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They are no longer in the silver age and it is now a historic relic.
This makes it hard to find.
This makes it less common, but not a unique item.
The item is still an incredibly useful one to have, and was a priority for Rifenhardt to obtain.
Rifenhardt's past life only encountered one of them, so not knowing about the existence of another meant it was worth visiting the ruin to get his one.
Does this explain it clearly enough for you?
At the same time just because something is common doesn't mean it won't end up being rare.
Only one "One Cent Magenta" stamp exists in the world and its the most expensive item by weight in existence but they used to be the most common stamp on letters, newspapers etc.
The group chose to censor all of their scans due to trouble with DMCA strikes in the past focused on sexual content, censoring allows them to post to their site without affecting their income.
Reasonable but still unfortunate.
Time to question Manhwa-Freak?
Interesting takes and interpretations, though I'm not sure exactly which translations you are referencing, especially for the Vedas.
The Vedas are well know to mention, and praise(!) multiple God's, in Atharvaveda Bk.20 Hymn 58 V.3 the most common translation is:
"Verily, Sūrya, thou art great; truly, Āditya, thou art great.
As thou art great indeed thy greatness is admired: yea, verily,
great art thou, O God." tr. by Ralph T.H. Griffith - 1895
From this translation we clearly see the prayer (which starts towards Indra) mentions Sūrya and the children of Āditi, this alone is enough to know that the hymn is prayer to not ONE GOD, but many Deities.
The biggest driving factor behind the reduction and reinterpretation of the Vedic scriptures is from Qu'rānic scholars who wish to use Hinduism as a proprietor of Islam.
I am Jewish (though I am non-religious, and have been since anyone can remember), the Rabbī have always disputed amongst themselves about the correct codifications, over far too many things. It is how it is, that is the religion.
Even within the Talmūd there are discussions about the correct transmission of the Mišnāh. Translation is also a treacherous thing, I have tried to translate even our normal Hebrew phrases into English, and even that is a task! The little details that could be conveyed better but make it less literal, the hidden meaning lost by translating, all of it is too great to ignore, but too unfaithful to attempt to resolve?
I truly think you are someone who can find A truth for yourself, so while I would like to hear your opinion on the reduction of the Vedic ideas, especially the personification of Brāhman, which goes against the very idea itself!
I will leave you to study, I'm sadly not able to spend as long on this as I would like without eating into my actual work.
There is a preservation of the Rigveda dating to 1500BCE! That's actually the oldest extant text of a surviving religion currently known, oh and by the way, Hinduism is polytheistic, meaning they have multiple God's in their pantheon.
Some of the Egyptian texts in pyramids and coffins date back to 2500BCE, describing religious rites or procedures, retelling stories of their God's.
It's not possible for you to have studied "all religions" because you would never have been able to make such a statement.
There are religions so secular it's almost impossible to even find the name of their scriptures, let alone be permitted to read and interpret them, if they are even written in a traditional language. There are religions that have preserved scriptures and their original texts from millenia ago, some of which still haven't been translated entirely to this day. The Rigveda and the other Vedic scriptures still haven't been entirely deciphered and translated, some people believe in religions based around the decryption of these texts, that when they are read entirely something will happen.
Religion is so vast and so complex that scholars dedicate their entire lives to studying just one religion, their own, and even then very few dare to say that they can interpret the scripture properly, the ones that do are usually shunned.
If you do wish to study religion you should learn the academic culture first.
I hope you are doing well, don't get sucked into conspiracy, keep an open mind but a distanced attitude, question the things you accept as truth until you understand why you understood them, accepted them. Learn yourself before teaching others.
I don't follow any manga stuff outside of a general JP news, a couple blogs/author accounts so idk much about social media contributions to popularity.
Gachiakuta was great even when i picked it up on release, it was super-anticipated as well considering Kanaru won 1st prize in a shonen weekly one-shot contest back in 2019, she also was an assistant on Fire Force so people had high-hopes from that.
I've had it on pause since Ch.10 so I can binge it when i run through my current backlog.