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uCoex Adz - 1713945507
It's jokes anyways lol
uCoex Adz - 1713834051
Lmao, it's not even that much if you skim read it too
uCoex - 1713833345
You guys didn't read it but I did.
Run down:
1. Magic does not need the soul in order to be effective/efficient. In fact using the soul to process magic results in way weaker magic that even the most meager of spells can beat (the example used: a fire produced using hundreds of souls produces a flame weaker than a candle).
2. Cloning process only clones memories (will) for the mental and the bodies genes for the physical. They can not clone the soul.
3. The soul is the most mysterious of the three.
4. When cloned, the new body adopts/creates a unique soul for that body.
5. When cloned, the new body with the original memories cannot replicate the original bodies power (except for rare circumstances when the new soul just clicks, the winged king is an example of that).
6. If the cloned person can replicate at least 10% of the originals body then they are useful enough to be used (most clones will hover between 5-10%).
7. The old civilization held souls in high regard because they didn't have access to proper levels of magic as such the soul was obviously worshipped.
8. Their current methods of cloning works and they are applying the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" method to their repeated cloning process.
uCoex - 1713715863
Well, we haven't seen how much outside of the modern world they live in also. They may live like us but they also live like them.Add things like ancestry, traditional values and methods etc etc, if it ain't broke don't fix it and if this idea of thinking is what kept them alive for thousands of years then why stop for a guy who in their eyes never grows out of childhood?
To be fair, perhaps it's partly because of how their common sense works, they are mythical beings afterall.
She will be of course and it's not wrong he took advantage of the situation with prep but that's the thing, this is all in the real world in real time. There are consequences and your dead body doesn't get to complain about fairness, morality or ethics.
Although that's true, I myself wouldn't hesitate to do the same thing knowing that the alternative is kidnapping and whatever follows. It's the better safe than sorry method and tbh he didn't exactly have time to wait and ask her for an opinion, she was asleep
uCoex - 1713566653
He pisses me off but he's not wrong which pisses me off more
uCoex - 1713400528
I hate all this "modern" language in manga.
uCoex - 1713397054
There is a large difference between the speed of sound and the speed of light, if this was supposed to be a comparison between the two then sound should be dead 19 quadrillion times over before sound has a chance to move, if its to compare how high how much the BOTH of them are against the rest of the people then they're rather high up since I dont know how many people actually have sound speed feats
uCoex Skay24 - 1713366867
One was a civil conflict that heavily involved the citizens and as a result accumulated a lot of hatred, the other is straight up war at the behest of the higher ups and has nothing to do with the citizens. The war wasn't instigated by the citizens lives getting worse but rather the citizens lives are getting worse because of the war.
uCoex - 1713191289
The immense difference between Dan that needs abundant extra size, power and technique just to catch up to the man how stands their with just a sword in hand is fucking amazing to look at.
I'm sure that they don't actually see the various effects the we do but still
uCoex - 1713190926
The court only holds numbers. As far as quality murim fighters go, they only have those with unique circumstances or bribery since murim people only chain themselves to clans and family, not ordering and authority.
uCoex - 1713141813
I've reread this a couple times, I quite like it. It would be better if there wasn't a supposed "bodyguard" that seems to be anything but an actual bodyguard and just an annoyance that gets on your nerves. Every. Single. Time
uCoex Lyner - 1713140538
My man, you fat fingered HARD.
uCoex - 1713140102
I hate this story telling, fucking hell. Maybe I've just read too many stories that do this that I'm at my wits ends. What's the point of this constant background villain bs "hehe the stage is set", fuck me.