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789 Comment(s)
1520 Upvote(s)
_Lazaroth_ - 1713954375
This couple and maybe Rumiko's love story is the only thing stopping me from dropping this filler-filled one-note manga.
Oh, and also finding out Najima's gender.
_Lazaroth_ - 1713953773
That one other friend is so forgettable, he's routinely made fun of by the mangaka for being so. But this takes the cake.
_Lazaroth_ - 1713950819
Man, round 1 went by quick! Both fighters have acknowledged each other's fighting strength, I'm sure they'll be going all out from here on out!
Dude, the break was tough to get through, but I wish Morikawa the best.
_Lazaroth_ - 1713892350
I'm sure the scandal thing has some sort of symbolic meaning, but I, a theorist, am too lazy to figure it out.
Katana man avenged his own balls by crushing Denji's.
_Lazaroth_ - 1713892217
Literally every guy reading this:
_Lazaroth_ - 1713788216
Nooooooo we lost another good one. Honestly this could've easily gone on until they graduated highschool, but I can respect a manga that actually ends. Looking at you, Rent a girlfriend and Tonkikaku Cawaii!!
Hopefully we get extras!
_Lazaroth_ Nyeve - 1713787959
What other amazing romance are there?
I swear I've seen almost all of them.
_Lazaroth_ Shana - 1713525604
Why did you mass downvote like, 40 of my comments at once?
You got a problem with me?
_Lazaroth_ - 1713467292
You have NO conception of how Angry this manga makes me. I'm so angry, I'm not even going to bother complaining!!!!
_Lazaroth_ Jesse McCoy - 1713453297
I'm honoured, I screen-capped that myself!
Source: Sonic The Hedgehog (by Archie comics).
_Lazaroth_ - 1713436592
I hate seeing young people try to make it big on Youtube. It's also kinda cringe.
_Lazaroth_ - 1713435416
As of chapter 48:

WARNING: This is a romance between a male minor (17 yo) and an female (27yo) adult. And it is sexual. Very. Though it's not shown. So if you can't handle that sort of stuff, don't read this. Though as of the late 40's, the male becomes 18 years old.

But other than that, it's a decent 6/10 romcom. The relationship between the characters evolves gradually once they get together as they come to be accepted by each other's family as well as accepting each other's quirks. But it's not very eventful. There is very minor drama, the plot lines are somewhat entertaining but lacking. The locations are boring and the manga centers around the main girl being an very popular online "Influencer" so there's a lot of (ironic) depravity as she splurges her un-Jesus thoughts and delusions to the world. It's pretty novel, so it has that going for it. But you can safely skip this one and miss nothing. The romance doesn't make me giddy like others do, but maybe that's because I don't like Adult and minor romantic relationships. I prefer the characters being similar age, though I'm not dissing age gaps as an idea so long as it's legal/allowed and consensual.
_Lazaroth_ Kodec - 1713434476
_Lazaroth_ - 1713434205
Sonic is used to getting his ass beat by Saitama, no wonder flash fist wasn't effective.
Also, Murata draws women so well.
The story is much better than the old one, the flow and pacing feel great.
_Lazaroth_ - 1713268283
_Lazaroth_ - 1713205193
"Unlimited stance" sounds so fucking cool, and this just proves my theory from last chapter.

This is set-up for the events for after Ragnarok I presume, so this manga won't just end after the tournament. I wonder if the strongest gods and the strongest humans have to team up to kill the primordial god once it gets revived in the (presumably) final fight of the manga? That would be extremely dope. Also, Thor's back!!! I don't think we've seen him for literal years.

_Lazaroth_ - 1713103559
As of completion:

This is an incredible 9/10 manga. This is the ANTITHESIS of it's main series. It actually has phenomenal writing, excellent fleshed out SMALL cast of characters that get equal time to develop, an gripping story with actual stakes and tension unlike it's main series MHA, and the twists and turns this manga has makes for some of the most hype moments in all of anime/manga history. This is a must-read.
_Lazaroth_ - 1713103275
As of chapter 420:

*Sigh*..... This manga is disappointing. For context, I've been keeping up with MHA since the anime released in 2016. I was a fairly big fan of this for a while. I fell off at the Eri arc's end and binged the rest a few years later (around the double raid arc to just before the beginning of the final arc) and I digged it as I loved the Dark Deku arc. Until I didn't. This manga is far, FAR too safe. It cannot commit to its setting nor have consequences befitting its plot of literal child soldiers. This manga has no stakes, no tension, and an extremely bloated character list that prevents anyone from having any development or impact on the story besides a very small few. Not to mention the extreme convenience of quirks. Any character that gets hurt or killed could be brought to life or healed by some random bullshit quirk and it completely robs the manga and anime of ANY tension because you know that everything will be okay in the end. The anime also censors a lot and that's really cringe plus it's "animated" horribly for a yearly anime.

Due to these reasons, I cannot recommend this manga/anime to anyone who's even slightly experienced with properly written anime/manga. This is perfect for beginners, and the tournament arc is the best tournament arc in Anime/manga history in my opinion, but the flaws of this manga are so deep that once you consume actual good writing, MHA falls apart and you start to notice all the bullshit in it.
3/10. The art is some of manga's best and is the only positive thing this manga provides outside of two, actually great, arcs.

I DO however, recommend the spin-off "Vigilantes". THAT manga actually has phenomenal writing and stakes and tension, and is an incredible manga that does everything MHA is attempting to be, but magnitudes better.