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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2087 Comment(s)
571 Upvote(s)
Cookie Muncher Coro - 1720241496
he did say average. Most go all out war without the want for disguise or human intelligence. Strategic warfare completely changes story narration.
Kimetsu no Yaiba is unique in the aspect of guerrilla warfare.
even in rage you'd think stir the pot and maybe one of them becomes weak enough to assassinate during recovery or breather
the only thing NOT guaranteed is his role as investigator. By being the investigator he could easily create moments to pin the blame on MC. Given the description of how smart he is, he'd likely use a throw away pawn of the family from the beginning of his plans. Set was the one who probably got his sister abducted to begin with.
Cookie Muncher Bloop - 1720239747
Adenca isn't related to Samion. Samion was the family 1arm MC was born in, then took in a disciple who, changed his family name to Adenca when gaining power to restore the honor of 1 armed Daven
The spear arts family has no relation to the other two at all from what's been revealed so far. It's a strong family that rose to power between the time MC was executed (via starvation and thirst) and reborn in the Adenca family
The Halleim family is related by marriage, but also a subordinate family of Adenca from how it's written (my speculation), who want to overthrow the Adenca family (implications made with "nightmare" which Helleim's heir was a part of, the dragonoid forces, and the movements of elders in Adenca [possibly making use of each other])
technically descendant would be correct, but when talking about powerful families its important to specify that its the descendant of his main family line (as he wasn't the heir and would therefore branch off becoming a collateral line)
Cookie Muncher aFFi - 1720238312
you forgot poison the wells
honestly something these guys dont understand is immortals feel pain, dying in game is akin to real life sensations, so why not torture the criminals?

Guarantee people would quit the game if guards started doing that as punishment
you're overthinking it. It takes swordsmanship to realize the output of aura. Even more so to launch the aura from the blade and is therefore a way of the blade. Although i dont like it personally, it still counts
Cookie Muncher - 1720218488
231 omacron = 231,000G
5G = $500
Cookie Muncher - 1720211440
MC: why are you looking at me
Everyone looks at MC's legendary full set
Everyone looks at their highest grade gear (1-2 pieces of magic gear each)
MC: A-Ahem.... Yeah... I understand
Cookie Muncher - 1720208898
these are noble families. Isn't lvl 30's too low. Especially if 150s+ are considered the strongest
Cookie Muncher beruga - 1720208124
Probably for a minstrel class. And the sheets are probably higher than the current ones supposed to be released
1st personal quest at that
Cookie Muncher beruga - 1720204838
let me be less inconspicuous... Gets most eye grabbing armor and puts it on.
If you really don't get it:
He's calling him out for acting like trash to secretly compete to become the next king. He's also threatening to reveal the prince's plan should he continue to act against the village
Cookie Muncher beruga - 1720203295
a story about a masochist in a realistic sense VR who only uses health regen to tank and team heal

New story Idea?
chances are that this is a small cave. Because no one else takes the time to sit and chill or appreciate scenery yet, they may not have noticed the breeze coming from crack in ground

This game has also only been out for 2 months and black mountain is a place rankers frequent ie HIGH LEVEL AREA
character- A college outcast due to farming the game since the start of semester (2 months), has low self-esteem, poor, and overly self conscious. He also lacks experience in challenging content. I'd say that has excellent character traits for a growth potential set up.
What novel can you clearly see the plot by chapter 4. Most novels are working on world building in ch 10's. However, what we can see towards plot is a guy who plays a VR game, gets lucky with a Rare (legendary at this point) and attempts to start having an adventure rather than mindless grinding easy targets

With this comment your criticism shows a true inability to judge