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White Moth
1489 points
96 Comment(s)
305 Upvote(s)
White Moth - 9 months ago
"He defeated Rosetale. He's faster and stronger than me. But just because his stats are better than mine doesn't mean he's good at combat!"
He's literally a close-combat specialist with some tricks on the side. He has glowing fucking gauntlets and he's rushing into melee my dude.
"If I engage in close combat so he can't use his skills, then I also have a chance of winning."
Class: Gunner. Attribute: Mind. Super Insight skill. Wasn't this just established in the previous chapter? Holy shit this guy did nothing right.
Well, right. But they should be shouting about how the prophecy will never come to pass. Using that example, it's like saying, "it has been prophesized that my children will kill me, and prophesies will always come true, so let's eat them". It's weird to have such utter conviction prophesies are infallible while going through such effort to stop them, because those efforts would be doomed to fail. One has to give way for the other.
White Moth - 9 months ago
It's really kind of strange for them to be so gung-ho about the prophecy being inviolable, when the whole point of this series is all the shit the Aesir have done and are doing in order to prevent the prophecy from coming true.
White Moth Donny_Dont - 9 months ago
I think this is actually the first time someone's appearance was so completely different from their class/preferences? It certainly doesn't come up in my memory, so it's probably quite rare if it does happen. Even then, despite Jaeju getting caught off guard, it wasn't to the point of being panicked or flustered; you'll notice that he didn't use his clothes or otherwise attack back. Unlike what that person assumed, it wasn't that he was unable to react, it's that there wasn't a reason for him to do it, and knowing that—whether due to prediction, or remembering the room had a timer, or so on—is pretty meaningful to show he hasn't lost his combat edge.

I do think Jaeju might be coasting by a little bit. He's generally waaaaay above any users on an equivalent floor, so he may have gotten a bit arrogant by this point. Most of the people he runs into are hindrances either actively or passively, and that may be affecting him.
White Moth - 9 months ago
Interrupting a true love confession? This man deserves death!
White Moth TwEEzyZen - 10 months ago
It has less to do with the dungeon boss killing "evil hunters" and more to do with the fact the tower restricted itself to them. There's a much higher likelihood of team-killing when everyone who enters is a criminal compared to not, and it also opens up questions about how and why Raven was able to enter the tower himself. If the criteria was "must be a criminal", then that means Raven would have had to be one as well, or the tower was selecting for a very specific trait Raven happened to share.
White Moth Holy Kafka - 10 months ago
It's at times like these you remember that "fan" is short for "fanatic".
White Moth - 10 months ago
Waifu quality was not maintained. Hell, she straight up wasn't recognizable at first. Most of them weren't. It's just a sea of bland. A shame; I rather liked the story, but I don't think I can continue.
White Moth User-9859256431 - 10 months ago
A few reasons. The first is that it often serves as a cry for help. I mean, this guy had plenty of methods to kill himself in a manner that isn't flashy at all. Jumping off a building is practically asking to be stopped, but it's not like you can't drive off to a cliff and go that way instead, or get the rope, or whatever. A lot of methods for suicide can't be prevented, so the ones that can often are because the perpetrator doesn't actually want to go out. The second is moral, which I won't expound upon too much—many people strongly believe that suicide is wrong, and just want to prevent it from happening. Third, pragmatism: keeping suicide as a wholly negative thing to be stopped helps prevent malicious actors from pressuring others into suicide as a method of silent murder. Without the idea suicide should be prevented, "suicides" would receive even less scrutiny.
White Moth Donny_Dont - 10 months ago
Those who covet power hate the most when it is taken from them. He coveted someone else's disciple and hated that he wasn't strong enough to claim the discipline through his schemes, and then he hated the powerlessness he felt when he had to functionally bargain for his life.
White Moth Uchiha-DeadPool - 11 months ago
If the game isn't for everyone, then it falls upon the organizers of the awards ceremony to give enough categories that it'll naturally draw multiple winners. If rewards are being given too narrowly, then either the performance was simply that spectacular, or the reward categories aren't broad enough. Even using Spring of Joseon here as an example, I doubt it would win an award for "best comedy", "best mystery", "best sci-fi", "best book adapted into a performance", so on and so forth. Rewards should be strictly meritocratic by their nature, in my opinion; to do anything less considerably cheapens the rewards' meaning in the first place.
White Moth Pudding - 11 months ago
The mage girl blew up that demon all on her own. There's precedent for people other than MC to pull their narrative weight now and again. I'm rooting for him managing to pull out the W.
White Moth The First - 11 months ago
This has been done before, though. When he first showed up, it was all fanfare and intimidation, but he actually ended up being a positive event for Kalli rather than negative. Seems to be that he just doesn't have an off-switch, where he's super intense basically 24/7 even when he doesn't intend to overtly intimidate others.
White Moth Trecta - 11 months ago
What do you mean? This is basically a perfect place to end a season? A major arc has been completed, and they showcased some of the long-term roadblocks that are going to be in store for the MC for the next arc. What are you looking for for "a good end to a season"?
White Moth - 11 months ago
Bet the dad is gonna look like the male MC, bringing the whole thing full circle.
White Moth Galomir - 1 year ago
You're right. I went back to double check, and it mentioned it being something Hrungnir wanted to tell, whereas I initially remembered it as something Smir wished to tell. I still think it's an odd thing for him to ask for, but I'll acknowledge it's less bizarre now than it was under the Smir message interpretation. Apologizing in person is going to be more impactful than apologizing through a third party like this. What is meaningfully supposed to happen if MC tells Smir his dad who died so long ago asked him to say sorry on his behalf?
White Moth Galomir - 1 year ago
Yeah. Though it's kinda fucking weird that he's like "tell my son I'm sorry", when we're seeing the memory of his son. So it's like... tell him yourself? He literally heard what you said, or else it wouldn't be in the memory. He's literally right there.
White Moth SparkPlug - 1 year ago
Although I've read a lot of different specifics of the story, they range from Zeus giving explicit permission with a warning Demeter wouldn't like it, to being an accomplice. Zeus was pretty much fine with the whole Hades-Persephone thing, it was just her mother that started raising hell.
White Moth - 1 year ago
Some speculation on what's going on with the hint. She gave three words—seemingly in English, that or it was amazingly redrawn—and said they would become a sentence. Each word is related to the MC, but I think that's a red herring at best, and it's not the meaning of the words that is meant to be interpreted, but the letters used for them. This is also the reason why "shinier" seems so out of place. It might be tangentially related to him to fit the "hint" impression, but it's really just to get some good letters involved for the anagram sentence. For it to specifically be "a sentence", I expect either "are" or "is", with (Noun) is/are X.
I'm a rebel, what can I say? Less facetiously, "positive relationship/rivalry" implies an either/or situation, whereas I was more interested in emphasizing both at the same time.