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Dito Destoni
1500 points
3792 Comment(s)
8535 Upvote(s)
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737516572
Try again bot! How about just numbers. I count 2 errors in the first line
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737501700
You forget the 4th answer he actually gives: [Nothing]. Which is actually the default. But don't worry other entities have a similar track record.

Being blessed is very ambgious term. It can be used for ANYTHING where something succeeded.

I wake up. I was blessed with sleep. I look for something to eat. I am blessed with a full fridge. After my satanic friends went to an orgy and sacrificed a goat, they are blessed with a pregnancy.


I'm getting a bit tired with this discussion. You clearly just copy pasting stuff and can't think for yourself.

Please count to ten to prove to me you are not an AI or have the ability of consequential thought. After that you can tell me what you learned about objective truth. In your OWN words.
Dito Destoni PixelOni - 1737499210
Imagine he just goes up in the air and drops big blocks of stone on the army
Dito Destoni mage101 - 1737498666
Young Justice S01E25
You are correct.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737497029
I believe you are copying AI answers again
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737496852
Have you ever translated anything? To anybodies satisfaction? Even just your own?

Finally someone gets it!
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737491614
1. No it doesn't. Please translate, what you mean to English and don't hide behind random scripture quotes. You can put in the index and I can look it up when it becomes relevant.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737490038
I said conviction. If you are so sure that you are willing to take knife for being wrong, THAT is conviction. The knive is meant figuratively and situational literally.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737489647
4. Don't lie by saying: recorded! At most they are vaguely mentioned and people attribute those things to it ... AFTER the FACT!
That's the most insulting to truth. You prove something to be wrong loke those 16th century flat earthers and then yhey say: That's exactly what we have been saying. We need to reintroduce public flailing for politicians, billionaires and those hypocrites. Not that anybody would support me on that!
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737489222
3. So you are EXPECTING god to bless you or your work, if you are doing good.🤭
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737489110
2. That's why you shouldn't be part of a religion. Believe is personal and you only pile on believes and not truths onto others and yourselfs.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737488827
Moses didn't even read half the bible and the quarter he is attributed to also can't be from him, because he was either not born or dead, when it happened.

If we talk about misconception, that pile up, because of the bible and religion.

He might be glow from embarrassment or gloom.
Dito Destoni - 1737376519
I finally understand why in China or Korea being called parentless is an insult. It comes from the fact, that the person hasn't been taught manners The only reason they can come up with is that they haven't been taught by their parents. The reason for that is that they have none.
Wanting to kill someone over an insult is definitely parentless behavior. Even though I insult a lot of orphans, that do have manners, in indirectly comparing them with him. I'm really sorry for that. They have it hard and don't deserve that.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737351596
Well I've been in contact with too much bible and religious discussions as of late. That would explain it.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737350843
Axiom, but you probably don't know what that is.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737350637
It's actually the exact opposite. A good believe doesn't hinder you in thinking and questioning your belief.
A good belief would help you get rid of misconceptions, that you involuntary build up over time, even if those misconception are deeply hold believes.
(You can ask 10 jehovas witnesses how old the earth is and you get 10 different results. Well more like 5 because they always come in twos (like the Sith) and one will be silent and agree to what the other says)
A truth would stand tall even after most of your belief crumbled and become the foundation to rebuild your belief.
Most people are too afraid to start or even think about it, because their beliefs are like a Jenga tower would just completely fall.

A true religion/belief is build on the sacrifices of your fake beliefs. I mean that literally.
You stab it from every angle and when it survives it's most likely true.

Sadly this is not something I have found in the bible. I only found something about sacrifices and that disgusted me.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737348727
First error: 1. doesn't imply 2. I know some, not all.
Second error: You say it not about doing your best work, but the bible also says something about you recognize the true religion (or something like that) by their fruits. So it is depend on doing good deeds and you help your "faction" by doing the most good.
Third error: You assume I do good deeds because I want to go to heaven or because of them. Imagine I do it just to be a nice person!
Fourth error: You assume god could or would make a heaven I or even you would want to go to.

Dito Destoni - 1737345350
Remember this face! That is the face of a red/pink head yandere, who has her Mc (locked up in a cave) to herself: