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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2268 Comment(s)
785 Upvote(s)
just hitting the toilet from that distance. I can write my name easily 😈😈😈
honestly, their cultivation improves simultaneously with both technique and energy. So while you feel more powerful with more qi, if you dont know how to swing a weapon its meaningless
its just as stupid to increase power through shortcuts
so he insulted the lady so he fights the lady
if the lady chooses to select a warrior, MC selects family head

this is how you solve this incident
I get the kill order to stop progression. There was a manga that had a clan of mythology characters that formed to stop mc from doing MS in beginning (can't remember title). It does make sense to kill until you find quest. It also makes sense guilds would team up to stop him.
At least this game doesn't follow the "I lost once so now my entire guild disbands" trope and never come back to fight. Or the "I lost now my character is obsolete" and the character doesn't find more players to attack.

It's things like those that make you know novelist don't play games
Cookie Muncher JOAT - 1720423532
specific monsters probably have weaknesses and strength that wasn't well written in.
• Like centaurs are fast. It's probably an innate buff
• it could also be different monsters have higher stats up through the area
- goblin +5
- lizardman +10
- treant +10
- centaur +15
but he mentions "I picked the staff" meaning there were options just not shown.

This is what JOAT was talking about
Cookie Muncher - 1720421297
something everyone is overlooking...
• Azmo spent 1 million dollars on his archmage class just getting it
• weigar white staff was revealed to have +1 casting
• the first +1 casting is on LVL 150 equipment
• it was confirmed he has at least 2 other items from MS and the effects must be decent enough to keep them equipped from LVL 10 ―〉 50 (ring)
• who know what other equipment they haven't noticed he has
• this isn't to mention all the buffs he's received for the 1st on MS
• his playstyle shows professional level playing WITH perfect skills worth millions
• his dmg output is on par with a 10 man raid.... Solo (summons/familiars don't count in party count)

Can the guilds really "catch up" without finding MS first. Especially bc most items he's received were ACCOUNT BOUND so its not like they could transfer all the gear by catching MS to their main account. Basically meaning they'd spend millions to go back to even put up a fight against him, and even having to trash their main account, because once he's caught up, the gear he'll be using will outclass whole guilds.
Cookie Muncher JOAT - 1720414984
although we haven't seen it yet, it can be inferred that there is some kind of restriction put in place.
• You can go back to starter towns or difficulty and monsters become scaled (Diablo IV)
• Instances are locked according to lvl 1-40, 40-90, 90-120
Lets count the multiplicative damage so far
• fire %
• ballista
• long range
• critical
• 2x dps (double cast)
Cookie Muncher JOAT - 1720409417
think of it more as a field boss. And think of the server an instance. So korea may have (X) instances to support a huge map with (X) players to the instance. So if you're unlucky, you could have the whole server there, or lucky enough that everyone else is grinding mobs. Depending on respawn time, it may be worth it to wait than to get targeted by a guild for a snipe attempt. Especially bc you risk getting spawn killed if they really want to troll. This is even more true if there is a respawn timer. (we don't know yet)
Cookie Muncher - 1720402614
i thought the 3 were strength, rich, and influence
• strength to not be overcome by anyone
• rich enough to buy your way through any situation
• enough influence to control the masses
Cookie Muncher JOAT - 1720402266
Could even be great grandkids depending on how fast each generation comes
To be brutally frank, any words said have no ability to harm anyone. Thats just the receiver being weak minded, a coward, pathetic, and no self esteem. Others don't decide peoples worth. They themselves do.

A joke has a punchline. Even racist jokes have a punchline. Just walking up to a black guy and calling him a slur may be "funny" to the KKK, but its not actually funny. Its sadism, or the satisfaction and joy brought about by another's pain. If you're too dumb to understand with a 2nd example of how sadism or insults isn't a joke, you are a lost cause

On a side not, I enjoy clean jokes, witty jokes, racist jokes, dirty jokes, religious jokes, stereotype jokes, and dark jokes. There is a clear difference between jokes and insults. If you don't know that line, I hope you don't cross the wrong people when you're telling something you think is funny.... Without a punchline... Because a punch may line up with you.
Spoiler: It's confirmed he did, and a bunch of other stuff too that deals with the family
I get it so its
• fun to call an artist's work gay (if it wasn't written that way)
• fun to falsely advertise stories for having gay content in them causing people who want to read it waste their time or make those who avoid the tag avoid this novel
• fun to insult a community by using the word as slander

The only acceptable way of putting it is wishing its yaoi, but most are clearly using it as an insult
but mine was only a joke. I fail to see the difference. You as a username who doesn't display their true identity is not real. You could use your username as an alter-ego and therefore you as a person was not targeted but your alias or fictional character 🙃🙃🙃.

My point was calling this novel gay isn't a joke. It's either a fantasy driven want or an insult. If it was intended to "make fun", its directed at the artist and writer who are real people.

But on a serious note, the example's not directed at you, it was truly meant to show that making fun of something, an insult, is not synonymous with the word joke. English uses joke as slang to mitigate the responsibility of actions. If it was a JOKE, you can't hold me responsible.
Cookie Muncher - 1720347435
how has no one tried to poison this fucker yet
Cookie Muncher - 1720347050
Higher martial artists have faster bodies and better sight..... How is this fair
Cookie Muncher Oacxk - 1720346687
if you come back to read my other comment you'll get a laugh