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23 Comment(s)
31 Upvote(s)
Ikaruwa - 1722452712
Could it be? An update, after all this time?
Ikaruwa DatBoiOrly - 1709099501
She's not technically new she's the substitute nurse the school hired while sensei was at a work conference
Ikaruwa - 1708485363
Man between these shadow warriors and the ruins from the mage exam second challenge, I REALLY wanna know more about the downfall of the unified kingdom. My guess is they're the reason demons exist on this plane of existence
Ikaruwa - 1708152677
Made another panel into an ultrawide wallpaper. This manga's art style is just too good.
Ikaruwa - 1708152119
I made that panel on page 11 into an ultrawide wallpaper.
Ikaruwa - 1707719068
I'm two chapters in and I'm convinced at some point this will be the next Chainsaw Man or One Punch Man.
Ikaruwa - 1707551078
Regarding the translator's note: 玉の輿 (tama no koshi) is a japanese expression that means to gain wealth and/or status by marrying into a powerful family.
Ikaruwa - 1707548927
Several wallpaper-quality two page spreads in this update, hell yeah
Ikaruwa - 1707458316
Hell yeah! The next chapter of Frieren being a complete badass has BEGUN
Ikaruwa - 1706677289
I'm not sure when it happened but the art style has slowly changed to resemble a where's waldo book.
Ikaruwa - 1706509510
Funny, for dinner tonight i made a kimchi stew with soft tofu and pork (soondubu-jjigae), and then this is the first chapter i read tonight.
Ikaruwa - 1706351123
I was wondering how long until sukiyaki made its appearance. As soon as he found shoyu I figured it was gonna happen, though without sugar I don't know if it's gonna be quite right...
Ikaruwa - 1705948815
Y'know, i really didn't expect this to be so harem-heavy. not complaining, but i figured it would be a fantasy adventure in the vein of record of lodoss war, faraway paladin, or frieren.
Ikaruwa - 1705468625
The love and appreciation Frieren has for her old master, shown through trying to learn all the spells that came out of Flamme's study, is truly heartbreaking. I think this may be tied for my favorite manga of all time
Ikaruwa - 1705431179
61 chapters into a slice of life love triangle about cougars we get an abrupt genre change to slasher horror!
Ikaruwa Demonslender - 1704653241
Well for one, it's Japan, the country has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Obviously a _different_ Japan than the real one given all of this is going on, but still, I would imagine the expectation is that she's probably okay. But secondly, his job is to monitor their suspect, so I think in this moment he's doing what his brain tells him instead of what his gut tells him, and we'll see if that ends up to be the wrong decision or not in a future chapter.
Ikaruwa - 1704652783
God, imagine being the illustrator for this, having to draw such epic charging scenes like that and turn them around in a week's time. Unbelievable dedication to quality on this manga.
Ikaruwa - 1704503049
commenting on the translator's problem with "Guilty Maker", the kanji are 死装束を濡れ衣に. 死装束 means "burial clothes", and 濡れ衣に in modern parlance means "false accusation", but more literally would mean "to wear wet clothing" (there are several proposed reasons why this new meaning came about, but it's a bit off topic). So I think the proper translation would be something like "Guilty Maker - Drenched Burial Clothes".

This has a lot to do with Japanese funerary practice and mythology, so it's understandable it wouldn't translate easily when using a machine translation process. In Japanese mythology when you die you have to cross the Sanzu river to be reincarnated. However, the Japanese cremate their dead so anything you would've had with you is lost in the fire, therefore you can't afford to pay the cost of the ferry to get to the other side, forcing you to swim your way there. When you reach the other shore a spirit known as Datsue-ba will take your wet clothes and hang it on the tree branches to dry. It's believed that the more sinful your life, the more wet your clothes and the more the tree will sag from the weight of your crimes. I think, therefore, the idea from this power is that the water being wrung out of the person's body leaves them looking like a dead husk dressed in soaked clothing, i.e. it makes them appear as if they just swam across the Sanzu river and are soaked by the weight of their crimes in life.
Ikaruwa - 1704482194
A quick translation note: The guy with the tongue's power is "Toad Metamorphosis", the reason the translation is screwy ("Tomaru who knows the ocean") is because the kanji alongside it is a take on a Japanese proverb, "井の中の蛙大海を知らず", or "A frog in a well cannot understand the sea", meaning a person who spends too much time absorbed in their own little world will never experience all that life has to offer. The text in the manga would translate as "The frog-man who understands the sea", so it could be argued that this character might have been self-absorbed in his life before, but now he has come out of his well and learned about the world... Probably a reference to all his wealth, power, and privilege in the isekai.
they found a bunch of stuff from the shipwreck that had washed up on shore. i'm a little surprised they made it without breaking, though.