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1101 points
107 Comment(s)
117 Upvote(s)
Jay88 - 1708794452
Would be an interesting series to see other isekai characters randomly popping up with different levels of comprehension of the game
Jay88 - 1708708446
Wow, Ivar was a bitch... total shocker. 🙄
Jay88 - 1708354939
Is the head of the secret organization the friend that "died" when she was with the US team?
Feels like the "hunter jun woo will be erased" just means he will stay "cleaner jun woo" for the rest of his life
Jay88 - 1707450069
Artist really needs more variety. I swear I thought they killed their bandit buddy 😂
Jay88 - 1707063618
They really had to screw it up with the last chapter, didn't they?
He was this old age when he was killed by silver in his first life. That means that Henry should be a newborn, not a teenager.
Seriously, how do you fuck it up at the end?
Jay88 Grimmy - 1707031432
😂 for real. "Here's an emergency call card. Tear it and I will instantly teleport in front of you" so he holds it until the last minute instead of ripping it as soon as the bad guy showed up 😂
Jay88 - 1706855548
See y'all in 6 months 😂
Jay88 - 1706810416
I'm confused because I thought his friend hated the fact that the game was turning to the criminal characters instead of the main objective, but his in-game character is pushing the progress of the criminal organizations 🤔
Jay88 ZXZZ66 - 1706810373
It's just like a hardcore mode in MMORPGs. You can keep playing, but you have to make a new character. In this world it's extremely expensive to make a character, especially one at the level of the main character, so if he ever does die, he'll never get the pay to win character that is Kaiser/Caeser
Jay88 - 1706756745
Crazy thin premise. I'm 30 chapters into the story and it's been the same situation repeating itself over and over again
Jay88 User-1452755152 - 1706726083
Why is she likable? She doesn't have a single character trait that isn't self-centered. It literally took something as horrific as brutal violent gang rape for her to a thought outside of let me use my ass to make money...
Jay88 User-8539153134 - 1706725976
Yeah, rape is bad. That has nothing to do with the fact that she got teleported to a parallel world and her first choice was to voluntarily be a whore. She wasn't forced into prostitution, she chose that as her form of income in a fantasy world with magic powers.
It is pathetic that you have to white night a character that is such a whore at her base personality that she ignored a god as they were explaining the powers that she was given because she was so focused on how she could quickly become a prostitute in a fantasy kingdom 😂😂
Jay88 - 1706626921
Cool, now the main character that is unlikable in any way whatsoever is an overpowered MC 😂
Jay88 - 1706626040
It really felt like the author wanted a female MC, but has no idea how to write female characters. This was as shonen as possible with a female mc. It felt like they just decided to make romantic emotions between MC and every character after 80 chapters.
Jay88 - 1706544944
Another random ass series with zero idea how they were going to end it. This shit was like Lost. They created like 50 mystery story lines that they could have gone down, and they go down none of them. It ends with absolutely nothing accomplished....
Jay88 - 1706544479
What a shit way for the series to end
Jay88 Meringue - 1706279677
To emphasize your point about the scale of the battle increasing, that's another reason why people dropped the sling from their military arsenal. The amount of room you need to swing a sling in order to get a comparable velocity to an arrow would require soldiers to be spaced out much farther apart. You can have a larger totality of damage with 50 archers side by side than you will with 15 slingshots spread out across the same distance
The other person seems to also be forgetting that these are just a group of Japanese college students. They may have a major focused on history, but the assumption that they would be intimately knowledgeable about all ancient societies military tactics seems unrealistic, even for a story about time portal caves... Lol
Jay88 - 1706115645
Wasn't the entire drama of this series about the fact that everyone was stuck in the realm with the dragons?
If the angels could tear a hole, letting people go back to their home dimensions, then none of the humans would fight them for the relic. They would happily give up any superpower shit to go back to Earth
Jay88 - 1705859790
Did they retcon the story? I thought the first human key was killed by the dragon that they attacked out of instinct...
Jay88 ZECTCustomUnit - 1705629294
Of every character in that village, he would be the one to notice all of the mannerism changes between them