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Bro is spitting so many FAX here 🔥🔥🔥 Be a japs, we are kind, we are good, we never hurt wemen in any way, we always treat wemen like a Goddess. Oh, what do you mean war crimes in World War 2? Nanking? Manchuria? South East Asia? Furuta Junko? Come on man, that never happened... The western are made things up...
IzuSkay24He is a Japanese MC, he will never pick any girl, and will be virgin forever...
It was the one that something happened to MC due to faulty massage belt (I think) that he got from someone dodgy. He became very irresistable to other people especially females.
FMC is someone with a dark past of a toxic relationship which caused her unable to sleep and live on with meds.
They are neighbors.
It's erotica, but the story itself is good. Wrapped up nicely with minimum chapters. Without mambo jumbo.
Too bad I can't remember the title. Ring any bell? Anyone?
ps: what was the one(s) you're referring to? Was it good?
Bananadang rly thought it was a do or die situation, didnt expect the old man to appear out of nowhere. this probs the best chance mc had to kill the dragonian guy using the law of balance
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