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The only one who sees it as fake is Aega himself. Of the only other two there who know its 'fake', Igarashi herself is all for it, and Galshias has been on team Igarashi from the start so he's going to make sure it turns into the real thing. And everyone else believes its real and accepts it. Liv too even if she's disappointed (and I'm sure will later jump on any chance to be an additional wife/concubine).
That aside, I'm really hoping Igarashi gets drunk again at the wedding in front of absolutely everyone in the territory. It'll be an absolute riot.
TimThe archer one he had her take had low ranked obsession, but the two her sister had her take where higher, so now she has three tiers of obsession messing with her head. Worse part is the sister knows but decided to leave it for now as she was obsessing over training.
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