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  • This chapter feels cut off
    • I guess im Right? a Little?
      He is that Type of Guy who doesn't want to be include as Loser Group
      and will Sell his everything to NOT be one
      He's the Most Pathetic Type sht guy

      • 999+ points9 months ago
        Lots of gang members are that way, to be honest I've known punks like him most of my life, they fight in groups because they're too scared fighting alone so they don't. What I don't get is how he got so "tough" by this I mean I don't see him having an arc lifting weights, being trained by professional fighters, physical high school sport (like wrestling, American football, combative Judo/Tae Kwon Do, etc), going through regular hard sparring, and even street combative school training that military/police go through. They are implying maybe he did some fighting in the Philippines, but that's not going to allow his skills to grow with him smoking, drinking, lacking exercise, not fighting on a regular basis. Then for some reason he's head of a prison from a physical intimidation (not more connection/administration) perspective? Am I missing something being impatient of this arc's growth because it seems he's going to prison soon but this will only be a state of arrested development vs growth imho at this rate? It seemed to me so far he "peaked" when he beat up MP.
      • 25
        Dude's pathetic.
        • Bruh the bullying in mahwas is crazy, theres no way you wouldnt get school shooting weekly like this.
          • VampCrispMan
            999+ points9 months ago
            Lmao it's not America baby 馃馃馃馃
            • lol somehow they still have more deaths with all the suicides tho lmao
              • Mister FisterFlashplayer
                999+ points9 months ago
                yeah but they got like 6 times the population
                • FlashplayerMister Fister
                  999+ points9 months ago
                  still their suicide rate per population is higher, like there is legit a HUGE population issue because everyone is so suicidal, overworked or depressed that there's a strong decline in children even being born lol and alot of it stems from their school system
                  • Truthful_OneMister Fisteryeah but they got like 6 times the population
                    999+ points9 months ago
                    quote: "yeah but they got like 6 times the population"

                    Response: Well China and India almost does but not South Korea though they are densely populated in their cities.
              • HenrulCrispManBruh the bullying in mahwas is crazy, theres no way you wouldnt get school shooting weekly like this...
                999+ points9 months ago
                the Difference is that
                Bullying = Shooting incident
                Other country
                Bullying = Stabbing, Suicide, or Murder plan ( thats same as stab isn't? )
                • 999+ points9 months ago
                  quote: "the Difference is that
                  Bullying = Shooting incident
                  Other country
                  Bullying = Stabbing, Suicide, or Murder plan ( thats same as stab isn't? )"

                  Response: This is what happens when you suspend kids whether they're innocent or not allowing them to defend themselves vs letting them fight after school. I'm older than most reading on this site but when I was younger we settled things on the playground during school or off it after school, no weapons just straight one on one fist fights (because you were trying to prove a point and eventually someone will say "you're so much of a pussy you better have your friends or weapon to help" which forces them to say they'll do it alone without weapons, cornering themselves by pride. Ironically most people after this fight would become friends or at least respectful, and while others talked about it for a day or two they'd drop it even the loser had some respect for showing up. Society screwed up badly when they didn't allow boys to be boys, men to be men, and it's why you see it pressure cook to a point where some go out and mass kill others (by gun [the one the media hypes the most but least done], knife [the most common by far, in some countries 10x more often], or car the one you hear least about). Society shuns shaming for all the wrong reasons too, but that's another topic as this could resolve much of these issues without violence.
                  • B
                    83 points8 months ago
                    good take. This whole idea of toxic masculinity in society has gotten rid of good masculinity.
                    • HenrulTruthful_Onequote: "the Difference is that America Bullying = Shooting incident Other country Bullying = Stabbi...
                      999+ points9 months ago
                      Im not reading that sht Sorry :v
                  • Truthful_OneCrispManBruh the bullying in mahwas is crazy, theres no way you wouldnt get school shooting weekly like this...
                    999+ points9 months ago
                    quote: "Bruh the bullying in mahwas is crazy, theres no way you wouldnt get school shooting weekly like this."

                    Response: Countries outside the USA have stabbings due to lack of guns, the weird part is these fools go around stabbing like kindergarten and elementary kids vs the people who bullied them.
                    • CrispManTruthful_One
                      999+ points9 months ago
                      Aint no way you wrote Quote:
                      You should be bullied instead
                  • W
                    Well that ties in the tattoo girl finally
                    He killed and/or raped her sister
                    • the Philippines is ruined again HAHAHA
                    Latest Comments
                    macaak well yeah.. not everyone is gay hahaha

                    Chapter 88 - Surviving the Game as a Barbarian 路 26 seconds ago

                    Noissar It really feels like the vibe of this one is completely set by chapter 3 or so. They do start a letter thing towards chapter ~15, do not personally care for it but serves its purpose well enough that complaining about it feels like a low IQ activity.

                    Good in a a funny/fun way if you synch with the vibe it has.

                    My Blade Will Lead the Way! Abandoned in a Labyrinth as a Directionally Challenged S-Rank Swordsman 路 1 minute ago

                    Ashlinn Yeah this was chapter 70 or 71 I think. Only the sequel is added

                    Chapter 74 - Mr. Villain's Day Off 路 1 minute ago

                    Ashlinn Everyone's doing well today as well

                    Chapter 73 - Mr. Villain's Day Off 路 2 minutes ago

                    Mint Blancmanche dragon loli keeps getting better xD
                    also I hope they don't waste too much time focusing on the other isekai'd retards, like many other mangas have done and in the end it's worthless since mc will always end killing them in the end lol. they just make the story drag for longer.

                    Chapter 13 - Let's Buy the Land And Cultivate in Different World 路 4 minutes ago


                    Chapter 72 - Mr. Villain's Day Off 路 5 minutes ago

                    Mint Blancmanche imagine using mithril for a fucking scarecrow lol.
                    like the retards that throw gold sheets in food.

                    Chapter 12.5 - Let's Buy the Land And Cultivate in Different World 路 8 minutes ago

                    Zekariel Bro who comes up with these names...

                    Chapter 116 - One Hit Teacher, Master Baek 路 8 minutes ago

                    User-5766752553 I felt a sudden rage when I read that. I need my pacifier *chup chup* there we go, my rage has left.

                    Chapter 122 - Chronicles of a Returner 路 8 minutes ago

                    Gakuku Why are they with a Japanese name?

                    Chapter 53 - Genius Martial Arts Trainer 路 9 minutes ago

                    Mint Blancmanche dragon lolis are great, but goth dragon loli is just something else xD

                    Chapter 12 - Let's Buy the Land And Cultivate in Different World 路 11 minutes ago

                    NAPPY The story is so fast paced they don't even mention about moondae hair turned black again

                    Chapter 70 - Debut or Die 路 12 minutes ago

                    100th Yi Feng Clone Soojung or demon king exists purely for plot, I thought maybe the elixir situation was just the introduction to an important side character and potential love interest but at this point she exists as just a plot character who conveniently appears to save the day.... honestly I'm very dissappointed

                    Chapter 179 - The Player That Can't Level Up 路 12 minutes ago

                    Lilian Weinberg My guess is he's gonna have to choose between saving her and the world or something

                    Chapter 138 - The Lady Wants to Rest 路 13 minutes ago

                    RedRykno Wait so nameless is what? The MCs body or grudges or whatever from his previous life? Obviously not his soul. Well it explains it's strength at least.

                    Chapter 196 - Tensei Shitara dai Nana Ouji dattanode, Kimamani Majutsu o Kiwamemasu 路 14 minutes ago

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