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_Lazaroth_ Kurumi69 - 1713092138
Taking one for the team
_Lazaroth_ - 1712861436
_Lazaroth_ - 1712775123
Ngl I had to do a double take when I saw this...
These two could single handedly save Japan's birthrate crisis.
_Lazaroth_ - 1712762442
God I love this manga. As Bruce says, it's batshit insane, I love it and the art.
Also, is that a Tokyo Ghoul reference with him being wrapped in the hair sniffing it?
_Lazaroth_ - 1712663091
Don't even bother with the character development this far in, there's no point there's too many characters for this shallow ass attempt at making actual three dimensional characters than the 2D gag useless characters you've already made.

_Lazaroth_ - 1712662378
As of chapter 109:

This is yet another 6/10 romcom. It's quite novel since the main romance is between a very short (and voluptuous) cheerful college girl and a very tall and ripped College dude who's quite shy when it comes to love. The characters are barely developed outside of the main two, this is more of a very meme focused manga. There's only 3-4 locations the manga takes place in, and the story? What story? It's nothing but the dullest slice of life plot ever. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, and they talk about it with their friends. That's it. Outside of the sometimes funny jokes, this manga is the most inconsequential romcom I've ever read. There's decent romance, but it takes far too long to get anywhere.

Only read this if you like Tall vs short romances.
_Lazaroth_ - 1712528507
As of chapter 28:

This is a very wholesome, softcore, only yuri erotica. The story literally just exists so that the main girl can sleep with as much women as possible, but it works for what it is. This manga knows what it is, it's a very cute, wholesome as fuck erotica that actually makes me just want to hug them more than anything. This is softcore, this manga is mostly sex and fluff, but no genitals are shown. Erotica are usually very messed up, but this is such an great injection of dopamine and cuteness that I do recommend this to everyone that isn't afraid of 2D nudity, but don't expect it to be any more than what it is.
_Lazaroth_ Ballsdeep69 - 1712520665
You're spot on I'd say.
Funny thing is, I'm literally reading the Sonic the Hedgehog comic by Archie comics and its mandatory spin-offs. I've been reading it for over a month and a half since It's extremely long since It ran from 1993 all the way to 2016, each issue is like, 3-4 manga chapters long AND it has far more dialogue than manga does. I have no idea why Western comics have so much dialogue, especially since there's barely any actual story in Sonic. It took me 45 days to catch up to one piece from chapter 1 to whatever chapter released 11 months ago when I started it. I'm only about halfway through reading Archie Sonic and its mandatory spin-offs. Western comics aren't my thing, I'm a Sonic fan but the comic is so bad so far (issue 155 of 290 not counting spinoffs) so far because of how childish it is, like yeah, I get it, it's a comic aimed towards early teens to little kids, but like, so is Naruto!! Characters don't die or get maimed despite fighting a literal war as child soliders (just like Naruto) against Robotnik for over 11 years in universe. The "Mobians" (Anthropomorphic animals like Sonic and Tails) had most of their capable fighter adult population killed by the previous war against the "Overlanders" (name for humans on "Mobius", the planet the comic is set on), and as soon as that war ended, Robotnik (Eggman) betrayed the Mobian king who he had worked for since he was exiled by his people and decided to fight for the Mobians, and unleashed an army of robots to take over the world which led to even more death and destruction, but my issue is that we don't see any grimy details or gore befitting such a scenario of literal war like Naruto. I get that it's a kids comic, but it's so dumb to make your setting so dark if you won't commit to the setting itself, Sonic in the early issues is more of a comedy than an actual story about child soldiers fighting a war for most of their lives until the later issue, which, even then from what I've read, never fully get "Dark" enough to warrant its setting, JUST like MHA. Robotnik is a proper comic villain, someone who's so evil that he even hates music and flowers, so there's no sympathy for him, even in his young years.
Basically, you're correct. Horikoshi wants to make this comic something it can't be simply because of the consequences of such a setting would have on the story by default that HE wrote, but won't commit to because he wants it to be a happy, hope filled adventure (?), I'm NGL I don't even understand the message or point of MHA at all. What's it trying to say?! The dissonance between his script and his world is so unbelievably wide that I cannot get invested in a story that won't fit it's setting or world. It's like if Hitler was in My Little pony. It makes no sense.
_Lazaroth_ Ballsdeep69 - 1712485313

Oh also, I'm a massive Dragon Ball fan, Vegeta had his soul redeemed by King Enma, literally the only reason was because Vegeta is so powerful that it would be dumb to send and erase his soul in hell because the threat level is so big in DB nowadays (And in the buu saga) that otherworld and other transcendent realms were being threatened by destruction so they allowed Vegeta to live so that he could protect them against villains. Though his actual character has also been redeemed, particularly in the Granolah arc.
_Lazaroth_ Ballsdeep69 - 1712485306
I agree with most of what you said. Though I viewed Naruto a different way. I know Talk no Jutsu is a meme, but most of the Villains in Naruto were victims of circumstance. A lot of them weren't really evil, they were just trying to do what they thought was best for the world. They all grew up as child soldiers or victims of war, since Naruto was made to be an Anti-war piece of media, it perfectly shows how soldiers are groomed and manipulated by those in higher powers, a parallel to our own world. I think this quote from Grand Theft Auto 4 sums it up well, where the protagonist, Niko Bellic, was a Serbian child soldier who was betrayed by his own people: "War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other". Madara wanted peace and a world where people could be happy, even if it was just an illusion. Sure forcing that onto people isn't good, but he had good intentions and wasn't really trying to hurt anyone. Madara groomed Obito, who would groom the Akatsuki. In the end, could you really call people who wanted to make the world a better place "evil"?. I think that moral ambiguity is what makes Naruto so special, and is a reason why the TNJ works in that. Because it's not the fighting that stops people, it's the words of reason. They've been fighting all their lives and each time they fight against the opposite side further proves to them that their way is right because in their eyes they are the good guys. It's not until someone tries to talk to them, a non-combative method that doesn't prove them right because they aren't being treated as the bad guys, that they begin to see reason. Naruto is a world full of child soldiers and adult soldiers who are expected to die in battle and kill themselves when captured. Nobody tries talking until Naruto does, so no wonder it's so effective. So while they may have done a lot of messed up things, I can't really blame them because that's just how that world works. Heck, the "good guys" in Naruto have done a hell of a load of killing and messed up things too, barely anyone in that story is on the "good" side until the 4th war. So I don't see why we should use our own real world societal morals for a world that operates differently like Naruto does, I find it unfair. In Naruto, the behind the scenes manipulation worked because of the way the world works, in MHA, it doesn't. Naruto had foreshadowing, MHA doesn't. I'm not trying to be a nerd, that's just how I viewed the manga. The anime will be different because of censorship though so idk.
_Lazaroth_ - 1712395253
Oh, I completely forgot about those characters... Imagine giving development to your bloated character list, that'd make them actually important!!!

I.... I'm not sure how to feel about this. On one hand, I absolutely despise that Shigaraki didn't fall into the abyss by himself, because it cheapens the emotional impact. On the other, I do like stories that have been planned since the start, but this has had no foreshadowing I'm pretty sure, so it seems like a retcon.

I like that Deku lost his arms, but we all fucking know he's gonna get them back. Not only because in the incredibly smart and totally not tension ridding flashforward to when Deku is the "greatest hero in the world" he's fine, and because Horikoshi can't fucking kill off or maim characters permanently (at least he can't kill off enough since most people should be dead in this war!!), but because we all know that some shit ass convenient quirk is gonna heal him up or replace his arms. Just like it will Bakugo's heart, and Jiro's ear, remember that? The tiniest fucking injury from battling the world's most powerful man with a billion quirks as a 16 year old girl??!?!?.

God this manga makes me angry. Fucking consequences NEED to exist or there is ZERO TENSION OR STAKES. I know everybody will live, I know anybody injured will be right as rain tomorrow, I know the world ravaged by war where the heroes are universally hated by the citizens who are forced to live in bunkers protected by the few heroes who haven't retired as well as literal inexperienced children and the murdering brutal villains rule the world will be completely fixed tomorrow and a statue of Deku will be erected in his honour. Because this manga taught me that I don't need to worry about anything, because everything will be conveniently okay because Horikoshi can't write any stakes, tension or consequence in his beautiful looking but horribly written manga.
Cover is dope tho, I do praise what's praiseworthy.
_Lazaroth_ AlexBen - 1712394240
I finally get to use that meme lol. Anyway, I'm happy for you if things are going well. Wishing you the best!
_Lazaroth_ - 1712345993
_Lazaroth_ - 1712345852
Peak fiction.
Peak dicktion?
Me whenever I read a manga about romance or friendship.
_Lazaroth_ AlexBen - 1712317933
Real question though.... Was she your childhood friend?!
_Lazaroth_ - 1712313102
It's been so long since this chapter, i still want answers as to what the giant ass spine in the back of the moon is for....
Also, Blast's powers are so cool and unique. Void seems like a badass, and the extradimensional threat of being cut up by those on higher dimensions is so cool.