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Good one.
I know right. When this character first showed up earlier in the manga I immediately thought that there was no way he was human, I mean even without opening his eyes that face is just wrong. I am guessing he is probably a fox spirit, which would make sense since foxes are associated with Inari and the most important shrine to Inari is in Kyoto.
GreatGaelic_131 Bruce - 1729589953
My thought as well since he looks exactly like her, so the only question then is brother or cousin?
GreatGaelic_131 - 1729589458
Well that went from 0 to 100 fast, obviously he is going to be alright after she heals him but I am guessing that will reveal her powers to him, so will he keep her secret?
0 this one
GreatGaelic_131 - 1729261252
For a minute there I was expecting this to turn into a crossover with that solo camping manga, would make sense since that series is also a largely food/cooking based manga as well.
That is the one thing I love most about this manga is that the characters all act like real people, all of their actions, thoughts, fears, and desires are all completely believable, no forced drama just for sake of it. I wish more manga were like this.
Is she really dead or did she merely ascend to godhood? I know that is a distinction without a difference, since her daughters can't interact with her normally, but I am hoping that this gets cleared up soon. Also an even greater question is was she ever actually human to begin with or did she merely take human form to interact with the family that is the shrine's caretakers, for example she could have incarnated as the daughter of the chief priest, the girls grandpa, or replaced a daughter who died.
GreatGaelic_131 Jahm - 1729073682
Yes, Golems all the way down! Also probably by the end of this series Daichi will end up making a fully sapient race of Golems, most likely by accident.
GreatGaelic_131 - 1728798028
Interesting that the bit at the end seems two a joint op between the US and South Korean forces, I wonder where they are at since South Korea does not do a lot of overseas deployments of their military, I only found 8 instances online.
GreatGaelic_131 - 1728663433
I am surprised Alice actually shot Iruma, sure he did it to save him, but to actually pull the trigger is something that would only happen in this story not the original. I am glad to see that this series is developing its own identity and not just a rehash of the original, this is darker for sure, not sure if the original author would ever harm Iruma to this degree. Also that drawing of the park Clara made would be right at home in the demon world.
GreatGaelic_131 Alea - 1728635730
While I agree that Japan is a country whose culture is like that, just look up the burakumin, I can't believe that anyone in Japan views gynecologists' that way, they are still doctors.
GreatGaelic_131 Alea - 1728574538
What stigma would that be?
GreatGaelic_131 - 1728571070
So she can revert back to her old personality when dealing with her sister, interesting.
GreatGaelic_131 - 1728467408
So does that mean the father is either not a vampire or he became one later in life? Hopefully next chapter will expand on this.
GreatGaelic_131 - 1728304714
Glad that the dad was able to hold on till they finished the list, I always appreciate seeing a good father in manga/manhwa/manhua since their is a million bad ones in other series.
GreatGaelic_131 - 1728258513
Something I have been wondering for a while now, it has been stated that only the family head can pass on the Yozakura powers, but is that actually true? So has none of the past generations of the the family's head's siblings ever had children before? Are they infertile or do they just not get married as a rule? Also I wonder why they don't seem to have any uncles or aunts, their mother was surely not an only child, feels strange they have never been mentioned before.
GreatGaelic_131 - 1728106433
That map is literally just Prussia before German unification. It is bothersome with so many ways to generate fantasy maps that manga/manhwa/manhua authors resort to just using the real world map with some minor tweaks. Also for anyone interested in a manga series similar to this This is a non-isekai set in a pre ww1 fictional europe military series. It hasn't updated in a while but it is pretty good read.