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White Moth
1489 points
69 Comment(s)
200 Upvote(s)
It's a really good one. It's at times like these we get to see that she didn't get to where she is completely on the laurels of her father—she has legitimate acumen and abilities that were being hampered by her weaknesses in others. Her skill at schmoozing and interacting with high-society people was high enough that her poor self-control and incompetence in finance didn't cause as many issues as it would have otherwise until Dojoon stepped in to force it.

I knew the aunt would end up becoming willing and more fulfilled under Dojoon's circumstances, but I didn't know to how much of an extent, too. It seems like respect is something she's always wanted but never fully got from her own family, but Dojoon is willing to listen, accept her expertise, and even go along with it as seen when she suggested he come with her to influence sales.
White Moth - 1724877100
Seol-Ah was chastising MC for even insinuating eating a squirrel before, but here she brings it up with Bi-Ah as though it's a given to do so. xD
White Moth Joho - 1724839139
Because they're like ten years old. Just about everyone at that age—MC included pre-regression—is a little shit, especially when part of a prestigious clan.
White Moth TheImage - 1723925777
He wasn't. He only gave them the blood essence so they could lure and potentially turn Jarodin, everything else was their own business and happened without his assistance or interest. It's the main reason he gave zero cares about what happened to them.
No. MC has already witnessed his subordinates' deaths before, and the AI also treated it as though it was a given the times it happened. The thing that will happen in the future—the truth the MC will uncover or even that will take place—is implied to be even more soul-crushing than that. If it's something that would cause the MC to give up despite everything he's been through thus far, I actually think it might have something to do with the system, like if the MC goes off the rails from expected storylines the AI will simply force him to dead end himself, effectively creating a fate he cannot fight against.
White Moth Nacho - 1723806791
He actually performed his move really well. He orchestrated things behind the scenes so she would get a taste of something she'd always wanted—prestige and independence from her father—and then indirectly brought it down around her. He cornered her in silence using the stock exchange to trap her without her knowing, and then offered her a raft when she was floundering in the water. The thing is, truthfully speaking, she'd never wanted the responsibility that came from running a company in the first place, she just wanted the privileges and prestige. Dojoon keeping her on board and allowing her to maintain the comforts of her lifestyle while simultaneously dealing with the harder aspects of the job means she'll soon come to prefer the arrangement after Dojoon takes over compared to before.
White Moth AV - 1723731847
I legit think she hasn't been mentioned or shown even once before now. Already a fan of her, though.
White Moth ........... - 1723663146
It'd probably be closer to "was his face always so radiant?" Using light-related terms for attractiveness isn't absent in English, it's just not "shiny".
I'll be right there with you if he does something like that, though this touches on something important. In literature there's something known as the "moral event horizon", where a character does something so heinous they can no longer be redeemed in a narrative sense. It's a bit of a meta analysis, but this story has been rather lighthearted and largely avoided serious topics or thought, with the latest chapter being a prime example of that—a more gritty or serious mafia story could have had her poisoned or similar, but she passed out after just a little bit of alcohol, turning the seriousness into comedy instead. It's hard for me to imagine the author pushing the male lead beyond the moral event horizon after all the effort they've gone into establishing him as sympathetic and misunderstood. I could be wrong, but this author just doesn't seem the type, so there's probably not much to worry about.
Her being related to murderers is actually a strong reason why this makes sense. How many people has her father killed in his lifetime as the mafia family head? What about her bodyguard whom she is close to, who can casually say he's trained to kill people? And yet, despite being part of the mafia and doing bad things, they're still good people and people she cares about.

It's been shown there's a lot of uncertainty about whether Leonardo is the actual villain—this isn't a matter of "letting the Joker live". It's worth pointing out Batman himself is a criminal who runs around as a vigilante beating the crap out of people, and yet he's typically not portrayed as a villain for the readers.
White Moth - 1723378159
Looks like the solution to the floor's problem is going to be an egg hunt.
White Moth - 1723208005

These censors, man. And of course, I always end up reading it as worse than the original actually was....
White Moth Potato - 1722770409
That's not the case. Although Krampus has to fall back into a defensive fight now, that's only because she'd lied to him, causing him to overextend his forces towards the fortress. If he'd found out about her loss and knew things were so disadvantaged, he could have easily called off his march, withdrawn, and started assaulting Runda's territory with the troops instead. Krampus could have even contacted Nebula and come to some manner of truce before or after he initiated hostilities with Runda; Nebula hadn't made any overt attacks towards his territory despite the persistent sabotage, so it's not beyond the possibility Nebula simply has other things he wants to focus on rather than actually marching on Krampus's land.

Runda is in a terrible position right now, and it would not surprise me in the slightest if Nebula used it against her. The fact she withheld such important information for her own sake means the alliance isn't that strong, and she's also willing to betray for her own gain (or to prevent her own loss).
White Moth - 1722754782
It's a bit annoying how many liberties the author takes with the MC's power level, raising it up or pushing it down whenever it's convenient for the plot. Why is he performing so much better here than in the test against his "rival"? He's dodging multiple magic attacks with ease without even being able to move his feet and casually cutting people down from multiple angles, but it wasn't even eight chapters ago he was struggling to overcome a single student combatant. It's hard to feel invested in this great and terrible faction when there's probably a dozen and a half characters in the academy alone who could single-handedly stomp it down, at least according to comparative power scaling.
White Moth Enes - 1722704353
Hell yeah. I was worried it got axed or dropped or something.
aFFi is correct here. Incel is Involuntary Celibate, meaning someone who wants to have sex but is unable to do so for whatever reason; this is distinct from someone who doesn't want to actually deal with it. You're probably looking for "misogynist", which means someone who hates women. "Incel" is often conflated with "misogynist", but definitionally they're not the same; not all incels hate women, and not all misogynists are incels.
White Moth Gakuku - 1721374270
End of Chapter 51 into beginning of Chapter 52. There was a kissing scene, candles went out, and it was stated Kalli only returned to his own room at dawn.
White Moth Anthrios - 1720868788
How many times has it been now? It feels damned forced, like a way to shoehorn drama and desperation to fight despite Kalli being basically addicted to fighting. It's obvious what's going to happen. Kalli's going to fight to make money, and go to increasingly more and more dangerous stuff... but he would have done that even without the impetus of paying back Azalea's debts, because he isekai'd in order to be a fighter.
White Moth - 1720342993
I know it's probably just a typo, but Kali throwing 4k in someone's face when they ask for 35k and telling them to keep the change is such a gangster move. Things are about to get super spicy if that wasn't a typo, though. xD
White Moth Kamilkoto - 1720328532
Liquor wouldn't kick in that quickly for only that much. It's almost certainly poison, imo.