got a million times better
                                                  • This is just a few powerful droplets of love making large ripples, while the overwhelming tidal wave of love there will be shown from every corner that could consume the whole world of the absolute power combined of those that care for their Master Loki should more of the members of his domain know of his existence of him having descended down into their realm, along with the fact how many of the ladies in question will want to conceive or try to convince him to do so to have his heirs so before he ascends again to the outer plane they have a part of him living with them always. XD <3
                                                    • 999+ points1 year ago
                                                      Hahaha KEKWCome and feel the taste of love from your followers
                                                      • This was a gem to read. Will be back in a few years 🤞
                                                        • So every time there is a new chapter of this, in my mind sounds wake me up before you go-go, but with pick me up instead of wake me up.
                                                          I write this in hope of that everybody reading start humming the song unconsciously

                                                          • [
                                                            Bro's having a headache... I understand you brother

                                                            Even my disciples bug me like this
                                                            • "My servants are scary." type energy.
                                                              • K
                                                                Hahahahaha Lots of headached the fisrt day he came back in his territory. Lol Tsundere chiece pieces.
                                                                • but you are home
                                                                  • The hero that was summoned, have some traits that reminds me of the guy from "After the world fall", one of the enemies.
                                                                    • Here's hoping the player doesn't fuck up too hard while mc is away on vacation.

                                                                      I'm going to be so annoyed if player ended up pulling a super op rare character and just sacrifices a bunch of the normal units to it while mc is gone.
                                                                      • DanoRathial
                                                                        999+ points1 year ago
                                                                        Same thing you would do if you played the game tho.
                                                                      • 999+ points1 year ago
                                                                        So out of 20000 residents there probably 30% of yanderes who wanted to **** with master?
                                                                          • Been waiting for this chapter for a while now. Yurneth’s cute
                                                                            • Awwww... Their like his overprotective kids
                                                                              • I wonder what will happen to Niflheimr since the original master can no longer log in?
                                                                                • GalomirVanillaLux
                                                                                  999+ points1 year ago
                                                                                  8 mont before it deleter whne the user dont connect in a will i think
                                                                                  • NoirVanillaLuxI wonder what will happen to Niflheimr since the original master can no longer log in?
                                                                                    999+ points1 year ago
                                                                                    It will simply be deleted but that wont happen...yet
                                                                                  • T
                                                                                    999+ points1 year ago
                                                                                    smh lol
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                                                                                    Latest Comments
                                                                                    ElectroPuff Almost all the girls are polearm users... I don't know if one of them have a sword/greatsword affinity

                                                                                    Chapter 27 - Another World Survival: Min-maxing my Support and Summoning Magic · 3 minutes ago

                                                                                    TwEEzyZen mc if he wasnt a commander class:

                                                                                    Chapter 27 - Another World Survival: Min-maxing my Support and Summoning Magic · 5 minutes ago

                                                                                    Jonline Bartender sees and hears so much messed up shit everyday that I'm not surprised he's about to snap. Can't wait for the new tea flavour, Ratous Poisonofilicus.

                                                                                    Chapter 13 - Henai Café · 9 minutes ago

                                                                                    the Last Archmage Damn, Gillion threw a grown ass man like he was a football.

                                                                                    Chapter 17 - The Regressed Mercenary's Machinations · 17 minutes ago

                                                                                    Dlink this is nice, but after the cliffhanger of last chapter I want something else instead.

                                                                                    Chapter 40.5 - Okinawa de Suki ni Natta Ko ga Hougen Sugite Tsura Sugiru · 18 minutes ago

                                                                                    BA-N101 Eh, fair enough I guess. Even then though your own sister also would've worked better. Is what it is tho

                                                                                    Chapter 30 - A Love Letter and a 13-Year-Old Actress · 26 minutes ago

                                                                                    Blacksavage You mean stuff like the breaker ??

                                                                                    Chapter 69 - The Invincible Man · 34 minutes ago

                                                                                    Crmsn_rain Nice, pooling it was a good idea. The last arc was a bit meh

                                                                                    Chapter 550 - I'm an Evil God · 40 minutes ago

                                                                                    saturn what are you talking about
                                                                                    it was literally established near the start of this arc, that the reward for winning the completion was the pill for THIS specific art.

                                                                                    Chapter 178 - I'm an Evil God · 40 minutes ago

                                                                                    Phyrite Omg, Why doesn't manwha does this more?!? the amount of time i had to back track because of a character that said [Name] [something something] is quite a bit

                                                                                    Chapter 113 - Another Happy Day for the Villainess · 43 minutes ago

                                                                                    SpongeJoeRoundPants Thank goodness this series has been picked up. It's a fun, stress-free read

                                                                                    Chapter 8 - The Cheat Vegetable Garden of a Reincarnated Company Salaryman · 44 minutes ago

                                                                                    Mr_Major as of ch.38 I like it, Murim in Space is unique concept. the art is good, the story also good despite OP MC. I hope it got weekly update

                                                                                    Cosmic Heavenly Demon 3077 · 47 minutes ago

                                                                                    Phyrite So all of those scars are from mc? I'm probably wrong, i just don't remember how big man face look like

                                                                                    Chapter 81 - Return of the Bloodthirsty Police · 48 minutes ago

                                                                                    AlexBen Wouldn’t be the first professor/student relationship in Japan or certainly the world. My friend married her professor and moved to Germany with him. There is like a 18 year gap and they have 2 children. There is plenty of other examples in academia.

                                                                                    Chapter 38 - The Useless Idol and Her Only Fan in the World · 49 minutes ago

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