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I mean, what did he anticipate? He intervened when she was on the brink of jumping off her apartment balcony, demonstrating genuine care for her well-being. She writes to him daily, relying on him as her support system. If he abruptly declares he's cutting off direct involvement to adhere to the socially accepted distance between a fan and their idol, it's only natural that she'd be upset. After all, he played a pivotal role in saving her life, and some responsibility should be acknowledged.
FUCK!!!!! I knew it, it's such a common trope in this kind of story about "the broken former idol". Here is my guess The lonely girl who want to be loved. Decided she gonna be an idol so she will be loved by a lot of people. But she's not that popular compared to the other members of her idol group. Also in Japan the unwritten golden rules for idol is that they can't have a lover. So she's just become more and more lonely. Until maybe her staff, or producer, or maybe even some male idol she knew interested in her and then they got in to a forbidden relationship. She then found her "happiness" for a moment, until everything start to go downhill. Maybe she got cheated, or she was the side girls, or maybe her sex tape got revealed. So her agency decided to fired her. She got depressed, started committing self harm, changed her look completely, etc etc. till we come to the current situation.
Oh... Her arm in the last pannel.... Ok hear me out, imma put my tinfoil hat on for this one. I'm guessing her ex realised she's a yandere and dumped her which worsen her mental health which lead to her quitting the band. For the very least I think she had a very bad experience in her last relationship.
AdamThe mc is stupid af. "How dare treat human lives so lightly" as if that not what villain do all the time, hell, he even face them multiple times already. I'm dropping this shit
Name WithheldIf the spouse refuses to put out, is getting it elsewhere cheating?
I know dudes who cheat and think they're cool because they can still score pussy (sad fucks), but I also know a dude whose wife went off sex after their baby and... he just suffers it! At what point does cheating become acceptable?
LuckTo be honest, I don’t mind that much. I’ve never felt attracted to the same sex, but it’s not like I can’t understand it. It’s similar to how I prefer petite women over busty ones
100th Yi Feng CloneI won't be in the famous manga like jjk and one piece. I only read absolute trash and really good manhua and manhwa. I just end up commenting a lot
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