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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2538 Comment(s)
908 Upvote(s)
Safer doesn't mean without danger. Chewing tobacco may have less chemicals, but it still HAS chemicals processed in that cause cancer (interact with cancer gene causing it to become active).

Like smoking tobacco, most chewing tobacco has additive substances. The rotting comes from fiberglass that digs into the lips, gums, and enamel (not the target) to ensure faster ingestion. They also have wide varieties of other chemicals besides "flavoring". The closest to natural chewing tobacco is big red, but this doesn't mean 100% tobacco. You'd have to grow it yourself to achieve that.

This is what I meant with RAW tobacco.
y'know, since they've said that, they've added about 1 million chemicals to "tobacco".
And just like other medications raw tobacco can be used for a variety of medical purposes but also has side effects
Cancer is caused by many things too so its not like you lower probability by not smoking. You already have the cancer gene, it's a matter of activating.
Lastly, even too much oxygen, water, or food can kill you
Cookie Muncher Ddog - 1726277856
frame 2 replaced by frame 3
Frame 3 becomes him staring down

My revision of this 4 panel
Marauders take everything except the dead... Their families more than likely died... If you didn't see this you're too innocent
Cookie Muncher - 1726274798
step 1 investigate whole guild to track everyone even if they leave.
Step 2 investigate their family
Step 3 investigate their affiliates
Step 4 wipe their existence 1 generation
Cookie Muncher uCoex - 1726263446
resurrection - the user will warp to the designated location or respawn at current location if no point is established. When the user dies, -1LVL, -50% stat for 24hrs. Penalties will not be applied during tutorial.

Meaning? MC never failed due to waiting for resurrection timer.
Error? He woke up instead of respawning

Hope that explains
bad news: Torture lasts forever
sometimes I'm on comp so its not bad lol
There is so much to say, but the key points would be
You have no clue about economics
Every politician uses emotions in their campaign, but very few RELY on it. THIS is what makes him a poor version of Hitler. That and they share a few more similarities like advocating violence.
Cookie Muncher - 1725630093
lets be real here.
You survived because regressor ensured your safety, consumption, and quick clear. What you did was loaf around, abuse kindness, and squandered precious resources doing the bare minimal for your own safety. Some only took authority so they didn't even have to work but force workload on others. What obligation does he have to others now that they are relatively safe
considering real life interest rates on backing without background or assets, you can expect 8-12% (3-6% with background or assets that cover loan easily) interest on the loaned money not mentioning the fact this would count as investing in a business, not a person if he's trying to make this point. This would free him from the obligation of paying back but she should receive far more shares to the business she rightfully co-owns
if you are talking about the rape comment, it legitimately already happened.
The night before the woman was burned by mc, she stared at him while sleeping causing him to wake up. Then "rubbed" against him while moaning.
Source: Novel

So it is a real concern
Cookie Muncher Labrys - 1725620090
Dude could be austin powers with his mojo at this point
first... Muscular women are good for some people, all the more so when they still have a chest
Second... Shes a red head. Some people check this box
Third... Some people like straight forwardness.

But mostly people are just simps 😂🤣😂🤣
when you think about enhancing potions and poison both being included, its a perfect setup to maintain leech activities and able to fight
Cookie Muncher Labrys - 1725584832
Making potions, getting rich, and always being an asset to the regressor
him possibly having to throw you away for negative image, life being in danger for being a heretic, more power but still limited with mana pool
youre thinking too simply... Confirm this wife and youre admitting to enjoying bondage bc uk this type of crazy will eventually turn to locking you in the basement in case you TRY to cheat
Cookie Muncher One - 1725579598
its one thing to stick your dick in crazy THEN find out... But to become a sex doll for crazy is ridiculous (when he was sleeping last, she was moaning while rubbing against him {novel})
Cookie Muncher Labrys - 1725576967
Being that she has hero brain from being rescued, and that the only chance to spend time alone with him are these lessons, of course she wants to hide it otherwise "he wouldn't spend time with me" is more likely the thought