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Orlando Gray
1500 points
225 Comment(s)
67 Upvote(s)
Orlando Gray - 1703036819
When they said they needed a child actor, I saw this coming. But I didn't think it'd actually happen.
Orlando Gray - 1703030603
Initially, when Ichigo departed, I perceived him as somewhat worthless, thinking his success was solely tethered to having Ai by his side. However, once she passed away, B-Komachi crumbled, and he vanished along with them. He left both his wife and essentially his grandchildren, Ruby and Aqua, behind. Miyako stepped in, holding the company together and single-handedly raising Ai's kids—truly an MVP. I find it amusing that they brought Ichigo back to handle toilet duty rather than reclaim his position as the company president, lol.
Orlando Gray - 1703005592
Having immersed myself in over 120 chapters of this manga, along with watching the anime and enjoying it, the thought of it taking an incestuous turn would be profoundly disappointing. I'd swiftly drop it, like a game of hot potato. On a brighter note, it's reassuring to witness Ruby returning to her usual self. I'll find solace in the fact that the manga doesn't carry the incest tag on Manga Updates but proceed with caution nonetheless.
Orlando Gray - 1703004204
Aqua must step up as her big brother. Even though she harbors resentment towards him currently, the stakes are so high that she's on the verge of a mental breakdown from which she may not recover.
Orlando Gray - 1703002105
I'm at a loss for family-friendly words to describe this woman. Leaving her child alone and frightened in a hospital to face death is beyond disturbing. Erasing her daughter from her memory to create a new, seemingly happy family with her husband is equally troubling. While she may have children, she falls far from the definition of a mother. I have strong words to express, but I'll refrain to keep this post family-friendly. All I'll emphasize is that a 16-year-old mother did a remarkably better job raising her kids than she did.
Orlando Gray - 1702973063
I can't believe I missed such a detail, especially being as analytical as I tend to be—the change in the stars from white to black in Ruby and Aqua's eyes. Aka Sensei's meticulous planning is evident in action. From Ai's initial appearance in the manga, it was clear she struggled with a web of lies, unsure if her love for her own children was genuine. It's logical that she held a wish hidden even from those closest to her. And regarding the documentary, Ai did mention it during her final moments, asking Aqua to apologize to the director on her behalf. Everything seems meticulously set up for this moment. I must admit, I'm genuinely excited to see what unfolds next.
Orlando Gray - 1702970960
For a moment, I pondered if there might be more to the story. Maybe Hikaru Kamiki didn't harm Ai, or at least didn't intend to. Perhaps, like Kana, he had an overbearing parent deeply invested in his acting career. Maybe his mother sought to eliminate Ai and her kids to prevent scandals from tarnishing her son's career. However, it seems this man is truly a psychopath. Whatever consequences he faces, he deserves every bit of it.
Orlando Gray - 1702957730
Ah, I was curious about the potential unforeseen consequences, and it turns out it's the sister's love for her brother. These two have had a strong bond since the beginning of the manga, even before they were born. They were on good terms in their past life. It's disheartening to witness them not getting along like this.
Orlando Gray - 1702956301
Kana getting involved with a boy could spell trouble for B-Komachi. Swapping coverage of a potentially damaging story for this move seems strategically wise. Many might take notice and rally behind the current B-Komachi, recognizing their efforts to carry on their mother's legacy and fulfill the dream she was denied. However, there could be unforeseen consequences, and I hope this doesn't backfire on them.
Orlando Gray - 1702941105
How did he find out that her crush has been in a relationship for over a year? Kana never disclosed that information to him.
Orlando Gray - 1702939589
Well, Kana can't say she's not important now. She's significant enough to stir up a major scandal for B-Komachi. This might be the perfect opportunity for Aqua to step in and offer his support. Perhaps they'll be able to reconcile, patch things up, and return to being on good terms.
Orlando Gray - 1702899308
I'm curious about Aqua's reaction. He maintained his distance from Kana to protect her from obsessive idol fans and potential scandals that could impact her career. Will he persist in keeping his distance even in this crucial moment when she might need him the most? Continuing to avoid her could potentially lead to regrets down the line.
Orlando Gray - 1702898116
This chapter has been fantastic. Akane isn't dead, so I can finally set down the pitchfork and torch. The old Aqua is back, better than ever, now armed with the knowledge of his true father. With Aqua x Akane no longer in the picture, there's a glimmer of hope for my ship to set sail.
Orlando Gray - 1702897046
I've quietly been on Team Kana for some time, but Akane is genuinely a keeper. She exudes top-tier girlfriend material. I swear, if this cliffhanger is hinting at her demise, there's going to be a riot.
Orlando Gray - 1702896374
The mysterious figure disclosed to Ruby the unsettling presence of a stalker and a middle schooler at the hospital during her birth. Now identified as Hikaru Kamiki, this kid has a disturbing backstory: at the age of 13, he impregnated a married woman, triggering a tragic chain of events. The betrayed husband, unable to cope, was driven to forcefully commit double suicide with his unfaithful wife. If my calculations are accurate, Hikaru is likely around 32 now. The narrative is taking a swift and unexpectedly dark turn.
Orlando Gray - 1702893617
Honestly, I can't help but feel a bit let down by Aqua. I may not be a genius, but even I pointed out 25 chapters ago that Uehara couldn't have been the killer through some straightforward calculations. It's a tad disappointing to see a lapse in attention to detail, especially when everything else in the story has been compelling. Rather than dismissing it as lazy writing, I'm curious to understand why Aqua didn't perform a simple check to ensure he had the right person. We've seen him grapple with guilt and anger, and perhaps this presented an opportunity for him to break free from the revenge scheme and pursue a more ordinary life. Honestly, I need an answer.
Orlando Gray - 1702892398
I've got a feeling Yoshizumi has a thing for Ruby. I just hope he doesn't take a dark turn and become possessive or obsessive if another guy enters the picture.
Orlando Gray - 1702882433
I must say, that would make for an incredibly intriguing episode premise. Triggering a scandal that puts the network in hot water, only to openly investigate the cause in the very next episode, all while striving to be productive by establishing ground rules to prevent a similar scandal in the future. It's a fine line between labeling it as foolish or ingenious, but one thing's for sure—it's undeniably entertaining.
Orlando Gray - 1702870134
Can't help but notice that they didn't show a lot of Meiya's 'lewd' cosplay. Mostly shots of her from the neck up.
Orlando Gray - 1702869432
Maybe Aqua could smooth things over with the writer so they can use Tokyo Blade.